Eğitim, insanlık tarihi kadar eski en önemli faaliyetlerden birisidir. Her çağda toplumların kendisine uygun eğitim sistemini geliştirmeye çalıştığı görülmektedir. Fakat endüstrileşme sürecinin başlamasıyla birlikte gelişen ülkelerle diğer ülkeler arasındaki gelişmişlik düzeyindeki farkın artmasıyla birlikte endüstrileşen ülkelerin eğitim modellerini diğer ülkeler tarafından takibi ve transferi söz konusu olmuştur. Dünyada 20 yüzyılın ikinci yarısından itibaren bilim ve teknolojik gelişmelerle birlikte çok yönlü değişimler doğrudan eğitim kurumlarını da etkisi altına almıştır. Bu değişimlere entegre olabilmek eğitim programlarında ve modellerinde değişikliğe gidilmiştir. Teknolojik başlanmasıyla görülmektedir. Zamanla teknolojinin eğitimde etkin kullanılmasıyla sosyal, kültürel ve ekonomik verimliliği artırmıştır. Teknolojiyi eğitim sürecinde etkin kullanmayı başaran ülkeler eğitim kalitesinde ve verimliliğinde diğer ülkelere farkındalık oluşmayı başarmışlardır. Yesevi Üniversitesi ise uzaktan eğitim tekniğini yeterli akademik kadroya sahip olmadığı için Türkiye'nin seçkin tıp fakültelerinin akademik alt yapısından yaralanmak amacıyla eğitim kalitesini artırmak amacındadır. Uygulamalardan öğrencilerin memnun oldukları farklı dillerde de (Rusça ve Kazakça) uygulamanın genişletilmesi yönünde talepleri bulunmaktadır


Education is one of the oldest and most important activities in human history. In all ages, every society has tried develop an education system suitable to its needs. However, after the beginning of the industrialization process and due to the increasing differences of development levels between the industrialized countries' and other developing countries, some countries started to follow and transfer educational models of industrialized countries. Since the second half of the 20th century, multi-faceted changes have had a direct influence on educational institutions in the world as a result of scientific and technological developments. Educational models and programs have been revised in order to be integrated to these changes. The time-space congestion has been eliminated by the widespread usage of technological advances in all stages of life. Social, cultural and economic efficiencies have increased in due time by the effective use of technology in education. Those countries who have used technology effectively in education became a role model for other countries for the effectiveness and quality of education. Distance education in the world has not been developed as an alternative to the traditional face -to-face education. The main purpose of this educational system is not to eliminate face - to-face education but to provide services to those students who do not have adequate educational opportunities by making use of the new opportunities brought by technology in order to ensure equality opportunity for all. It is an educational technique free of time-space congestion for institutions or organizations to improve their services and to make improvements in changing employment shifts in the new century. Yesevi University aims to increase its quality of education through using the distance education infrastructure of Turkey's elite medical schools since it does not have adequate academic staff yet. Students have been found satisfied with these courses in the studies and they have made demands for more courses in different languages such as Russian and Kazakh. In this study, third grade students' views, attending Ahmet Yesevi University Medical School, for the courses they have taken through teleconferencing by a distance education system were analyzed. Students have made demands for more courses to be available through teleconferencing. Language problems have been identified apart from the six golden rules of distance education. Problems in distance education through teleconferencing have been identified and some solutions have also been proposed


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