Günümüzde dijital medya, gerek yabancı dil ve gerekse gramer öğretimi/öğrenimi konusunda sınırsız ve çok farklı materyaller içeren önemli bir araç konumundadır. Dijital medyanın daha önemli bir özelliği ise, yabancı dil öğrencilerinin en büyük grubunu temsil eden gençlerin dikkat ve ilgisini çekmesidir. Gramer öğretimi ise elbette yabancı dil öğretiminden ayrı düşünülemez, fakat gramerin yabancı dil öğretiminde hangi ölçülerde ve hangi yöntemler ile öğrencilere aktarılması gerektiği ise hala tartışma konusudur. Gramer öğretiminin amaçlarını göz önünde bulundurursak, gramerin, öğrencilerinin motivasyon ve ilgisini yükseltmek amacı ile günümüz dünyasında artık farklı yöntemler ve materyaller ile aktarılması gerektiği anlayışı önem kazanmıştır. Bunun içindir ki bu çalışma, soyut gramer alıştırma etkinlikleri yerine, grameri dili tamamlayan bir bütün olarak aktaran kaynaklar ile öğrencinin gramer ve yabancı dile olan merakını geliştiren dijital ortamın gramer edinimi ve öğrenimi acısından nasıl kullanılabileceğini araştırıp genel bir bakış acısıyla sunmayı hedeflemiştir. Her geçen gün yabancı dil ile ilgili özellikle gençlerin ilgisini çeken yeni kaynak ve araçlar geliştirilip piyasaya sürülüyor. Örneğin öğrenme platformları, eşzamanlı iletişim kanalları, forumlar, bloglar, mobil uygulamalar ve oyunlar. Bu araçların büyük bir kısmı verimli ve yararlı bir şekilde yabancı dil öğretiminde de kullanılabilir. Her gün gelişen, her geçen gün hayatımızı daha fazla yönlendiren ve artık geri dönüşü olmayan bu icatlardan uzak durmak yerine, teknik ve dijital alandaki gelişmeleri takip edip onları en iyi ve en verimli bir şekilde eğitim hayatımıza nasıl dâhil edebileceğimizi düşünmeliyiz. Dijital araçlar, eğitim ve öğretiminin diğer alanlarında olduğu gibi yabancı dil eğitimi alanında da etkin bir şekilde kullanılabilir


Nowadays, digital media is an important tool used in Foreign Language Teaching containing various materials for the acquisition of both grammar as well as language skills in general. But even more important is the fact that digital media attracts the attention of young people, who represent at the same time the largest group of language learners. Whereas it is generally accepted that grammar has to be part of foreign language classes, the question, how and to what extent it has to be integrated into foreign language teaching is still being discussed. Particularly with regard to the function and objectives of grammar teaching -such as the increase of student's understanding of the language and consequently an increase of their motivation and interest in foreign languages- it becomes clear that modern language teaching has to take advantage of different approaches and all kinds of distinctive and striking material. Different from studies focusing on traditional and theoretic grammar and language teaching, this study aims at researching and analyzing the advantages of digital media and demonstrating how it can effectively be used as an integral part of foreign language teaching in general. Every day, more and more tools and resources such as learning platforms, simultaneous communication channels, forums, blogs, mobile applications and games, which particularly attract the attention of young people, are being developed and put on the market. The majority of these tools may also be used in a supportive and effective way in foreign language teaching as well as in any other part of education. Instead of avoiding these kinds of tools, which already dominate our lives, we should keep track of technical and digital developments and wonder how to integrate these tools efficiently into our educational system Nowadays, digital media is an important tool used in Foreign Language Teaching containing various materials for the acquisition of both grammar as well as language skills in general. But even more important is the fact that digital media attracts the attention of young people, who represent at the same time the largest group of language learners. Whereas it is generally accepted that grammar has to be part of foreign language classes, the question, how and to what extent it has to be integrated into foreign language teaching is still being discussed. Particularly with regard to the function and objectives of grammar teaching -such as the increase of student's understanding of the language and consequently an increase of their motivation and interest in foreign languages- it becomes clear that modern language teaching has to take advantage of different approaches and all kinds of distinctive and striking material. Different from studies focusing on traditional and theoretic grammar and language teaching, this study aims at researching and analyzing the advantages of digital media and demonstrating how it can effectively be used as an integral part of foreign language teaching in general. While grammar teaching methods have been changing since the 19. Century, the purposes are still the same. Grammar teaching is important to learn about the history, the structure and the functions of language, to make students realize their mistakes and motivate them to use standard language. Nowadays, it is easier than ever to discover the world and meet different people from different cultures, but the development of crosscultural language awareness and self-confidence is only possible if the cultural dimensions of the language are included in the learning and teaching process. That is why it is very important to use and integrate teaching material like the internet or digital tools which refer to the cultural dimensions of a language while teaching it. The way of getting in touch with different people from different cultures is the use of a common language. That is why it seems that foreign language teaching is one of the best and most efficient areas of education where multimedia-based teaching methods should be applied. The most important advantage of multimedia assisted language teaching is the fact that it personalizes the learning process. By taking advantage of multimedia tools, we get the opportunity to improve our language skills and experience the authentic use of the target language by using real time communication tools, consecutive communication tools or oral and written communication activities. Even if the structure of many digital applications is still similar to that of conventional grammar and teaching books, some already contain animations, videos, audio files podcasts or a combination of those mentioned. The currentness of digital tools is another advantage. It is known that the development of positive emotions has a beneficial effect on the learning process. The use of current and authentic material for grammar and language teaching helps the students to increase the understanding of a subject and to learn, understand and memorize important issues in their context. Especially the positive effects of images, animations and appropriately designed material on the learning process have been confirmed by a large scope of studies on the subject. As already known, in terms of grammar, a small movement or a temporal or locational change are sufficient enough to change the whole meaning of a sentence, but it is often quite difficult to understand these temporal or locational changes without a visualization on the screen and this is where conventional learning and teaching materials are mostly insufficient. Especially in the case of complex grammar subjects such as sentence/word order, verb forms and derivations as well as the use of verbs-prepositions-adverbs, moving images and animated representations might be much more effective to stimulate the mind than conventional teaching methods are. Language has no single or unitary structure. Language is shaped by its socio-cultural context. That is why both the language structure itself as well as the vocabulary may have different shapes and meanings depending on its context. The use of metaphors and their cultural context is another important aspect in foreign language teaching. Here again, animations and moving images can support the process of understanding. In addition to that, the memorization progress of new words and its consistency is being accelerated when multimedia learning tools in combination with visual and authentic contextual aspects are involved. Despite the cultural, contextual and authentic advantages multimedia tools offer, the majority of teachers are opposed to the use of multimedia tools such as digital dictionaries in language teaching, but we believe that both teachers and students would benefit from a balanced and conscious use of multimedia tools in foreign language teaching. As many of the tools presented in this study are currently not available in the Turkish language, we think that – in order to achieve an increase of motivation and contribute to the evolution of the educational system- it is very important to further develop these tools on the part of national universities as well as the Ministry of National Education


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