Makalede yabancı olmayan üçüncü şahıs eklerin gramatik özellikleri yazarın hikayeciliği içinde ortaya çıkan karşılaştırma, yani hikaye etme süreci metinde araştırılır ve kendi üslup özelliklerine göre tek bir yazarca değil, belki bir zamanın içinde iki özne konuşma ortaya, hem yazarla hem kişiyle tek bir ilgisi olan kelime birliklerine temellenmesi hakkında fikir yürütülür. Yabancı olmayan üçüncü şahıs ekler kategorisindeki sözcük türlerinin kullanış derecesinin bir tür olmadığı, bu da dillerin oluşumunda yararlı özelliği ile bağlandığı, konuşmada bilinen bir olay ya da durumu ayrıca göstermek, vurguyu konuşmacıdan zamirleri, ruhi durum ifade eden fiilleri, özneyle ilişki zaruretini ise modal manadaki kelimeleri kullanmasını ortaya çıkarmak hakkında sonuçlara ulaşıldı. Bunun gibi yabancı olmayan üçüncü şahıs eklerde modal türün kendine has özellikleri diğer sözcük türlerine göre daha belirgin olmasına önem gösterildi. Bu makalede sözdizimsel olaylardan biri yabancı olmayan üçüncü şahıs eklerin gramatik özelliğini, kendine haslığını sağlayan vasıtalar hakkında fikir yürütülür. Edebi metinde yerinde kullanılan yabancı olmayan üçüncü şahıs eklerinin etkileyiciliği, çekiciliği, ahengi gibi çeşitli özelliklere göre insanı çeşitli ruhi durumlara sokar, hayal alemine sokar, gözlemlerini aklından süzgecinden geçirip onun estetik düşünme kabiliyetini genişletir. Okuyucu ya da dinleyici onlar vasıtasyla etkilenir ve de edebi metnin gücünü hisseden bir halde gerçeklik açısından ilişkide bulunur ve değer verir


The present article contains opinions on one of the synthetic cases - grammatical signs of indirect reported speeches and means availing its peculiarity. Being appropriately used in the text, indirect reported sentences due to their features such as impressiveness, affinity and conformity do lead humanity towards various spiritual conditions, brings it into world of imaginations, having brought approaches through the mirror of consciousness further enhances its esthetic mentality. A reader either a listener is impressed by them and having availed and been affected the vigor of the literal imaginative texture correlates and evaluates of the reality facts from the portrayal point of view. The article also includes thoughts on grammatical styles of the indirect reportedsentences within appearing in the authpor's narrations as oppositions, i.e., foundation of the lexical units entered into the texture and in its idiomatic sphere equally belonging not only to the author in its colorific aspect, hence simultaneously relating to the idiomatic filed of the both parties - as to the author, so that to the character. There are also conclusions provided on variety of degrees in utilization of parts of speech within indirect reported sentences, as well as confinements on needs in utilization of the lingual units uniting with prgagmatic nature during communication process, needs on usage of nouns at separate indication and underlinig of a particular event either object while expressing a speech by a speaker, usage of verbs to express mental condition as well as utilization of modal words in order to express subjective relation. Moreover, a separate attention is given a noticeable difference and allocation of the specific features of the modal words within indirect reportedsentences against other words. Coincidence of the language units with the idiomatic cases as well as participation in the achievement of the speaker's aims ensures verbal emotional-expressiveness of the speech. Article also describes customization of language units, including nouns, actively used for expression of relations, their direct relation with nations customs and traditions in the shape of national-historical life and mentality, as well as consideration of features as rigidity, umpudence to the certan extend, peculiar to man-kind and simplicity, politeness and expressivness, peculiar to feminine as norms and limits of the relations between people. Article also underlines presence of peculiarity in utilization of predicate words at indirect speeches. It is known that reported indirect sentences do serve for expression of inner compassion and relation towards objective reality of a character. One can notice often usage of imperative verbs in second person. Predicates, defining inner compassion, are also mentioned in the article as means specifying peculiarity of the indirect reported speeches. Words describing personage's emotional and mental condition either his/her apprehension of reality while ideation is considered as predicates describing inner state. We aloso support an opinion of E.V.Paducheva, linguist that parenthesis and phrases defining personage's mental condition and world-apprehension considered to be a subject of not only a narrator but a speculator as well. We may say that a row of words of modal meaning attract our attention. Article also contains analysis on various opinions of linguists on categories of modality. As we analyze works of nowadays Uzbek imaginative literature, we evidence that a degree of usage of modal words in the historical works was noticeably higher. We observe that particularly words as albatta (of course), ehtimol (perhaps), balki (possibly), har holda (anyways), aslida (actually), were equally used in their functional diction, so that words as rostdan ham (really), chog’i (maybe), chamasi (like), chindan (honestly), shekilli (sort of), har qalay (at least), hoynahoy (mostly), suzsiz (undoubtedly), bahtga qarshi (unfortunately) in collogual style, phrases as darhaqiqat (indeed), haqiqatda (in point of fact), shubhasiz (certainly), tabiiy (naturally), bizningcha (in our opinion), kurinadiki (obvious) - in scientific and publicity style are met more often. Archaic modal words as filhaqiqat, nafsambiriga, voqean, g'olibo as well as contemporary modal words as shoyad, shaksiz, beshak, zero, darvoqe and aftidan are mostly met in imaginative literature. Though reported speeches are variously tasnif and analyzed in the linguistics, most of the conclusions stipulate indirect reported speeches to be a vital stylistic means, not applicable to all modes of the oration and mainly used in literal textures. As society develops continuously, changes in its syntactic structure, alike at every layer of the language, particularly is reflected in the shape of indirect reported speeches. According to this, being one of the figurative means, indirect reported speeches fully represent their esthetic qualities as their emotional-expressive and impressive facilities at revealing personage's state of mind within the texture. Since the aim in the literate textures is to reveal personage's character and features, to describe his/her state of mind and relations towards surrender by means of indirect reported speeches, one should underline a vital role of words defining relations. This is reason with dissatisfactory by personage's own activities, as well as actions by other persons. In few cases such relation is not connected to the speaker only, but also to the social structure and social activities as well. In such cases units defining relations do avail a political importance in their concept
