The Role of Women Heroes to Give Messages in our Tales

The Role of Women Heroes to Give Messages in our Tales

The tale, which is formed with the tradition of oral expression and has a spreading area, is one of the oldest favorite text types with its fiction processed with extraordinary features. Tales developed and changed in interaction with the society and traveled geographies by going beyond the boundaries of the space from which they emerged. Although extraordinary persons and events are encountered, the emotions discussed reflect the reality of human nature. The prominence of women as storytellers has caused many feelings and information about women to enter the narratives. The roles of women in the fairy tale world are similar to the roles we encounter in real life. In our tales, it is possible to come across profiles of women who have positive character traits accepted by the society and women who are rejected by the society. With these narratives, the listeners become aware of women's activities in the world of fairy tales and create a perspective on women with their real life experiences. Tales reflect the traditions, customs and beliefs of the societies they belong to, while also presenting the social, cultural and economic data of these societies to their readers. The duties assigned to women and men by the society are explained with the concept of gender. The gender perspective of society imposes certain duties and responsibilities on sexual identities. Despite all the extraordinary things told in our tales, human emotional states are closely related to the identities of men and women in daily life. The inadequacy of the studies on the female characters in our fairy tales drew attention in the readings. This shortcoming in the field has been the starting point of the study. In our study, a window was opened to our women from the world of fairy tales, and the role of female karamans in giving messages in our fairy tales in the context of gender was examined


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