Beyaz Ölüm, Peride Celâl'in yazarlık serüveninin birinci devresine ait, sayıları onu aşkın popüler aşk romanlarının dokuzuncusudur. Bu romanlardan kitaplaşmamıştır. Bunlardan biri de Beyaz Ölüm'dür. 1948'de Her Hafta dergisinde tefrika edilen roman, sonraki dönemlerde kitap olarak basılmamıştır. Kanaatimize göre basılmamasının altındaki esas neden, yazarın, sanatının birinci dönemine ait, en çok da ekonomik kaygılardan dolayı kaleme aldığı bu ve buna benzer eserleri, "yazı denemeleri" çerçevesinde görmesi yatmaktadır. Bu roman üzerine bir inceleme yapmak düşüncesi, popüler kültür çalışmaları açısından önemli olduğunu düşündüğümüz eseri tozlu sayfalardan kurtarmak endişesinden doğdu. Bu çalışmada söz konusu eser, olay örgüsü, tema/konu, zaman, mekân ve şahıs kadrosu gibi yapı unsurları açısından incelemeye tabi tutulmuştur Bu romanda biri psikolojik diğeri de kahramanlar arası olmak üzere iki tür çatışma söz konusudur. Psikolojik çatışma romanın merkezinde yer alan kahramanın geçmiş yaşamı ile olan hesaplaşmasından kaynaklanmaktadır. Diğer çatışma ise aşkta birbirlerine rakip konumda bulunan kahramanlar arasında yaşanır. Romandaki temaları "aşk/yasak aşk", "yoksulluk" ve "burjuvazi eleştirisi" olmak üzere üç başlık altında toplamak mümkündür. Romanda mekân olayların yaşandığı sahne olmaktan öteye geçmez. Zaman ise, "vak'a zamanı" ve "anlatma zamanı" olmak üzere iki kategoride ele alınmıştır. Romandaki şahıslar, olay örgüsündeki fonksiyonları bakımından "merkezî figür", "ikinci derecedeki şahıslar" ve "üçüncü derecedeki şahıslar"; sosyal durumları bakımından ise "doktorlar/sanatkârlar", "burjuvalar" ve "Hizmetçiler/Yardımcılar" olarak sınıflandırılmıştır.


Among those counting to more than ten, Beyaz Ölüm (White Death) is the ninth popular romance novel of Peride Celâl, which dates back to the first stage of her adventure in writing. Other than nine of these novels were published in periodicals, without being printed in the form of books. Beyaz Ölüm was one of those, having been published in the magazine named Her Hafta (Weekly) in the year 1948, but not been printed in the form of book in the later periods. From our point of view, such works were written by the named author during the first stage of her art mainly with economical concerns, and the author saw these works of her art within the frame of “experimental writing”, The idea of conducting a study on this novel has arisen from the concern of reviving this work, which we deem noteworthy within the context of popular culture studies. In this study, the work in question has been examined in terms of such structural elements as storyline, theme/subject and time, place, and list of characters. In the novel, that is studied, there are two types of conflicts one of which is psychological and the other is among heros. Psychological conflict is a result of the character's, who is in the center of the novel, facing his background. The other conflict takes place between characters whose role is to be rivals when it comes to love. It is possible to write the themes in the nove under three main headlines which are forbidden love, poverty and bourgeoisious critisim. In novel the place is nothing more than a stage, where the events take place. Time, on the other hand, is explained in two cathegories one of which is the time when the action takes place and the other is the time when the action is being talked about. In relation to their roles in the novel the characters are classified as the “main character”, “less important characters” and “the least important characters”. On the other hand, in relation to their social status, they are classified as “doctors/artists”,”bourgeoises” and “servants/assistants”Among those counting to more than ten, Beyaz Ölüm (White Death) is the ninth popular romance novel of Peride Celâl, which dates back to the first stage of her adventure in writing. Other than nine of these novels were published in periodicals, without being printed in the form of books. Beyaz Ölüm was one of those, having been published in the magazine named Her Hafta (Weekly) in the year 1948, but not been printed in the form of book in the later periods. From our point of view, such works were written by the named author during the first stage of her art mainly with economical concerns, and the author saw these works of her art within the frame of “experimental writing”, The idea of conducting a study on this novel has arisen from the concern of reviving this work, which we deem noteworthy within the context of popular culture studies. In this study, the work in question has been examined in terms of such structural elements as storyline, theme/subject and time, place, and list of characters. In the novel, that is studied, there are two types of conflicts one of which is psychological and the other is among heros. Psychological conflict is a result of the character's, who is in the center of the novel, facing his background. The other conflict takes place between characters whose role is to be rivals when it comes to love. It is possible to write the themes in the nove under three main headlines which are forbidden love, poverty and bourgeoisious critisim. In novel the place is nothing more than a stage, where the events take place. Time ,on the other hand ,is explained in two cathegories one of which is the time when the action takes place and the other is the time when the action is being talked about. In relation to their roles in the novel the characters are classified as the “main character”, “less important characters” and “the least important characters”. On the other hand, in relation to their social status, they are classified as “doctors/artists”,”bourgeoises” and “servants/assistants”. İn this work the novel “White Death” has been analiyzed in terms of plot, theme, place and cast. After the analysis It has been reached these conclusions: White Death is fictionalised in the style of classic love novel. The novel is a work which is fictionalised on man-woman relationship, where the plot outweighs and the strong conspiracy stands out. The novel gets its all power from the love affairs between characters. The novel White Death develops in a linear timeline from the beginning to the end. Flahsbacks of the characters’ past lives made from place to place is not the kind of that spoils this time squence. In the center of this web of relations is the family of Şevket Bey who is a rich Merchant. The protogonist of the novel Samiye is also the member of this family. Şevket bey The Merchant is the husband of Samiye’s sister. The conflict in the novel is based on two main factors. First, twosome / threesome love affairs of the characters; second, the focus figure Doctor Ahmet’s past which he continually squares account with it. The theme is also “love” like the first epoch novels of Peride Celal. Nearly all relations encircle love. So, the narration gets all its power from “love” which is the most important element in the internal structure of the novel. The novel includes multiple love affairs whether platonic or not. In determining the characters’ real identities, their attitudes to love and their behaviours are important indicator. It can be easily said that love has an transforming effect on the personality traits of some charecters of the novel. Besides love “poverty” and “bourgeois criticism” are fictionalised as a side theme. Poverty forms the conflict aspect of the novel based on psychology. At the start of the themes which the writer takes deeply in his second epoch novels comes “bourgeois criticism” The theme in question stays as a weak vein and can’t move beyond the side-theme level. Like Peride Celal’s other novel and stories, in this novel primary place is İstanbul with its districts Beyazıt, Beyoğlu, Şişli, Taksim. But the places in question can’t move beyond the decoration level where the events ocur exept some depicts. These are places where elite class live. In real life the characters whose adventures are told in the novel are either member of a bourgeois class ora re prominent people in society thanks to their jobs. For example; from three characters that is in the center of the novel; Ahmet is a surgeon, Leyla and Samiye are bourgeois who are members of well-known families of İstanbul. The second place that Peride Celal includes not only in this novel but also in her many other novels is Switzerland. Writer’s three year public service in Bern Press attache has a big factor in this. The main character of White Death, Doctor Ahmet specialises in Switzerland. Samiye goes to a sanatorium in Davos in Switzerland to be treated. Events mostly happen in this place. Another place in this novel is Elâziz (Elazığ). After Doctor Ahmet graduates he is appointed to a little town here and he serves here for a while. Any depiction of this place is not included in the novel. Two types of time can be said in the novel as “event time” and “telling time” Event time in texts based on fiction consists of time slicing when events occur themselves. But Narration time comes up after the events are known by the teller and started to be told. In the novel White Death despite the abundant characters, It is hard to mention this abundany when the plot functions are considered. Although more than twenty characters are mentioned in the novel, two or three people exists effectively in the center of the events. Although characters’ physical features are emphasized, their psyhologies doesn’t exist except some characters who are prominent in the plot. Characters are generally member of upper-class in terms of social status or they are selected among prominent people thanks to their jobs. Ordinary people doesn’t exist in the novel except servants. It is known that there is a clear prejudice against the popular novels which are written considering concerns like being best-seller and being understood easily. No one can deny the negative effects of this type of novels.But if compared it is seen that these pulp fiction novels’ positive effects are more than their negative effects.Before anything else, it is known that in their time of publication the novels in question have an active role in developing reading habits in major part of society; especially among women and they raise significant reader populace for the aesthetical novels which will be written in the future.A lot of researcher / writer / critic agree that in our country adequate study isn’t made on these artworks which appealed to significant amount of readers.It is pretty thought-provoking that these types of novels which are very significant in terms of popular culture, are not put to serious sociological studies. The novel White Death mentioned in this essay is a significant novel in that it brings up bourgeois class’ lifestyle to the agenda, opens the doors for the reader to the world that he/she doesn’t know and shows people’s attitudes, reflexes, dilemmas against life.
