Ateş, hava, su ve toprakla birlikte yaratılışın dört unsurundan biridir. "Anâsır-ı erbaa" denen bu dört unsur, İlk Çağ Yunan felsefesi ile Orta Çağ Hristiyan ve İslam felsefelerinde doğal varlıkların ilkesi olarak kabul edilmiştir. "Anâsır-ı erbaa"dan biri olması ve yok edici özelliğe sahip olması yönüyle ateş, her dönemde insanoğlunun ilgisini çekmiştir. İnsanoğlu için hem korkulan hem de gücünden yararlanmak istenilen gizemli bir gücü simgeleyen ateş, uygarlık tarihine yön vermiş ve insanlığı pek çok noktada etkilemiştir. Tarihsel ve toplumsal olarak tüm kültürlerde ateşe derin anlamlar yüklenmiştir. Kaynağını yaşamdan ve insandan alan sanat, insana ve yaşama dair her kavramı kendine malzeme edinmiştir. İşte bu malzemelerden biri de ateştir. Pek çok şair, eserlerinde ateş temini kullanmıştır. Ateş temi, Türk edebiyatının önemli bir halkasını oluşturan Divan şiirinde de sıklıkla kullanmıştır ve zamanla bir mazmun hüviyetine bürünerek klasik Türk şirinin çok kullanılan, önemli mazmunlarından biri hâline gelmiştir. Klasik Türk edebiyatında ateş kavramının kullanıldığı yerlere bakıldığında mısra-ı bercesteler, ateş gazelleri, ateşe dair renkli imajlar ve kelime oyunları karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Özellikle Sebk-i Hindî şairleri ateş mazmununu orijinal bir şekilde kullanmışlardır. 17. yüzyılda yaşamış ve Sebk-i Hindî üslübunu benimsemiş bir şair olan Tecellî de şiirlerinde bu mazmunu başarılı bir şekilde kullanmıştır. Bu çalışmada genel olarak mazmun kavramı ele alınarak, ateş mazmununa değinilecek ve bu mazmunun Tecellî Divanı'ndaki kullanımı incelenecektir


Fire is one of the four elements of creation with air, water and soil. These four elements, called “Anâsır-ı erbaa” have been accepted as a pirinciples of naturel heritage in ancient Greek philisophy and Christian and Islamic philosophy of Middle Ages. Fire has attracted the interest of mankind, becaming one of the “Anâsır-ı erbaa” and having a charactersitic of destroying property. Fire, which has symbolize the mysterious power that was feared by mankind and desired to take of advantage this power, has give direction to history and has influenced the uman civilization in many points. Fire has an important positon in all cultures due to its historical and social importance. Art, concerning of llive and people, has give importance every material about people and life. Fire is one the materials. Many poets have used theme of fire in their works. . The fire theme is an oft-used notion which used by Diwan poets. Moreover this notion has become an important poetic theme of classical Turkish literary. When considered using fire poetic theme in classical Turkish literary that is seen mısra-ı bercestes, fire ghazals, colourful images about fire and word games. Especially Sebki Hindî’s poets have used fire poetic theme sucessfully. Tecellî, who lived in 17th century an Ottoman Diwan poem and internalized Sebk-i Hindî, used fire poetic theme sucessfully, too. In this work examines fire poetic theme and researches using fire poetic theme in Tecellî’s Diwan Poetic theme (mazmun) is derived from the root of "zımn" in Arabic language that means to inner part of the object and it has various meanings. Although there are different opinions about definitations and constraints of poetic theme, usage of poetic theme has been accepted as a talent in Turkish literature. The concept of fire, having deep meanings in all cultures, has turned into a poetic theme and became one of the oftused poetic theme in Turkish literature. The fire poetic theme, especially used by Sebk-i Hindî poets, has affected Tecelli, who has influenced Sebk-i Hindî. Tecelli, who has a mesnevi callled Gülendâm u Küeyt (Risâle-i Râz) and diwan, lived in Balkans in 17th century. In this study has been informed fire poetic theme based on the concept of poetic theme and usage areas of Tecelli’s Diwan have been examined. In Turkish literature fire creates specific semantic word. Some states constructing this semantic word can be categorize like these: Fire shows love suffer of lover and fire of love burns lover. Although lover always sheds tears to extinguish the fire, lover can not extinguish the fire. Fire uses with candle and burning fire of love is like smoldered candle. Girlfriend's cheeks, lips and wine are fire due to the color so they are burnings In this study, which was used thematic classification tecnique from qualitative research, has been made some points about usage of fire poetic theme in Tecelli's Diwan. There are 10300 words in Tecelli's Diwan. Fire poetic theme and related world about this is used 44 times. Fire world has emerged, comprising number of words related to fire. Fire has been discussed in various way in Tecelli's Diwan. Fire has been used as a metaphor and it has created the elements of redif of indepented gazel. 42. gazel of Tecelli's Diwan commences with fire poetic theme and in this ode the concepts of flower, tornado, tree and love are used as a fire. In ode's first couplet lover's wounded hearth is envisioned as a fire flower like flame of fire garden. In the second couplet of the ode, lover's sigh of wind is likened to a fiery tornado. In the third couplet fire is likened to tree. In the fourth couple of ode, lover is likened newt and it is refered to an event that newt's life in fire. In the last couplet, which is the most sparkling one, the art of exclamation is used; wine is likened to night and the morning, waking up after a drunken night, is likened to the edge of the fire. In last couplet assemblies, called “ıyş u işret”, is explained. Assemblies, which is one of the important element in classic poetry, are musical meetings that poets come together for read poems and enjoy. Wine, which is used in both figurative and real meaning in classic poetry, is likened many elements according to imagination. In this ode Tecelli likens wine to night and also the morning of the wine drunk night likens to the edge of fire. Wine concept in the classical poetry, differs according to anyone spirit. Therefore couplets about the wine can be interpreted in different ways. This situation is valid for this couplet. Night is a time of heightened the feelings of loneliness, in this time period people appeal to wine. It is known by everybody that temperature at night reduces due to lack of sun and people's heating requirements increase. When considering the effects of wine material and spiritual sense, it can be said that wine eliminates the chiliness of night. The traces of drunkunness slowly eraesed in the morning due to the reduction of alcohol and reference to this situation Tecelli likens himself to night and morning likens to edge of fire. Night is burning and comes from fire with wine, ıyş morning is in the edge of fire, it is not as burning as fire but partialty there are some burning properties. The relationship between wine and fire is also concerned with the opinion that alcohol is forbidden in Islam. According to Islamic belief that sinners will go to the hell and hell consist of fire. With reference to this belief poets likens ıyş morning to edge of fire. People is in the edge of fire at the morning that is drunk. This couplet, which has deep meanings, shows both the multi level construction of couplet in Turkish literature and examplifies the different usage of fire poetic theme. Text, which is produced with the help of the disiplinary such as religion, history, politics, folks, philisopohy, pyschology and sociology and a has multi level construction, is open to different readings. On the basis of this, in this study is given historical, social and pyschological information about fire, mentioned usage of fire poetic theme in classic Turkish literature and Tecelli Diwan reading has been made on the axis of fire poetic theme based on the concept of poetic theme. Tecelli's frequent use of fire poetic theme is not accident that he is effected by Sebk-i Hindi. Red and fire, which is very important in Sebki Hindi poetry, come into promience naturally in Tecelli's poems and Tecelli has used successfully red in poetry directly or undirectly. It has been confirmed that Tecelli, who shows big effort to create fantasy world and partially achieves, creates his own poetry language, discussing fire of love and using fire as a liet motif.
