Edebiyat, duygu ve düşüncelerin estetik kurallara uygunluk içinde orijinal bir dil aracılığıyla sözlü ya da yazılı olarak ifade edilmesiyle oluşmuştur. Genel anlamda edebiyatın da kendine mahsus ölçüt ve yöntemleri bulunmaktadır. Bu bağlamda edebiyat, bir bilim dalında olması gereken anlatma, anlama, analiz, elde edilen bilgileri sentezleme, yorumlama, değerlendirme, benzerleriyle mukayese etme gibi birbirini takip eden mantık aşamalarını teşekkül ettirmesiyle bir disiplin meydana getirmiştir. Diğer taraftan psikoloji ise özellikle insan davranışlarını, insanın duygusal ve zihinsel süreçlerini, buna bağlı olarak da davranışların altında yatan gerçek nedenleri araştıran, inceleyen ve yorumlayan bir bilim dalıdır. Bu yönüyle birbirini tamamlayan disiplinlerden olan edebiyat ve psikoloji, genel anlamda insan ve insanın iç dünyasıyla ilgilenmektedir. Her iki bilim dalı da çoğu zaman hayatı, toplumu ve insanı ayrıntılı bir şekilde ele alarak bunların karanlıkta kalan noktalarını aydınlatma amacı güder. Psikanaliz ise psikoloji bilimi çerçevesinde bir kuram olarak insan davranışlarının ne anlama geldiğini çözümlemeye ve zihinsel gelişimi öne çıkarmaya gayret eder. Psikanaliz kuramın temsilcisi olan Sigmund Freud, 1920'li yıllarda psikanalizin kendine mahsus bir bakış açısı olduğunu aynı zamanda da bir yorum sistemi olduğunu vurgulayarak zihinsel süreçleri psikolojik kurallarla yorumlamaya çalışır. Freud, hastaları üzerine uyguladığı psikoterapi tekniği olan psikanalizi Shakespeare, Goethe, Dostoyevski gibi sanatçıların eserlerine de uygulamıştır. Yapılan bu çalışmalar, psikanalitik edebiyat eleştirisinin ortaya çıkıp gelişmesini sağlamıştır. Freud'un öncülüğünü yaptığı psikanalizi Alfred Adler, Carl Gustav Jung, Jacques Lacan, Otto Rank gibi araştırmacılar genişletmiş, kendi kuramsal çalışmalarını yapmışlardır. Alfred Adler, Freud'un psikanalitik yaklaşımlarını farklı yorumlamış; içgüdülerin, çevre baskılarının, eğitimin insan için bir araç olduğunu, insanın bu araçları kullanarak bir yaşam planı oluşturabileceğini ileri sürmüştür. İnci Aral'ın Mor romanında bulunan kişilerin ruhsal yapılarının ortaya konması, anlaşılması ve yorumlanmasında Freud'un psikanalitik kuramından yararlanmakla birlikte daha çok Adler'in ileri sürdüğü kuram göz önünde bulundurulmuştur. Sözü edilen kuramda Adler'in bireyin duygu ve düşünce dünyasını çevresel faktörlerle birlikte ele aldığı görülmektedir. Bu bağlamda roman içerisinde öne çıkan kadınerkek ilişkilerini önemli ölçüde belirleyen faktörün sadece ilişkiyi yaşayan bireylerin değil; aile ve diğer çevresel etkenler olduğu gerçeği üzerinde de durulmuştur. Belirtilen bu konular, Freud'un düşünce dünyasında tanımlanmamış gerçekliklere işaret ettiği düşünülen Adlerci bakış açısıyla bir bütünlük içinde analiz edilmiştir


Literature was formed by expressing feelings and thoughts through an original language orallyor in writing in compliance with the rules of aesthetics. In general terms, the literature also has its own unique criteria and methods. In this context, literature occurred a discipline which should be in science with storytelling, comprehension, analysis, and synthesis by the obtained information, interpretation, evaluation, comparision with similars, formation of the consecutive logic stages. On the other hand, the psychology is a discipline that investigates, reviews and interprets of human behavior, especially, emotional and mental processes of man, consequently alsothe real reasons underlying the behavior. With this aspect of the disciplines literature and psychology that complement each other, are interested in the inner world of man and man in general. Both sciences handles most of the time life, society and people in detail, intend lighting their remains unknown. In the late 19th century, Freud applied Psychoanalysis to his patients with psychotherapy technique such artists Shakespeare, Goethe, Dostoyevsky applied on their works. These carried out studies have led to the emergence and development of the psychoanalytic criticism theory. With the leadership ofFreud Psychoanalysis has been expanded by researcherslike Alfred Adler, Carl Gustav Jung, Jacques Lacan, Otto Rank and they have made their theoretical works. Alfred Adler, interpreted differently by Freud's psychoanalytic approach; argued that the instincts, the social pressures and education aretools for people, people can create a life plan byusing these tools. In İnci Aral’s Purplenovel to put forward the psychological structures of the people, it has been benefited fromFreud's psychoanalytic approach and as well asAdler's psychoanalytic theory. According to the research Adler's thoughts are taken into consideration as it is no way to be neglected that individual’s thought and feeling world, the attitude in the face of potential problems to be seen in life or life thatwants to tellhuman themeaning. Topics have been analyzed with the integrity of point of viewconsidered in terms to the reality that the world defined in Freud's ideas Literature was formed by expressing feelings and thoughts through an original language orallyor in writing in compliance with the rules of aesthetics. In general terms, the literature also has its own unique criteria and methods. In this context, literature occurred a discipline which should be in science with storytelling, comprehension, analysis, and synthesis by the obtained information, interpretation, evaluation, comparision with similars, formation of the consecutive logic stages. On the other hand, the psychology is a discipline that investigates, reviews and interprets of human behavior, especially, emotional and mental processes of man, consequently also the real reasons underlying the behavior. With this aspect of the disciplines literature and psychology that complement each other, are interested in the inner world of man and man in general. Both sciences handles most of the time life, society and people in detail, intend lighting their remains unknown. In the late 19th century, Freud applied Psychoanalysis to his patients with psychotherapy technique such artists Shakespeare, Goethe, Dostoyevsky applied on their works. These carried out studies have led to the emergence and development of the psychoanalytic criticism theory. With the leadership ofFreud Psychoanalysis has been expanded by researchers like Alfred Adler, Carl Gustav Jung, Jacques Lacan, Otto Rank and they have made their theoretical works. Alfred Adler, interpreted differently by Freud's psychoanalytic approach; argued that the instincts, the social pressures and education aretools for people, people can create a life plan byusing these tools. In İnci Aral’s Purplenovel to put forward the psychological structures of the people, it has been benefited fromFreud's psychoanalytic approach and as well asAdler's psychoanalytic theory. According to the research Adler's thoughts are taken into consideration as it is no way to be neglected that individual’s thought and feeling world, the attitude in the face of potential problems to be seen in life or life thatwants to tellhuman themeaning. Topics have been analyzed with the integrity of point of viewconsidered in terms to the reality that the world defined in Freud's ideas. İnci Aral, usually discusses some of the topics such as human individuation efforts, their loneliness, relationships, loves, conflicts and their positions in community in a fiction. In this context again Aral has discussed in her Mor fictionalized novel the intertwined lives of a family, the various spiritual life stories, past and the current lives together. The author to make sense of the behavior of novel characters examined in depth the inner world of their love, hatred, truth, lies, sadness and joys.In the novel inner monologue, stream of consciousness, internal analysis and techniques such as flashbacks are used. With this techniques have expanded the boundaries of the novel appears as being limited to twenty-four hours and the novel revealed the people’s a long period of lives and their psychological analysis. When The Mor novel has taken as a psychoanalytic novel author has an effort to reveal the subconscious of the novel characters. From the novel charactersIlhan Sacit’s dream reveals that as Freud systematized by the shape of the depths of the human soul, which remained in the dark point of consciousness, waiting to be understood and interpreted the facts. With his dreammany feelings that he wants to forget and ignore came out his to reality. The author in his work with the flashback technique described the relations of Ilhan Sacit’s, Armağan's, Gulcan's with their parents and showed his reader negative effect on the death of their mother and their father’s masculine rigidity they have. The Author between lines of fiction tried to explain Childhood is Psychoanalysis essential but the problematic adversities experienced in the childhood years the child's injury left from the mother or the father can be circumvented mostly in future years. However, psychoanalysis adoptes Childhood as a model for the next period of the life has revealed that the child's life reflected in the other periods. Parts of the novel was created by placing one of the heroes of the plot in the center of the narrative in the relevant section. However, it is seen that some people in the novel has removed a little more forward than others. In this context, some people such as Ilhan Sacit, Armağan, Gülcan, Fikran and Revan, are the center of gravity in the event of fiction novels. In the study mentioned situation has taken into consideration, an analyse has been conducted on people thought to be at the center of events. Therefore ıt has not to be considered part flow sorting. Novel characters were evaluated both Freud's subconscious propositions and Adler's thoughts about himself and people around him based on in the framework of the life plan. The author has revealed characters’ the values, their point of views to life, how they interpret the events in their environment. In the novel there are people who have prejudices facing life as it is Adler's classification, see only a part of life, and are guided by the subconscious. In the novel Aral dealt with these types of people, especially in terms of male female relationships. However, in novel the author has tried to discussmale female relationships shaped according to influences from both the family and environment as aresult of these she has highlighted the fact that confidence crisis between couples, the reality of marriage’sreturn to the power of struggle after a while. In the novelthis struggle has been made clear to every educated or ignorant person can applyhuman behavior as a part of the process. In addition, in the novel love is not felt enough, the determination of to be brought up in a family that do not live in harmonious relationship will make people's lives meaningless is an important point that attracts attention


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