İbnülemin Mahmut Kemal İnal, yakın dönem edebiyat tarihçiliğimizin ilginç isimlerinden birisidir. Onun edebiyat ve tarih sahalarında yayınladığı bazı eserler, özellikle tenkit bakımından dikkat çeker. O, bu eserlerinde gelenekli tenkit anlayışı ile modern tenkit anlayışını sentezleyerek kendine has bir eleştiri metodu ile hareket etmiştir. Hem geleneksel hem de modern tenkit anlayışlarının arasında olduğunu düşündüğümüz eleştirileri, İbnülemin Mahmut Kemal İnal'a devrin edebiyat tarihçileri arasında özel bir yer ayırmayı gerektirmiş ve edebiyat tarihçilerinden bazıları onun bu özelliğine dikkat çekmişlerdir. Onun tenkitlerinde izlediği kendine has yöntem, Âsâr-ı Müfîde Kütüphanesi bünyesinde yayınlanan divanlarda da bariz bir şekilde görülebilmektedir. İbnülemin Mahmut Kemal İnal, ele aldığı bir şairi ve eserini, gelenekten gelen birtakım anlayışlarla tenkit eder. Meselâ Şeyhülislam Yahya örneğinde olduğu gibi, şairliğin babadan evlada geçen bir meslek olduğunu söylediği olur. Beri yandan onun şairlerle kurduğu yakınlık değerlendirmelerine hemen etki eder. Biz divan mukaddimelerinde gördüğümüz böylesi örnekler yoluyla geleneğin izlerini onda takip edebiliriz. Öte taraftan edebiyat araştırmalarında ve çeşitli tenkit anlayışlarında son derece önemli olduğunu düşündüğümüz kaynakları titizlikle ele alma, edebiyatçının çevresini de değerlendirmenin içine katma, mektup ve hatıralar yoluyla malumat elde etme ve gazete ilanları yoluyla bilgi toplama gibi hususların onda sıklıkla karşımıza çıktığını söyleyebiliriz. Şüphesiz bu, modern edebiyat eleştirilerine uymakla beraber onun titizliğinin de getirdiği bir durumdur. Biz bu durumu İbnülemin'in divan neşirlerinden hareket ederek makalemizde ortaya koymaya çalıştık. Görüleceği üzere edebiyat tarihimize çeşitli araştırmalarıyla katkıda bulunan İbnülemin, divan neşirleri ve mukaddimeleriyle üç şairimizin hayatı, şahsiyeti ve şiirleri hakkında çok önemli birer etüd hazırlamıştır. Onun bu neşirleri bugün bile modern edebiyat araştırmalarına kaynaklık eden çalışmalar durumundadır


İbnülemin Mahmut Kemal Inal, our recent history of literature is one of the interesting names. Some works published in his field of literature and history, especially noteworthy in terms of criticism. He has acted with criticism method that synthesizes a unique understanding of modern criticism with criticism understanding of the tradition in these works. Both traditional and modern criticism of the criticism we think that understanding, it has been required to allocate a special place among some of the era's literary historians and literary historians have pointed out to her this feature. Followed by criticism from his own unique way, in Library of Asar-i Müfide published in Library structure can be seen in the obvious way. İbnülemin Mahmut Kemal Inal, a poet and his work is considered, the criticism with some understanding from tradition. For example, as in the example Şeyhülislam Yahya, a son of the father of poetry, which he said would be a last job. While since act immediately to evaluate the proximity established with its poet. We can follow them through such examples we see the traces of tradition divan preface tions. On the other hand, the literature research on various criticisms understanding in handling carefully the resources that we think is extremely important in the evaluation in the literary environment added, to obtain information through letters and memorabilia and newspaper advertisements tenth of issues such as information gathering through can say that we come across frequently. Surely this, but meet the modern literary criticism is a condition that brought his thoroughness. We tried to reveal this situation by moving from broadcast İbnülemin the divan in our article. Contributing İbnülemin of several research can be seen in our literary history, divans and three prose poet of our life with the introduction, it has prepared a very important study about personality and poetry. His publications are works even when the source of the modern literature research today The aim of the study published by İbnülemin Mahmut Kemal İnal move from the divans to reveal his understanding of literary criticism. Our article’s title is “Literary Criticism İn The Divan’s Publications of İbnülemin Mahmud Kemal İnal”. İbnülemin Mahmut Kemal İnal, our recent history of literature is one of the interesting names. Some works published in his field of literature and history, especially noteworthy in terms of criticism. He has acted with criticism method that synthesizes a unique understanding of modern criticism with criticism understanding of the tradition in these works. Both traditional and modern criticism of the criticism we think that understanding, it has been required to allocate a special place among some of the era's literary historians and literary historians have pointed out to her this feature. Followed by criticism from his own unique way, in Library of Asar-i Müfide published in Library structure can be seen in the obvious way. We will try to examine the problem of his method of literary criticism of these publications in this article. The aim of this study is to demonstrate understanding of the literary criticism of the period laid down in the divan’s publications. Examples of input we receive from this divans and that we have endeavored to make the action of views on the transfer of other literary criticism. Here the comparison of the views put forward and we think would demonstrate their approach to the criticism İbnülemin. It works on behalf of a better understanding of the boundaries of criticism and has tried to show the formation and reflections on the concept of Turkish Literature of literary criticism. Then it examined İbnülemin’s thoughts on this subject movement from his other works. Then divans and gates were investigated. Samples taken from the İbnülemin by Şeyhülislam Yahya, Leskofçalı Galip and Arif Hikmet’s poetry books have been investigated how to follow here. Here the figure in the İbnülemin criticism, and was seen to be independent of the modern understanding of traditional criticism. Nevertheless, he continued to criticize the traditional sense, criticism also adds to the sense of places and experiences, thus directly involved in one of the right to criticize. But this does not mean that stayed away from his understanding of modern literature. Divans, as seen here, was able to assess in modern measurements and almost brought his own synthesis occurs. İbnülemin, the court has examined is a complete literary masterpiece from start to finish never been revealed along with examples of his ideas on the general outline of the work to take forward and said surely as a literary historian their views. He thought fit to literary taste, meaning and finds incorrect couplets and verses were also expressed in terms of utterance. All these criticisms and evaluations revealed through the İbnülemin, we can say that the literary criticism of the firm one of the most important and the first example. According to the time İbnülemin divan publications revealed quite seriously. Though unspecified sources utilized many divans and scanned it as we can in terms of the day it is to be introduced as a solid beam was requested. There is only one difference from his others. He almost always, someone's life is considered, it is the pursuit of personality and works to reveal the depth. He poet's life, art and the neighborhood would include almost. When the time comes to defend her. Sometimes it happens that such a relative of the poet system. His mastery of the dedication of resources which we showed in the introduction, we tried to demonstrate with examples here. İbnülemin Mahmut Kemal Inal, a poet and his work is considered, the criticism with some understanding from tradition. For example, as in the example Şeyhülislam Yahya, a son of the father of poetry, which he said would be a last job. While since act immediately to evaluate the proximity established with its poet. We can follow them through such examples we see the traces of tradition divan preface tions. On the other hand, the literature research on various criticisms understanding in handling carefully the resources that we think is extremely important inthe evaluation in the literary environment added, to obtain information through letters and memorabilia and newspaper advertisements tenth of issues such as information gathering through can say that we come across frequently. Surely this, but meet the modern literary criticism is a condition that brought his thoroughness. We tried to reveal this situation by moving from broadcast İbnülemin the divan in our article. Contributing İbnülemin of several research can be seen in our literary history, divans and three prose poet of our life with the introduction, it has prepared a very important study about personality and poetry. His publications are works even when the source of the modern literature research today.


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