Tarih dersleri öğrencilere değerlerin öğretilmesinde önemli bir yere sahiptir. Tarih dersleri sadece bilgi ve becerilerin öğrencilere aktarıldığı bir ders olarak görülmemelidir. Aynı zamanda tarih dersleri öğrencilerin duygularına da hitap etmektedir. Tarih derslerinde öğrencilere, büyüklere saygı, yurt sevgisi, topluma karşı sorumluluklarını yerine getirme, milli ülkülere bağlılık, kendine güven, hoşgörü, adil olma ve bağımsızlık gibi değerler öğretilebilir. Bu bağlamda tarih derslerinin değer eğitimindeki yerinin bilinmesi önemlidir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, tarih öğretmenlerinin değer eğitimi hakkındaki görüşleri belirlemek ve tarih derslerinde değer eğitiminin önemini ortaya koymaktır. Çalışmada nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden betimsel yöntem kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın çalışma alanını 2014- 2015 eğitim öğretim yılında İzmir Menemen İlçesinde görev yapan ve tesadüfü örneklem yöntemiyle seçilen 14 tarih öğretmeni oluşturmaktadır. Araştırma verileri, yarı yapılandırılmış mülakat formu aracılığıyla toplanmıştır. Mülakat formu aracılığıyla toplanan veriler içerik analizi yöntemiyle çözümlenmiş ve elde edilen bulgular, frekans, yüzde ve doğrudan alıntılarla birlikte tablo haline getirilip yorumlanmıştır. Araştırmadan elde edilen veriler, değerler eğitiminin tanımı, tarih derslerinde değerler eğitimi, tarih derslerinde değerler eğitiminde kullanılan yöntemler, tarih derslerinde değer kazanımı, tarih müfredatının değerler eğitimi açısından yeterliliği, tarih derslerinde değerler eğitiminde karşılaşılan problem temaları altında yorumlanmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre, tarih öğretmenlerinin, değer eğitimi konusunda ve tarih derslerinin değerler eğitimindeki yeri hakkında genel bir bilgiye sahip olduğu anlaşılmaktadır


History, which is a part of human life, is one of the most important disciplines of social sciences. From past to present history teaching has been of great importance. There are two approaches that prevail in history teaching. The first of these approaches is to teach the history in order to convey the citizenship and identity in line with traditional understanding of history. Through this approach, it is aimed to educate good citizens who recognize and adopt their society and values by teaching the students the knowledge of past. The second approach which has been well accepted in history teaching is the approach which is based on gaining the students scientific point of view, higher-order thinking skills and qualifications. (Demircioğlu, 2010, Dilek, 2002). Dewey thinks that the purpose of history teaching is to ensure good communication with other people, to have people appreciate the values of social life, to adopt and promote the kinds of characters who help humanity and make people advance and regress. The objectives of history teaching are on educating good citizens as Dewey states. Nichole (1996) establishes a close relationship between the teaching of history and citizenship education. Nichole stated that history courses are the courses that support citizenship education. Through history courses, the values that form the basis of the society and are transferred from generation to generation through centuries are learned (Schmidt, 2002). In addition, justice, goodness, truth, rights, respect, tolerance, reconciliation and different perspectives are among the values that can be taught to students in history courses (Ulusoy, 2005). Purpose The purpose of this study is to get history teachers’ views on the role of history courses on values education. Method The study has been developed in a qualitative manner and descriptive research method has been used in the research. Description researches are the researches that describe what the events, objects, assets, organizations, groups and various fields are. It is an approach which aims to describe a condition which existed in the past or still exists as it is. (Karasar, 2009, Merriam, 2013). For data collection, semi-structured interviews were used in the study. Data collection tool was created in the light of the relevant literature. The views of an expert were received to improve the validity and reliability of the data collection tool and the pilot study of measuring tool was conducted. The interviews were conducted with history teachers in January 2015. Results and Discussion History teachers think that value education is important in this study in which history teachers’ views about the place of history courses in value education. As stated in the study done by Tokdemir (2007), history teachers indicated that teaching the students the values is important. From the research findings it is understood that history teachers have a general knowledge about values education. The answers the history teachers participating in the survey for the definition of values education are described under the themes such as preparing for social life, building bridges between the past and the future and educating ideal people. In this context the answers which the history teachers gave for the definition of values education are close to the definition of values education defined in the theoretical part of the study. Values education in the conceptual part of the study are defined as individual’s recognizing specific values, generating new values from those values, adopting the values he/she produced and shaping his/her own character based on these values, and transforming it into behavior (Yeşil ve Aydın, 2007). That the history teachers participated had knowledge about values education could be considered as a positive result because it would be easier to implement values education in their courses for the history teachers who know the description, purpose, scope, and elements of values education. Teachers reported that history courses significantly contributed to values education. History courses in secondary schools should not be seen only as a lesson to teach the knowledge and skills. Today, history courses play an important role in ensuring social cohesion, recovery of cultural identity and gaining the students the desired values. Most of the teachers participated in the study stated that history courses which include rich subjects would contribute to values education in terms of goals and objectives. According to the findings, history teachers stated that history teachers used various methods and techniques with the aim to gain the students the knowledge for values education. As regards to the findings reached by the teachers, it seems that teachers benefited from techniques and methods such as narration, empathy, modeling, story and brainstorming in values education. That history teachers used different methods and techniques for values education could be considered as a positive result because the more different methods and techniques are used, the easier the students learn the values. According to the findings, most of the teachers stated that the curriculum of history is inadequate for values education. Teachers indicated that the curriculum of history is intensive in terms of subjects, the activities are insufficient and national and universal values are not adequately reflected in the curriculum. Besides, the teachers participated in the study stated that putting sample stories for values education in the curriculum of history would facilitate learning values. When history teachers’ opinions are examined, it has been concluded that there are some factors making values education difficult to learn. It could be said that the factors making values education difficult to learn arise from teachers, students and family, the education system and textbooks. The following recommendations could be made in the light of the findings reached in the study;  According to the survey results, it is understood that history teachers have a general knowledge of values education. More detailed information about values education could be given to prospective teachers in education faculties to increase their knowledge about values education.  In-service teacher training seminars and courses could be arranged to inform the teachers about values education.  The training given both in faculties of education and in in-service training seminars shouldn’t be limited to theoretical knowledge.  The practices related to methods and techniques that will be able to used in values education should also be given to teachers as well as the conceptual knowledge.  The history curriculum should be developed in the direction that will contribute to values education.  It should be paid attention that history textbooks should be prepared in a way that will contribute to values education.
