Türk dili öğretiminin amacı, Türkçeyi kurallarına göre konuşabilen, sağlam ve tesirli iletişim kurabilen öğrenciler yetiştirmektir. Öğrencilere belirli karakter özelliklerini, bazı mühim değerleri ve davranışları kazandırabilecek edebî metinleri bilhassa özenle seçilmiş şiir örneklerini ders ve çalışma kitaplarına alarak öğrencilerin dil ve zihin gelişimleri sağlanabilir, kelime hazineleri zenginleştirilebilir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, ortaokul Türkçe derslerinde, genç bireye dilin güzelliklerini sezdirecek, anadilini sevdirecek şiir metinlerinin, konuşma ve yazma etkinliklerinde kullanımının önemini ortaya koymaktır. Araştırmada belgesel tarama yöntemi kullanılmıştır ve bu nedenle betimsel bir çalışmadır. Okuma ve dinleme alanı ile ilgili kazanımların gerçekleştirilmesinde az da olsa şiir metinleri kullanılırken konuşma ve yazma alanı kazanımlarının gerçekleştirilmesinde şiir metinleri ihmal edilmektedir. İncelemiş olduğumuz 5, 6, 7 ve 8. sınıf Türkçe dersi çalışma kitaplarında şiir metinlerine sadece şiirin ana duygusunu ve yardımcı duygularını, ahenk unsurlarını, tekrar ögelerini, benzetmeleri, söz sanatlarını buldurmada yer verilmiştir. Öğrenciye dilin ahengini ve güzelliğini hissettirecek, ana dilini sevdirecek şiir metinleri çalışma kitaplarında yer almalı; şiirdeki ana duygu ve yardımcı duygular üzerinden öğrencilere önce konuşma etkinliği ardından da yazma etkinliği yaptırılmalıdır. Şiirlerin öğrencilerin dil gelişimi üzerindeki katkısı üzerine düşünülmeli, ders ve çalışma kitaplarının Öğretmenler, öğrencileri daha fazla sayıda şiirle karşı karşıya getirerek onların dil gelişimlerine katkıda bulunmalıdırlar. hazırlanmasında bu durum dikkate alınmalıdır


The aim of Turkish language teaching is to train students who can communicate according to the rules of Turkish language, and who can communicate healthy and effectively. Language and mind development of learners can be provided and vocabulary can be enriched by taking literary texts, particularly carefully selected poetry examples, which can gain certain character traits, some important values and behaviors, to students. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the importance of the use of speech and writing activities the texts of the poem that will perceiving the beauty of the language and endearing the native language to young person in Turkish courses in secondary school. Documentary screening method was used in this study, so this is a descriptive survey study. While poetic texts are used in the realization of gains about reading and listening, they are neglected in the realization of gains in speaking and writing area. In 5, 6, 7, 8 th grade Turkish lesson workbooks that we examined, poem texts have taken part only in finding activities of the main sense and auxiliary emotions of poetry harmony, elements of repetition, metaphors and figures of speech. Poetry texts that will make studenst feel the harmony and beauty of the language and make them love their native language should be included in workbooks and through the main ideas and auxiliary ideas in poetry, first speaking activity and then writing activity should be made to students. This should be taken into account in the preparation of lecture and workbooks of poetry that should be considered on the contribution of students to language development. Teachers should contribute to their language development by bringing students to a greater number of poems.Poetry, a literary genre, can not be defined precisely. People have been needing to express their feelings, thoughts and dreams verbally or in writing since the earliest times. This is the kind of feeling, thoughts and dreams are told in a short, concise and effective way. Poetry does not only sound to the ears, it has a positive effect on all areas of the language. Because it has an important place in language learning and teaching, poetry is a field that every teacher should have in his repertoire. The poems that are appropriate to the children's interests and their levels are in the development of imagination, in the enrichment of vocabulary; language tastes and language awareness. In the research conducted, it has been realized that the lyrical nature of poetry facilitates the learning of learners.This study is a descriptive survey study. Documentary screening method was used in the study. Documentary screening covers finding resources toward a specific purpose, reading, taking notes and evaluation process. In the analysis of the data, descriptive analysis was used in qualitative research methods. The collected data are classified according to the purpose of study. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the importance of the use of speech and writing activities the texts of the poem that will perceiving the beauty of the language and endearing the native language to young person in Turkish courses in secondary school. Conclusions and Recommendations One of the most important aims of Turkish language teaching is to provide language awareness to students. The texts which are the main tool of Turkish teaching should be in the quality to realize this aim. In creating students' language consciousness, we can make use of the poems which contain the beauty of our language. This should be taken into account in the preparation of lecture and workbooks of poetry that should be considered on the contribution of students to language development. Teachers should contribute to their language development by bringing students to a greater number of poems. The aim of Turkish education is to educate students who can use their mother tongue correctly and in accordance with their rules and who can make healthy and effective communication. Literary texts that will develop students' vocabulary for mind and language development and give them specific values and behaviors should include specially wellselected poetry examples in textbooks as well as in workbooks. It is important to utilize poetry kind enough and functionally in teaching Turkish in terms of being able to look at events from different angles, to be able to interpret, to think deeply, to realize the beauty of language, to learn new words and to gain good behaviors. Poetry texts are used when the achievements related to the reading and listening area are realized, while poetry texts are neglected in the achievement of speech and writing field achievements. In the 5, 6, 7, and 8th grade Turkish lesson workbooks that we have examined, poetry texts are included only in finding poetry's main sentiments and helping feelings, harmonies, repetition, analogies and rhetoric. Poetry texts that will make the student feel the harmony and beauty of the language and love his mother tongue should be included in the workbooks; the students should first have a speaking activity and then a writing activity on the main sentiments and auxiliary feelings. The importance of using poetry in textbooks is of importance in addressing children's feelings and thoughts. In this way, the child may become more comfortable expressing himself / herself. However, there are studies about the insufficiency of poem texts in textbooks. In this respect, speaking and writing activities in the workbooks should be done with the movement of poetry.The poet aims to tell a lot of words and phrases while conveying emotions, thoughts, dreams and impressions. This is one of the important differences that separates poetry from prose. Every word in poetry has deep meaning in it. This intense, profound meaning that poetry contains increases the interest in poetry. The discovery of these profound meanings in poetry is antagonistic to students as both activities that can be spoken and written. In terms of poetry, it has to be read according to its content with an appropriate tone of voice, emphasis and harmony. It is important to take advantage of poem reading exercises in teaching correct and proper use of language. A student who learns to use voice and body language effectively while he is reading poetry will be able to do speaking activities more easily. Poetry is a preliminary feature of speech activities here. Poems tell a lot of things, although they are written in small numbers. The words in poems have profound meanings. It is possible for the students to reach this profound understanding by means of poetic interpretation, interpretation. The characteristic features of poetry are reached by analyzing poetry. Poetry interpreting activities are useful speech activities at the same time. From these angles, it can be seen that poetry can be used to gain skills such as understanding, interpretation and evaluation. Poetry is a species that attracts the attention of children and can be read without being bothered in terms of being shorter than other literary species. Poems that address their memoirs, that are appropriate to their level and that they can understand are influential in the development of reading habits in children. One of the literary genres in which emotions, thoughts, dreams and impressions can be described in the most effective way is poetry. The place of poetry in the textbooks is important in terms of addressing children's feelings and thoughts. In this way, the child may become more comfortable with expressing himself / herself. In this respect, it is appropriate to include poems related to the speech and writing activities in the workbooks. If a poem is used in the workbooks that is suitable for the theme, children can love and can talk on, the conversation activity will be done and the important functions of poetry will be utilized. In the same way, the use of poetry for writing activities in workbooks can be thought of as two birds with one stone. Because both writing efficacy will be made through poetry, in which sentiments are most accurately described, and poetry will be benefited from all other benefits


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