Şizofreni hastası olan bireylerde, genel olarak olağan dışı düşünme, manyerizim görülebilmektedir. Ayrıca sanrılar, şüphecilik, duygulanımda küntleşme ya da yüzeyselleşme, sterioptik düşünme, halüsinasyonlar, davranış bozukluğu gibi hastalığın negatif veya pozitif belirtileri ile birlikte kişinin gerçeklerle olan bağı kopar, bununla birlikte düşünce ve davranışlarında bozulmalar meydana gelir. Şizofreni hastalığı, nüks ettikten sonra kişide ömür boyu sürer fakat gerekli tedaviler düzenli bir şekilde uygulandığı sürece kontrol altında tutulabilen bir hastalık türüdür. Şizofreni, bipolar bozukluk, Atipik Piskoz... gibi kronik ruhsal engeli olan hasta bireyleri topluma yeniden kazandırmak, tedavisinin düzenli bir şekilde devam etmesini sağlamak, bu hasta gruplarına klinik ve psiko-sosyal destek verebilmek için toplum temelli rehabilitasyon hizmeti T.C.Sağlık Bakanlığı tarafından Toplum Ruh Sağlığı Merkezlerinde kamu hizmeti olarak sunulmaktadır. Bu kamu hizmetleri arasında hastaların toplumdan izole bir şekilde yaşamalarını önlemek, rehabilite etmek, hastaların ilgi ve yeteneğine göre; fonetik, ritmik ve plastik sanatlar alanında beceriler kazandırılacak eğitimler verilmektedir


Behavioral psychopathological disorders such as abnormal thinking and manierism are generally observed in individuals suffering from schizophrenia. Also with the negative and positive symptoms of the disease such as hallucinations, skepticism, blunted affect or becoming superficial, stereotypical thinking, delusions and behavioral disorders, the patient loses his or her touch with reality, and mental and behavioral disorders occur. Schizophrenia is a type of disease that continues for a lifetime after it acts up but it can be kept under control as long as the necessary treatments are regularly administered. Community-based rehabilitation service is given in Community Mental Health Centers by Turkish Republic Ministry of Health in order to reintroduce patients with such illnesses as schizophrenia, bipolar disease and atypical psychosis to the society, to provide regular treatment and to give clinical and psycho-social support. As part of this community service, skill training is given in phonetic, rhythmical and plastic arts according to the interests and skills of patients to prevent the isolation of patients from the society and to rehabilitate them. This study was carried out on patients with diagnosed schizophrenia who regularly attend to various Art and Design trainings given within the context of Occupational Therapy in the Community Mental Health Center of İ. Şevki ATASAĞUN State Hospital of Nevşehir Provincial Directorate of Health. This study was made in 2016 to research the effects of the usage of art education with therapeutic purpose on patients Art has constituted an interaction mechanism between the individual and the society since the early ages. Artists have turned their works reflecting their emotions and thoughts into a means of communication. Showing the same interaction at the present time and being a universal phenomenon, art exposes the beautiful feelings and thoughts in humans and keeps people away from the monotonous and meaningless aspects of the daily life. Art beautifies the life of an individual by bringing new emotions and new ideas (Kılıçkan, Kılıçkan, 2002:9). Art has been used in the treatments of patients due to its versatile features and the concept of Art Therapy came into existence. According to Göktepe (2015:23), Art is a form of nonverbal communication of emotions and ideas in the creation process, and Art Therapy is a procedure of treatment aiming to enrich lives by means of using art. Art therapy is a mental health service that provides the development and change of individuals, groups and communities (Eracar,2013: 27). Art therapy is applied in many types of disorders such as retarded development, learning, anxiety, or personality disorders, depression, neurological or post-trauma stress disorders (Göktepe,2015:35).Art therapy for treatment purposes is gradually becoming more commonplace recently and is provided by Community Mental Health Centers. Ministry of Health decided to open Community Mental Health Centers (CMHC) in April 2009 (Soygür,2016: 53). The subject of our research, Nevşehir Community Mental Health Center was opened in 2014 and art training with therapeutic purpose has been given to patients here since then with the company of trainers assigned by Public Training Center on weekdays in such fields as Painting, Music, Voice training, Ebru (Turkish Paper Marbling), Glazed Tile Painting according to the interests and skills of patients within the context of Occupational Therapy. Research Objective This study was carried out about the opinions and satisfaction levels of schizophrenia patients about their art and design trainings in the Community Mental Health Center of Nevşehir State Hospital. Research Method This study was performed with 9 patients diagnosed with schizophrenia who receive treatment in the Community Mental Health Center of Nevşehir State Hospital. Questionnaires were applied to these patients and their results were interpreted with graphics. Research Findings When the demographic feature of the questionnaire is taken into consideration, the total number of individuals who participated in the study is 9. 4 of them are female and 5 of them are male. 7 of the participants have been receiving treatment from the Community Mental Health Center for two years while one of them for a year and the other one for six months. It is seen that these patients are satisfied with the services of the Community Mental Health Center. The individuals who filled in the questionnaire were asked whether they had dealt with art before joining the Community Mental Health Center, and two of them gave positive answers. One of them painted while the other was involved in art, music, handicrafts and design. The remaining seven patients stated that they were not involved in art studies. The individuals were asked if they could express their emotions in the art and design workshop trainings in the Community Mental Health Center and all of them responded positively. Upon being asked the effects of art trainings on them, 5 of the participants stated that they could express their feelings, and they felt that they were capable and realized that they could produce works of art and their self-confidence improved. 2 participants stated that they could express their feelings that they didn't want to talk about by means of art and their self-confidence improved. 1 participant stated that he felt that he was capable, and he realized that he could produce works of art and his self-confidence improved, and 1 participant expressed that his self-confidence improved. As the final question, the participants were asked whether they wanted to continue art and design trainings in the Community Mental Health Center or not. All of the participants pointed out that they wanted to carry on with their art and design trainings in the Community Mental Health Center. Conclusion And Recommendations This study was conducted about the art and design trainings that individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia receive within the context of Occupational Therapy with therapeutical purpose in the Community Mental Health Center of Nevşehir State Hospital. The occupational therapy is given in order to keep the patients away from their present state of mind, to postpone their negative ideas stemming from their mental illnesses, to increase hand skills, to reinforce their self-confidence and to socialize them by means of artistic activities. These activities are carried out inside Community Mental Health Centers and they are organized by institutions such as Municipalities or Public Education Centers and run by trainers assigned by these centers. According to the results of the questionnaire, it is seen that schizophrenia patients who take art trainings are content with taking part in these trainings. These patients have stated that they could express their emotions that they didn't want to share with others through art. They also pointed out that they wanted to continue artistic activities outside the Community Mental Health Center and that their selfconfidence improved as a result of these activities and they were able to produce aesthetical works of art. Within this framework, patients of the Community Mental Health Center can be provided with the necessary art equipment to motivate them to paint at home. By asking such questions as 'What did you feel while painting this picture?' and 'Why did you choose these colors?, indicators can be evaluated and the patients can be analyzed psychoanalytically. Before applying art therapy, the target group should be given basic art training and art therapy should be given to the patients who took the basic art training. Art trainers who are expert in phonetic, rhythmical or plastic arts need to specialize in psychology to train the target group. Pictorial expressions due to mental disorders can be evaluated by this way, and thus the ideas and the state of minds of the patients can be analyzed. Moreover, by concentrating art and design trainings according to the interests and skills of patients, professional work of art can be produced. The patients can improve their self-confidence and adapt to the society faster by this way. One of the ultimate aims of Community Mental Health Centers is to socialize patients and find jobs for the patients who are able to work. Within this scope, art trainings in Nevşehir Community Mental Health Center like jewelry design, glazed tile painting should be utilized more efficiently and new employees can be provided with jobs by contacting İŞKUR (Turkish Employment Organization). By this means, the patients can be offered job opportunities and thus they integrate with the society.
