Oğuz Türkçesinin en doğudaki kolu olan Türkmence bugün başta Türkmenistan, Afganistan, Suriye, Irak, Özbekistan, Tacikistan, Pakistan ve Rusya gibi ülkelerde yaşayan Türkmenler tarafından kullanılmaktadır. Türkmencenin Teke, Yomut, Ersarı, Salır gibi birçok diyalektleri vardır. Özellikle Türkmence gramerler ve edebî eserler çoğunlukla Teke ağzıyla yazılmaktadır. Yabancılar tarafından yazılmış olan birkaç tane gramer kitabı da Teke ağzı esas alınarak yazılmıştır. Teke ağzıyla yazılan bir kitaptan Türkmence öğrenen insanlar diğer Türkmence diyalektleri anlama konusunda zorluk çekmektedir. Indiana Üniversitesiyle yaptığımız bir protokol kapsamında taslak olarak bir Türkmence gramer kitabı hazırlanmış ve bu çalışma 2015 yılında yabancı öğrenciler tarafından kullanılmıştır. Öğrenciler dönem sonunda kitapla ilgili sorunlarını bir rapor halinde sunmuşlardır. Bu raporlar doğrultusunda Türkmence bir gramer kuralını veya ses bilgisinin bölümlerinin kitabın hangi bölümünde görmek istedikleri gibi konular bu raporlar doğrultusunda değerlendirilecektir. Bu çalışmada yine öğrencilerden alınan dönütlere bağlı olarak yabancılara Türkmence öğretimiyle ilgili bir Türkmence kitabın nasıl hazırlanması gerektiği, bu kitabın hazırlanmasının zorlukları, yabancılara Türkmence öğretimi materyallerinin hazırlanması, bu materyaller hazırlanırken nelere dikkat edilmesi, konuların hangi sırayla izlenmesi gerektiği vb. konularda önerilerimiz anlatılacaktır. Yabancılara hazırlanan bir Türkmence kitabının en büyük zorluklarında biri Türkmencenin ses bilgisinin ve morfolojinin öğretilmesi gibi zorluklar gelmektedir. Örneğin sıfat-fiil, zarf-fiil veya kip eklerinin sayıca fazlalığı ve bunların Türkmen diyalektlerinde farklı kullanımı bu zorlukların başında gelmektedir. Bu çalışmanın yabancılara Türk lehçeleri öğretimi ile ilgili yapılacak çalışmalara kaynak olacağı yine Türk Lehçelerinin öğretimi konusunda hazırlanacak olan materyaller konusunda da faydalı olacağı düşünülmektedir


The Turkmen language, as an east tribe of Oghuz Turkic, has been used today in Afganistan, Syria, Iraq, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Pakistan and Russia. The Turkmen language has many dialects such as Teke, Yomut, Ersarı, Salır. Particularly, The Turkmen grammar and literary works had been written mostly in Teke accent. A few grammar books written by foreigners are based on Teke accent, as well. People who are learning Turkmen language with books on Teke accent have difficulty understanding other Turkmen dialects. A Turkmen grammar book had been ready as a draft within the protocol in India University and this study were used by foreign students in 2015. At the end of the semester, students presented their problems about the book in reports. Parts of any grammar rules or phonology will be evaluated to see the parts in the book within these reports. In this study, our recommendations will be mentioned about the preparation of Turkmen language teaching materials to foreigners, topic flow and remarkable materials. One of the most difficult things preparing a Turkmen language book for foreigners is to teach Turkmen phonology and morphology. For example, adjective-verb, adverb-verb or suffixes are some initial difficulties to teach. It has been thinking that this study will be useful for materials and to be resource in teaching Turkish dialects to foreigners.Turkmenistan is situated in the very heart of Central Asia, between the Caspian Sea in the west and the great Amu Darya River in the east, and from the Aral Sea littoral steppes in the north to the Kopet Dag mountain range to the south. Standard Turkmen is regarded as their national language by all Turkmen living within Turkmenistan, Iran, Afghanistan, Russia, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. Standard Turkmen as an all-national language which began developing in the mid 19th century in Ahal velayat, which was the administrative, military, political, and economical center of Ahalteke Turkmen. So, Standard Turkmen stands closest to the real language of the Teke dialect, specifically of the Ahalteke subdialect spoken in Geokdepe and Ashgabat regions. At the same time, following principles of democracy and balance between Turkmen tribes and their dialects in the 1920s and 1930s, Turkmen intelligentsias, linguists, and other specialists artificially added to the Standard Turkmen some pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary features from other major dialects mainly from Yomut, Mary Teke, and Ärsari dialects. Although it had made the standard Turkmen partly artificial and abstract, it was a positive contribution to the unification of Turkmen tribes and their identification as a united Turkmen nation. Today, Standard Turkmen is used in education, clerical work, record keeping, etc, and is the main means of communication and information in Turkmenistan. Although a variety of differences of spoken Turkmen between representatives of velayats and districts still exist. Today, books on Turkmen are written on the basis of Teke dialect. There are many Turkmens grammar books written in English, Turkish and Turkmen. There is no book of Turkmen teaching with EnglishTurkmen or Turkmen-English written grammar or foreign language. We prepared a book on teaching Turkmen language composed of 16 parts in order to teach Turkmen with foreign language. The book we prepared was applied to the students who came to learn Turkmen for two months in summer school. In this way, whether the book has succeeded or not, it is aimed to eliminate the deficiencies. In the summer school, in the direction of criticism of the students and the teacher who applied the book, we diminished the book to twelve divisions and made the language more understandable. Purpose of the Study In the book we prepared, we tried to teach Turkmen which is used in everyday life in TurkmenistanWe aimed at creating a picture of students' mind about daily life in Turkmenistan and aimed to compare Turkmenistan with cultural and social transformations in their country, for who have never found in Turkmenistan. For this purpose, sociocultural activities, traditions and customs, official and religious festivals were told and especially Turkmenian activities were introduced.In other words, we wanted the learners of Turkmen to learn the Turkmen culture at the same time.Through the texts and dialogues used in the book, it was aimed to tell Turkmen's history, lifestyles and cultural characteristics.In order to better introduce the Turkmen culture, the words and idioms commonly used in birth, death, marriage, holidays and celebrations were also shown in English.With this work, struggles in the preparation of foreigners' teaching book of Turkmen language and tried to explain how these difficulties should be solved. Metodology In this article, it is told what should be in a book prepared as English-Turkmen in the teaching of Turkmen to strangers, that is, the contents and the difficulties in the preparation of the book.We put a scorecard at the end of the book for summer school students to criticize and rate it.We also want students to express what they are challenged with or what they find invalid or incomplete.As a result of the criticisms made, we also took some parts of the book and added some sections in line with the wishes of the students.In this article, we presented the forms that a few students evaluated.We showed you the parts of the book that we prepared earlier, then we finally showed the content of our book, which consists of twelve chapters that we have prepared..Turkmen vowels are pronounced with “long” or “short” duration. This vowel duration is used to differentiate meaning between words in the same way that two separate vowel sounds would do. Short vowels are pronounced like simple vowels in standard English; for example the ‘a’ sound the words ‘ball’, ‘call’, ‘mall’. To pronounce Turkmen long vowels, hold the vowel sound out, for the space of two vowels. We faced some difficulties while preparing this long and short vowels in Turkmen language grammar. Because it is a phonetic feature which doesnt exist in world languages and only shown in spoken language. In this article, we have also mentioned some grammatical rules that foreigners are having a hard time when we are writing books of Turkmen language teaching. Result and Suggestion The books prepared for teaching foreign languages to foreigners should also aim to teach cultures togetherWe belive that with the recommendation of the students, the prepared language teaching books are important in order to determine the degree of difficulties or mistakes in the books, to make teaching methods easier or harder..It was very important to prepare the reports by students and instructors that show the lacks of the book before the Turkmen Turkish teaching set we prepared was published.The evaluation of all these reports by experts made our work very easy and this implementation has made our work much easier.This taught us that it is very important for students and experts to evaluate a language teaching set before it was published.In short, a language teaching set must be evaluated by students before they are printed.


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