Ibn Sinân al-Khafâcî and His Book Sir al-Fasâha: From the Lure of the Literary Taste to the Manifestations of the Method and the Origination of the Content.

Ibn Sinân al-Khafâcî and His Book Sir al-Fasâha: From the Lure of the Literary Taste to the Manifestations of the Method and the Origination of the Content.

This research focuses on the methodology of Ibn Sinan in his book "The Secret eloquence - Ser al-fasaha" and also the contents and sources that he dealt with. At the constituve part of the main structure of research, other books affecting el-Hafâcî s methodology are reviewed as well. The author has given evidences from poems, highlighted the features of selected (fasih) poems, mentioned poetic models more than prose models, used explicit statements and made descriptions about meanings and concepts for literary comparison. Besides, at the last part of this research, the criticisms of scholars about İbn Sinan s methodology has been analyzed, the supportive and opposing points have been discussed and therefore some defictive and conflictive sides of İbn Sinan s methodology have been mentioned.


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