The Intercultural Reflection in Lecturing German as a Foreign Language: Analysis of Textbooks

Intercultural reflection in didactics is a topic that is so complex as well as important, which is becoming part of debates in academic circuits more and more each day. For this reason this study has in the center of it, the coverage and analysis of the issue, but in the teaching and learning context as a foreign language in Macedonia. Certainly, in this field there are many studies done, which have given special contribution, but there is always space for new thoughts and analysis. Learning German language has already become a necessity in the Balkans, especially in Macedonia, therefore the intercultural aspects in the teaching processes of German language have a greater importance. Though this research I have tried to emphasize the intercultural aspects in textbooks as a primary source of learning German language in Macedonia. The description and analysis of the textbooks as an essential part of intercultural competence and intercultural reflection constitute the purpose of this study. Furthermore, the focus of the study is to understand if there is an intercultural content in German language textbooks in Macedonia. How should teaching change in this level? Can the differences between cultures pass through intercultural competence, which is encouraged in teaching? Intercultural reflection raises many question marks when it comes to language progress, as well as the contact with the way of living and the way of thinking of the country, whose language you learn, in our study case, German learning. Such studies are important, as well as the learners, who will achieve to get integrated and accept a specific culture easier. Also, the teachers, who based on their professional aspect, will have a guide in order to deliver more knowledge to the learners.

The Intercultural Reflection in Lecturing German as a Foreign Language: Analysis of Textbooks

Intercultural reflection in didactics is a topic that is so complex as well as important, which is becoming part of debates in academic circuits more and more each day. For this reason this study has in the center of it, the coverage and analysis of the issue, but in the teaching and learning context as a foreign language in Macedonia. Certainly, in this field there are many studies done, which have given special contribution, but there is always space for new thoughts and analysis. Learning German language has already become a necessity in the Balkans, especially in Macedonia, therefore the intercultural aspects in the teaching processes of German language have a greater importance. Though this research I have tried to emphasize the intercultural aspects in textbooks as a primary source of learning German language in Macedonia. The description and analysis of the textbooks as an essential part of intercultural competence and intercultural reflection constitute the purpose of this study. Furthermore, the focus of the study is to understand if there is an intercultural content in German language textbooks in Macedonia. How should teaching change in this level? Can the differences between cultures pass through intercultural competence, which is encouraged in teaching? Intercultural reflection raises many question marks when it comes to language progress, as well as the contact with the way of living and the way of thinking of the country, whose language you learn, in our study case, German learning. Such studies are important, as well as the learners, who will achieve to get integrated and accept a specific culture easier. Also, the teachers, who based on their professional aspect, will have a guide in order to deliver more knowledge to the learners.


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