Çocuk neden resim yapar? Renkler, çizgiler çocuğun dünyasında ne ifade eder? Acaba resim yapmak çocuk için bir oyun mudur? Çocuklar resim yaparken çevrelerinde gelişen ve değişen olaylardan ne kadar etkilenmektedirler? Özellikle tek taraflı iletişimin en önemli objeleri konumunda olan televizyon ve bilgisayar çocuğu sanatsal gelişim açısından etkilemekte midir? İşte bütün bu soruların cevabı, çocuğun olanca saflığıyla görselleştirdiği resimlerinde gizlidir. Bu araştırmada çizgi film ve bilgisayar oyunlarının 5-6 yaş grubu çocuklarının sanatsal gelişimi üzerine etkilerinin olup olmadığı araştırılmıştır. Araştırma; Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi Vakfı okul öncesi programına kayıtlı 5 grupta yer alan toplam 24 öğrenci üzerinde uygulanmıştır. Araştırmada elde edilen nitel veriler öğrenci gözlemleri ve öğrencilerin yapmış oldukları resimlere dayanmaktadır. İçerik analizi yönteminin kullanıldığı çalışmada çocuklardan ilk önce en sevdikleri çizgi film karakterlerinin resimlerini yapmaları istenmiş, 14 gün sonra gerçekleştirilen çalışmada ise konunun serbest olduğu bir başka çalışma yaptırılmıştır. İki çalışma arasındaki benzerlik ve farklılıklar uzman görüşü alınarak tespit edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Araştırmada 5-6 yaş grubu çocukların özellikle şiddet içerikli temaların yoğun olarak kullanıldığı çizgi dizi, animasyon film ve bilgisayar oyunlarından oldukça etkilendikleri ve bu durumun bir ifade aracı olarak kullandıkları resimsel anlatımlarında, konu seçimi başta olmak üzere, renk, çizgi ve diğer kompozisyon ögeleri açısından etkili olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır


In this study, it was researched that whether the cartoons and computer games have an influence on the artistic development of the 5- 6 age group children or not. The Study was conducted with 24 students in total from 5 groups enrolled in Middle East Technical University Foundation preschool program. Qualitative data achieved in the study are based on the student observations and the pictures the students drew. In the study where content analysis method was applied, the children were asked to draw the picture of their favourite cartoon characters in the first instance; and in the other study conducted after 14 days, they were instructed to perform another work where they were free to draw in any subject. Similarities and distinctions between these two studies were tried to be detected by receiving learned opinion. THE PURPOSE OF THE STUDY The time 5-6 age group children spend before the television and computer screens are gradually increasing and that naturally affects the psychological and social development of the children. This influence also can be seen from time to time on the drawing works that the children use as a means of communication. What is planned for this study is to find out if the cartoons and computer games have any influence on the artistic development of the children from 5-6 age group. In accordance with this purpose; the question "What is the influence of cartoons and computer games on the artistic development of the children from the age group 5-6?" is the problem sentence of this study. Also answers for the following sub problems is searched for in the study. 1. Do cartoons and computer games affect the artistic development of the children from the age group 5-6 in terms of choosing a subject? 2. Do cartoons and computer games affect the artistic development of the children from the age group 5-6 in terms of choosing colour? 3. Do cartoons and computer games affect the artistic development of the children from the age group 5-6 in terms of linear level? STUDY MODEL In this study where the influence of cartoons and computer games on the artistic development of the children from the age group 5-6 will be researched, one of the qualitative research methods, "case study" model is used. Along with the literature review method, observation, interview and application techniques are used. THE RESULT Painting is no different from any of the communication methods they use to show their mental and emotional reactions for the children from the age group 5-6. In fact, the children prefer painting which is an indispensable means of visual communication, rather than talking from time to time. This study aims to detect one or more factors affecting the artistic development of the children. It was observed thanks to the gathered study findings that the characters in the cartoons, computer games and animation movies have a strong influence on the children's artistic development when the drawings of the children from the age group 5-6 are examined and that the sex variance is one of the decisive factors in the children's preference of cartoon characters. It was also observed that especially the boys are influenced by the cartoons and computer games where violent themes are highly used when compared to girls. As the figures, colours and lines children used in their initial and the last drawings asked for to generate data for the study show similarity is found to be important when examined according to the context as they show how important factors were the television and the computer occupying a serious portion of the life of the individual. RECOMMENDATIONS The ages of 5 and 6 are of especially importance in the shaping process of developing the prospective personalities of the children. The choices children make towards the stimuli occurring and existing around them in the mentioned age group affects not only the personal growth of the child but also the artistic development. Therefore, the parents or the leaders of the children have an undeniably important task in this age period of their children. Families should ensure that their children are more selective towards the cartoons on the television and should keep their children away especially from the violent fantasy fictions. In addition, they should put a limit to the computer game time, be sensitive in terms of game selection and establish a control mechanism on the children. In order for the child's artistic development to continue in a healthy manner, parents and other instructors should carry their communication with the child to a healthy platform and ensure face to face communication type instead of single-sided communication and this will help the individual to avoid violent themes in the performances one poses. At this stage; the time spent with the child should be increased, stories improving the pictorial image power should be told and negative criticism that can affect the linear development should be avoided as much as possible. In this context, an art environment where the child can freely express himself/herself should be established and you should not interfere with the child's colour choices, linear and schematic approaches. As the study is limited to 24 children from the age group 5 - 6 studying at a private institution, application of the similar studies to different socio-economical sample groups is of importance in terms of generalization of the study results.


Turkish Studies (Elektronik)-Cover
  • ISSN: 1308-2140
  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 4 Sayı
  • Başlangıç: 2006
  • Yayıncı: Mehmet Dursun Erdem