Ninniler, tarihi süreç boyunca bireyin öncü eğitiminde işlevsel özelliğe sahip kültür ögeleri olarak kullanılmışlardır. Salt ses tekrarı ya da işlevsiz anlatılar olarak değerlendirilmemesi gereken Türk ninnilerinde, Türk kültürünün temel özellikleri ve buna bağlı evren tasavvuru görülebilmektedir. Bu gerekçe ile kendisi de bir oyun formunun parçası olan ninnilerin içeriği geleneksel oyun kavramına ilişkin verileri barındırmaktadır. Geleneksel eğitim süreci içerisinde kültürel devamlılığın sağlanmasına, Türk kültüründe ninnilerin sonrasında ağırlık kazanan geleneksel oyun türleri etkili olmaktadır. Böylelikle ninnilerle hayata hazırlanan ve içerisindeki oyun unsuru ile sonraki evreye alışan kişinin özgün dünyası, Türk toplumunun kültür dairesi içerisinde kurgulanabilmektedir. Bu bağlamda geleneksel Türk oyunlarının temel özellikleri ve ülküsel kazanımları ninnilerin dilinde de somutlaşmıştır ki belirlemiş olduğumuz ortaklıklar kültürel devamlılık adına önem taşımaktadır. itel araştırma yöntemine dayalı yürütülen bu araştırmada, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti sınırları içerisindeki tüm bölgelerden derlenmiş 1651 ninni metninden hareketle ninnilerin içerisindeki oyun kavramı üzerine, Gadamer'ın görüşleri ağırlıklı olmak üzere felsefi çözümlemeler gerçekleştirilmiştir. Ardından oyun kavramının felsefe eksenli çözümlemelerinden hareketle kaynak kişilerden derlenmiş ninnilerin içerisindeki oyun olgusu, geleneksel Türk oyunları ile birbirine eklemli bütünlük içerisinde ele alınmış. öylelikle oyun kavramının geleneksel kültürümüzdeki özellikleri dilbilim ve kültür felsefesi içerisinde değerlendirilerek, eğitim bağlamında uygulanabilir modellerin oluşturulabilmesi adına öneri ortaya koyulmaya çalışılmıştır


Lullabies are cultural traits used as functional early childhood education tools throughout the history. Turkish lullabies should not be considered as mere vocal repeats or non-functional texts. Turkish lullabies contain key features of Turkish culture and her imagination of world. As a part of a game concept herself, lullabies contain data about traditional game concept. Post-lullaby traditional game types are effective in Turkish culture to preserve cultural continuity throughout traditional education course. A person gets used to the life and and builds his/her personal worldview inside the Turkish cultural codes thanks to the games involved in lullabies. Hereby language of lullabies reflects the key features and ideal goals of Turkish culture and as we mentioned before, these factors are important to preserve cultural continuity. In this research, which is based on qualitative research method, 1651 lullaby texts are collected from the all regions of Turkish Republic and inspected philosophically based on Gadamer’s views. Then, game concepts inside the collected lullaby texts are philosophically analysed in parallel with traditional Turkish games and the results are discussed within linguistics and cultural philosophy. Hereby we tried to build applicable educational models based on the key features of the game concept of our own culture codes Our article is based on reviewing in philosophy of science (hermeneutic),neurolinguistic, community linguistics (Sociolinguistic) and discourse analysis with the basis of our original method applied an interdisciplinary approach to linguistics, pragmatics, philosophy of language, axiology and pedagogy.In context relation, French philosopher Michel Foucault who focus on power concept not particularly ideological, his concept of discourse and fiction for the settlement of its historical texts is applied in this study. Game theory in the history of philosophy emerges as a major area of contemplation and when the functional structure of the game concepts and their properties in the Turkish culture is not handled by the philosophical dept, it will be inevitable to obtain superficial and formal results. Simulative fictional universe of the transition process is coincides with an important concept applied in the philosophical disciplines in the context of (hermeneutics) with the leading Gadamer. Game, lullaby is the first game process with the result of our determination which is based on philosophical fiction,so we can claim that,it was the first traditional form of the game.Moreover, lullabies constructed with the game features procedure and commonly known as traditional expressions,ıt is not only songs just before sleep. Mesmerisering characteristic of lullabies emerges as being fascinatined by individuals (infants and / or young children) in the real sense of the philosophical games and activities and including themselves. Used word team is important when it is considered as premise training process involving voluntary basis.15432 words, identified in the article, have been studied based on meaing of the word, the linguistic and cultural backgrounds and functions. Also, the lullabies, reinforcing the formation of language acquisition in the perception stage with the game fiction, has content for transfering values of Turkish culture universe system. Lullaby said, that means, the individual’s future notifications who is subjected to the game, include in 1000 analyzed Turkish lullaby. Mentioned findings can be assessed in the context of the educational process continuity and limitless. In this respect, it includes in the context of science education for sustainable diversity training also evaluating as a database features, in association with diversity of role models, the richness of meaning of the universe based on cultural diversity. In our article, we try to emphasize the importance of lullabies in terms of the language acquisition process and the charm, based on the philosophical context fiction games features, it is embodied that lullabies are an important data source to be used for sustainable educational practices.When the absence of an element used in daily life by developing awareness of the richness of the cultural and educational specified on lullabies; deep-rooted cultural experience ,only for child sleeping,meaningless but creating the perception of compatible audio stack, a new generation deprived of the educational process, deprived of the traditional thoughts and feelings against one type of wealth desires of the human form of globalization, will not even fight.In order to prevent this situation,Turkish lullabies ,which is a unique cultural treasure, have come distilled the lives of wise, are expecting to be removed with scientific and educational association and waiting for its own place in the life,Especially for this situation,we can specify that the new generation, squeezed between elements of foreign cultures and during language acquisition period based on shallow forms of communication and translation from other languages, need. Post-lullaby traditional game types are effective in Turkish culture to preserve cultural continuity throughout traditional education course. A person gets used to the life and and builds his/her personal worldview inside the Turkish cultural codes thanks to the games involved in lullabies. Hereby language of lullabies reflects the key features and ideal goals of Turkish culture and as we mentioned before, these factors are important to preserve cultural continuity. In this research, which is based on qualitative research method, 1651 lullaby texts are collected from the all regions of Turkish Republic and inspected philosophically based on Gadamer’s views. Then, game concepts inside the collected lullaby texts are philosophically analysed in parallel with traditional Turkish games and the results are discussed within linguistics and cultural philosophy. Hereby we tried to build applicable educational models based on the key features of the game concept of our own culture codes. As a result, particular in Turkish, the transformation of philosophy and linguistics-based basic judgments stated in our article and operating in the formal education, in general, removing the dusty treasure which is vital in the context of the continuation of Turkish culture and including the daily life,we state that it will be possible to build the future with the help of tradition.


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