Bu araştırmada zihinsel yetersizliği olan çocukların cinselliği hakkında annelerinin görüşlerinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Zihinsel yetersizliği olan bireylerin cinsel durumlarını annelerinin görüşlerine göre değerlendirme ve bu bireylerin cinselliğe dair yaşadıkları sorunları analiz etmek ve daha detaylı bilgilere ulaşmak hedeflenmiştir Nitel bir araştırma olan bu çalışmada yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme tekniği kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen veriler betimsel analiz yöntemi kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Bu araştırmada amaçlı örnekleme yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Araştırma için yaşları 33 ile 55 arasında olan 12 anne seçilmiştir. Bu örneklemin seçilmesinin sebebi annelerin zihinsel yetersizliği olan çocuğa sahip olmalarıdır. Bu araştırmanın diğer zihinsel yetersizliği olan çocukların ailelerine, çocuklarının cinselliği konusunda rehber olacağı düşünülmektedir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda aşağıdaki sorulara cevap aranmıştır. 1) Annelerin zihinsel yetersizliği olan çocuklarının cinsel yaşamına bakışları nasıldır? 2) Annelerin, zihinsel yetersizliği olan çocuklarının cinsellik eğitimi ve cinsel gelişimleri hakkındaki hazırlıkları üzerine düşünceleri nelerdir? 3) Annelerin zihinsel yetersizliği olan çocuklarının cinsel eğitim programlarının içeriğine dair düşünceleri nelerdir? Araştırmanın bulguları, zihinsel yetersizliği olan çocukların annelerinin, çocuklarının cinselliğini dürtü ve ihtiyaç çerçevesinde temellendirdiklerini göstermiştir. Ayrıca annelerin zihinsel başlamalarından sonraki korku ve endişelerinin ön plana çıktığı da yine araştırmanın bulgularındandır. Bu korku ve endişelerinin kaynağı olarak annelerin, zihinsel yetersizliği olan çocuklarının cinsellikleri ile ilgili durumlarla baş edemeyecekleri, çocuklarının bu yöndeki ihtiyaçlarını karşılayamayacakları, çocuklarının cinsellikle ilgili merak ettikleri konularda tatmin edici cevaplar veremeyecekleri gibi düşünceleri olduğu görülmektedir. Bu araştırmanın bir diğer bulgusu ise annelerin zihinsel yetersizliği olan çocuklarını hala küçük bir çocuk gibi görmeleri nedeniyle cinsel ihtiyaçlarının olmayacağını düşünmeleridir. Annelerin, zihinsel yetersizliği olan çocuklarının cinselliğini kendileri için öncelikli konu olarak görmedikleri, bu nedenle konuyu merak etmedikleri, konu hakkında herhangi bir ön hazırlıklarının olmadığı da araştırmanın bulgularındandır. Araştırmanın en çarpıcı bulgusu ise, annelerin çocuklarının cinselliği hakkında yardım almak istediklerinde başvuracakları bir uzman veya kaynağın olmadığını belirtmiş olmasıdır. Bu araştırmanın işaret ettiği diğer bir bulgu ise, bazı annelerin zihinsel yetersizliği olan çocuklarının cinsel eğitim almasının zorunlu olması ve bu çocukların cinsel ihtiyaçlarının bir şekilde nasıl giderileceğinin öğretilmesi gerektiğini vurgulamalarıdır


In this research, it is aimed to examine the opinions of the mothers of children with intellectual disabilities according to their sexuality. This work targeted to evaluate, this childreens' sexual situation, according to their mothers' opinions and analyse their problems encountered and reach more detailed informations. In this qualitative research, used semistructured interview technique. Acquired datas analysed with descriptive analysis method. In this research used purposeful sampling method. For this research choosed 12 mothers who are between 33-55 years old and have childreen with intellectual disabilities. This sample group choosed because: 1. For learn mothers' information level about their childreens' sexual life 2.For learn their opinions about this subject. Researcher hopes that this reserach will be guide for parents about theirintellectually disabled childrens’ sexual life. For this purpose, the following questions were answered: a) How are the mothers looking to the sexual life of their intellectually disabled children? b)What are the thoughts of the mothers on children's preparation for sexuality education and sexual development of children with intellectual disabilities? c)What are the thoughts of the parents about the content of sexual education programs for children with intellectual disabilities? Findings: This reserach found that; intellectual disabled childrens’ sexual life grounded on childreens' drive and need by their mothers. Also mothers feel fear and worry as soon as their childreen started to live their sexual ife. This fear and worry fellings grounded from three reasons 1. This mothers believe that they can't get through their childreens' sexual life problems. 2. They believe that they can't afford their childreens' needs for sexual life. 3. This mothers believe that they can't give satisfying answers to their chlildreens' questions about sexuality. An other finding of this research is because of this mothers classify their childreen as a baby, they think that their chlidreen haven't any sexual needs. Intellectual disabled childrens’ sexuality isn't priority issue for this mother. Because of this reason they haven't enough wonder and preliminary about this subject. The most important findings of this research is; there is no specialist and resoucer for this mothers' need about their intellectual disabled childrens’sexuality. The last finding is; some mothers believe that the sexual education is very important and must be imperative for their childreen and must be thucht them how they can fulfill sexual needs healthly. The sexuality is defined by the Sexual Education Treatment and Research Association (CETAD) as a natural and healthy part of all human beings and human life. CETAD also stated that each person expressed and experienced his sexuality in different ways (CETAD, 2008). Given these definitions, it should be considered that individuals with intellectual disabilities, like other members of society, need to have their sexuality as a part of their own existence, and their sexual needs can shape the behavior of these individuals. However, in the literature, it appears that individuals with intellectual disabilities are faced with negative aspects about their sexuality. It is stated in various sources that individuals with intellectual disabilities are those who have asexual, childish behavior that cannot control their sexuality (Ortland, 2008; Tutar Güven and İşler, 2015), are desperate, have no sexual desires (Bosch 2006; Treiber, 2011; Walter 2002), feelings and needs, are older children (Moll and Moll, 2010) and live extreme sexual lives (Bilge, Çeber, Demirelöz and Baykal Akmeşe, 2012). Due to these negative aspects, the sexuality of individuals with intellectual disabilities is forgotten or neglected (Walter, 2002). The sexuality of individuals with intellectual disabilities is now regarded as a "forbidden situation" and it is not possible for these individuals to live as they wish for their sexuality (Çelik, 2017). On the other hand, in some research results, a positive approach can be seen in the view of the individual with intellectual disabilities. It has been stated that the individual with intellectual disabilities does not differ in the sexuality from the normal individuals in general terms, and that, like every individual, these individuals will also want to live their sexual feelings appropriately (Seyyar, 2005). Thus, every individual with intellectual disability must face and deal with their own sexuality (Moll and Moll, 2010). According to Krenner (2003), individuals with intellectual disabilities have difficulty in living and managing their sexuality only according to the wishes of society. Individuals with intellectual disabilities do not have much knowledge in defining their own bodies, and can have difficulty in recognizing their bodies depending on their condition (Steel, 2014). Most individuals with intellectual disabilities may need lifelong care and support as they cannot meet their personal needs. The personal needs of these individuals are often fulfilled by their families. The families also identify housing and leisure activities for individuals with intellectual disabilities. As a result of this, the sexual life of individuals with intellectual disabilities depends on their own family's thoughts and attitudes (Treiber, 2011). The sexuality of individuals with intellectual disabilities is a problem, not only for them, but also for their families too (Betschart, 2009). It has been determined that the individuals with intellectual disabilities are able to live their lives as they wish and that the support of the sexual education to the individuals with intellectual disabilities is the most important factor in the protection of these individuals against sexual abuse (Çelik, 2017). Purpose and Importance of the Sa) to examine the opinions of the mothers about the sexual lives of intellectually disabled children. b) to evaluate the sexual situations of these individuals according to the opinions of their mothers and to analyze the problems experienced by these individuals c) and to reach more detailed information. In this research, it is important to know, especially for mothers of intellectually disabled children, how much they are informed about the sexuality of their intellectually disabled children and what they think about it. It is thought that this research will guide the families of children with other intellectual disabilities through the sexuality of their children. For this purpose, the following questions were answered: 1) How are the mothers looking to the sexual life of their intellectually disabled children? 2) What are the thoughts of the mothers on children's preparation for sexuality education and sexual development of children with intellectual disabilities? 3) What are the thoughts of the parents about the content of sexual education programs for children with intellectual disabilities? Method Research Model In this context, the research was conducted under the context of the "case study" design, one of the qualitative research designs, in order to determine the mother's opinions about the sexuality of intellectually disabled children. The study group participating in the study was selected by using the sampling method of purposeful sampling methods. The basic criterion determined by the researcher in the sample group is to be the mother of the individual having an intellectual disability. In the study group, mothers of 12 individuals with intellectual disability were selected. In this qualitative study, the data was collected through a semistructured interview form. The interviews with the mothers were held by three experts in the field on this specific topic and the literature survey was conducted and the semi-structured interview form was finally given. At this stage, firstly the working group was informed about the interview and an appointment was made for the face-to-face interview. At this stage, an explanation about the interview for the participants was prepared and a written consent has been obtained from those who agree to participate in the exploration with clear intent of the research. Previously prepared questions were asked for participants, brief explanations about the questions during the interview were made so that participants understood the questions more accurately. The interviews with the mothers of who voluntarily agreed to participate in the survey were recorded with their permission on a voice recorder, and then they were transcribed for more detailed analysis. Each interview lasted approximately for 30 to 40 minutes. The data obtained were analyzed by means of descriptive analysis. It was decided that the findings of this study should be gathered and analyzed under three main themes. Possible sub-themes were formed within these themes, findings were arranged in a meaningful manner and direct quotations were made. Discussion, Conclusion and Recommendations At first glance, it is seen in the research that the mothers of intellectually disabled children who participated in the research are optimistic about the sexual life of their children in general, but they also have some fear and anxiety. According to the results of the research, the mothers of intellectually disabled children based the sexuality of their children on an impulse and need. In a study conducted by Er, Girgin Büyükbayraktar and Kesici (2016), similar results were obtained. Er, Girgin Büyükbayraktar and Kesici (2016) asserted / pointed out / stated that the sexuality is a physiological need and that the individuals having special educational needs will feel this need. Cangöl, Karaca and Aslan (2013) pointed out in their research that the individuals with intellectual disabilities also have hormones operating in the normal manner, and they have sexual abilities and activities like normal individuals. Another finding of this study is that mothers of intellectually disabled children will develop their children’s sexual development in parallel with their mental development. At the same time, intellectually disabled children are at the forefront of their fear and become worried after their sexuality matures. What seems to worry the mother of children with intellectual disabilities is that the mothers will not be able to find a way to meet the needs of their children in this way, answer the questions they ask properly, and give satisfactory answers to the questions on topics their children are curious about. Another point that this research has dealt with was that the mothers of intellectually disabled children see their children as a baby, they think that their children will not have any needs related to the sexuality. In the study of Çiftçi, Tekinarslan and Eratay (2013) families think their intellectually disabled children will always remain as children and for this reason they will not have any sexual needs. Another study results appeared also to confirm this. In a study conducted by Bilge and Baykal (2008); Menghini (2012) and Moll and Moll (2010) it was asserted that individuals with intellectual disabilities are likely to remain as will be children and their sexual functions and sexual organs mature. Some of the findings of this research emphasizes that some mothers realize the sexuality and the need for sexuality of their children only after their children discover their sexual organs. Çiftçi, Tekinarslan and Eratay (2013) obtained similar findings in their research. These findings indicated that families of intellectually disabled children gave sexual information to their intellectually disabled children about changes in the sexual development (Çiftçi Tekinarslan and Eratay, 2013). One of the consequences of this study is that for the mothers of intellectual disabilities children, the sexuality of the intellectual disabilities children is not a priority for them. For this reason they do not worry too much about the sexuality of their intellectually disabled children and the mothers do not have any professional support from experts to deal with this issue. The findings of the research conducted by Bilge, Çeber, Demirelöz and Baykal Akmeşe (2012) are similar to the results of this study. Bilge, Çeber, Demirelöz and Baykal Akmeşe (2012), Reproductive Health Education Given to the Parents of Intellectual Disabled for the Intellectual Disabled", they concluded that 47.8% of children with intellectual disabilities are in need of professional help to deal effectively with their problems with sexuality. The findings Gümüş and Altınsoy (2016) obtained as a result of their research support the same results. Gümüş and Altınsoy (2016) pointed out that the needs of intellectually disabled were not understood correctly and there was no initiative to meet these needs. The other consequence of this research is that mothers of intellectually disabled children have no knowledge and education about the sexuality of their children. Even the mothers who naturally assess the sexuality of their children have stated that they care more about the mental and physical development of their children. It is stated that mothers have some questions in their mind before they confront the sexual problems of their intellectually disabled children individually but they have never had the option of researching, solving, or consulting a specialist in this matter. It is also stated that they have a serious lack of knowledge about which methods can solve this problem. Even mothers who consider their children's sexuality as a natural process have declared that children with mental disabilities do not enter into any research on sexuality and prefer postponing the question marks in their heads. Children's families with intellectual disabilities are confused about their children's sexuality (Maas, 2011). In order for mothers of intellectually disabled children to have information about the sexuality, it is necessary to prepare narratives and visuals and books on sexual education and to support them with CDs. Another consequence of the study is that it is necessary for parents to participate in the sexual education programs. Some of the mothers participating in the survey think that the fathers should be more active when it comes to sexual education of the boys as a part of the inclusion of fathers in the sexual education program. This makes us think that the mothers do not have much information about the sexual development of their male children, thus they have anxiety that they may experience some problems. In a study conducted by Kök (2010), 28 of mothers with intellectually disabled boys were found to have difficulties in their own physical care (bathing, body cleaning), and that the fathers did not know how to treat their intellectually disabled children during their adolescence. Another study also seems to support this finding. In their study, Hensle and Vernooij (2002) asserted that the fathers of intellectually disabled children are particularly compelled about the sexuality of their own children. An investigation revealed that 88.5% of the families of individuals with intellectual disabilities thought that sexual education would be beneficial (Bilge, Çeber, Demirelöz and Baykal Akmeşe, 2012). Another consequence of this study is that some of the mothers of intellectually disabled children need tohave the sexual education and learn how to deal with their children’s sexual needs. It can be thought that the main reason of the mothers thinking that their children having intellectual disabilities should have the sexual education is to protect them against sexual abuse with the help of their sexual education program. In his study, Çelik (2017) was determined that the sexual education for individuals with intellectual disabilities must be supported with concrete situation and visions. This is the most important factor in protecting individuals with intellectual disabilities against sexual abuse. Er, Girgin Büyükbayraktar and Kesici (2016) emphasize the importance of individuals with intellectual disabilities in their studies to recognize the problems of their own sexuality, to distinguish their sexual identity and to prepare the teaching methods according to the level of disability of the intellectual disabled individual so that they can meet their sexual developmental needs. Another result of the research is that the content of the sexual education program should include all the steps of sexual life and sexual development of individuals with intellectual disabilities. Thus, as a resource that the families of intellectually disabled children can benefit, they can ensure that they are prepared for the problems they are likely to encounter with the sexuality of their intellectually disabled children and can contribute to the awareness of the families in this regard. The following suggestions can be made according to the results of the research: It is necessary to repeat the seminars frequently to ensure that the parents of the individuals with intellectual disabilities are able to recognize the sexuality of their children. It is understood to be useful for the preparation of a training manual in which there is sexual education materials and information that both individuals with intellectual disabilities and their families can benefit. The most important recommendation is that the institutions in which the individuals with intellectual disabilities and their families can consult about the sexuality and the training of specialists on the sexuality of individuals with intellectual disabilities will contribute to this issue.


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Turkish Studies (Elektronik)-Cover
  • ISSN: 1308-2140
  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 4 Sayı
  • Başlangıç: 2006
  • Yayıncı: Mehmet Dursun Erdem
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