Mitoloji, yüzyıllarca birçok milletin edebiyatında önemli yer tutmuş bir alandır. Bu alandaki birçok kavram edebiyat dünyası için bir zenginlik kazandırarak edebi türlere anlam çeşitliliği ve derinliği imgelem için yeni bakış açıları oluşturur. Bu yazıda mitolojik unsurların şiire yansımasından bahsedileceği için şiir ile mitoloji ilişkisine dikkat etmek gerekir. Mitoloji ile şiir arasında yüzlerce yıllık bir ilişki vardır. Her ikisi de insanlık tarihinin en eski verimlerindendir. Edebî türlerin en eskisi olarak bilinen şiir, birçok edebî ve felsefi akımla ve bilim dalıyla yakınlık kurar. Şiirle mitoloji arasındaki ilişkinin en önemli yönü, hem mitosların şiirsel oluşu hem de şiir aracılığıyla geleceğe taşınmasıdır. Batı ve Doğu edebiyatlarında mitolojik ögeler çokça işlenir. Türk edebiyatında da birçok şair ve yazar bu alanın verimlerinden yararlanır. Klasik Türk edebiyatında şairler genellikle Doğu mitolojisine yönelirken, Batılılaşma döneminden itibaren Batı mitolojisi ön plana çıkar. Cumhuriyet dönemi Türk şiirinde mitolojik ögeleri şiirlerine taşıyan isimlerden biri olan Edip Cansever, mitleri imgesel düzlemde kullanarak kendine özgü bir anlatım biçimi oluşturur. Cansever, özellikle Nerde Antigone ve Tragedyalar adlı kitaplarında Batı mitolojisinden yararlanır. Cansever, bazı şiirlerinde Antigonist bir tavır ortaya koyar ve bunun için Antigone imgesini kullanır. Bu yazının amacı, İkinci Yeni şiir hareketinin önemli isimlerinden Edip Cansever'in şiirlerindeki mitolojik ögeleri tespit etmek ve şairin bu ögeleri işleyiş ve özgün yönlerini ortaya koymaya çalışmaktır. Yöntem, bir amacın gerçekleştirilmesi, bir hedefe ulaşılabilmesi için izlenen yol, stratejiler, araştırmaların bütünüdür. Bu makalede Edip Cansever'in şiirleri metnin derin yapısı, yazarın yaşama biçimi ve dünya ile kurduğu ilişki anlaşılmak istendi. Alımlama kuramı kullanılarak okurun önceden edinmiş olduğu bilgilere dayandırdığı belli varsayımlarla metne yaklaşması sağlandı. Ayrıca yorumbilim ile metinlerin yorumbilim yöntemiyle çözümüne gidilmeye çalışıldı


Mythology is an area that for centuries an important place in the literature of many nations. This concept of giving a richness to the world of literature in many areas creates a new perspective for the diversity and depth of the imagination mean to literary genres. In this article you need to pay attention to poetry and mythology relationship to be reflected in the poems of mythological elements mentioned. There is a centuries-old relationship between mythology and poetry. Both the history of mankind's oldest efficiency. Known as the oldest poetry of literary genres, with many literary and philosophical builds familiarity with current and science. The most important aspect of the relationship between poetry and mythology, consisting of both poetic myth is moving into the future through both poetry. Heavily processed mythological elements in Western and Eastern literature. Many poets in Turkish literature and authors benefit from the efficiency of the field. Poets in the classical Turkish literature generally moves towards the eastern mythology, the mythology of Western interests in the forefront since the Westernization period. Edip Cansever Republican era mythology, one of the names with their poetry in Turkish poetry creates a unique form of expression. Cansever particularly benefit the book Where are the Western mythology and tragedy Antigone. The purpose of the Second New Poetry movement Edip Cansever to identify the most important names in mythology, poetry and the poet is trying to demonstrate the functioning and specific aspects of these elements Mythology is an area that for centuries an important place in the literature of many nations. This concept of giving a richness to the world of literature in many areas creates a new perspective for the diversity and depth of the imagination mean to literary genres. In this article you need to pay attention to poetry and mythology relationship to be reflected in the poems of mythological elements mentioned. There is a centuries-old relationship between mythology and poetry. Both the history of mankind's oldest efficiency. Known as the oldest poetry of literary genres, with many literary and philosophical builds familiarity with current and science. The most important aspect of the relationship between poetry and mythology, consisting of both poetic myth is moving into the future through both poetry. Heavily processed mythological elements in Western and Eastern literature. Many poets in Turkish literature and authors benefit from the efficiency of the field. Poets in the classical Turkish literature generally moves towards the eastern mythology, the mythology of Western interests in the forefront since the Westernization period. Edip Cansever Republican era mythology, one of the names with their poetry in Turkish poetry creates a unique form of expression. Cansever particularly benefit the book Where are the Western mythology and tragedy Antigone. The purpose of the Second New Poetry movement Edip Cansever to identify the most important names in mythology, poetry and the poet is trying to demonstrate the functioning and specific aspects of these elements. Methodology Method, the realization of a goal watched the way to achieve an objective, strategies, is a set of research. This article Edip Cansever's poems phenomenological interpretation of the deep structure of the text, the author's way of life, he tried to understand his relationship with the world. Using the reader reception theory and based on the information that was provided was already obtained approach the text with certain assumptions. He also tried to go to solve the hermeneutical method of text with hermeneutic. Findings and Discussion Mythology, known Greek and Latin culture comes to mind first, though all societies around the world about human history and the universe, cultural, religious, literary, sociological, psychological and so on. stories in the subject, image, symbol, it should be noted that symbols. In this regard, it can say that almost all of the nation's mythological values. Mythology, communities formed once in their lives is a set of myths in a particular religion or culture. Myth (myth) in the general public as a story or narrative can be described as sacred and holy man explaining the world's creation and development. With this regard, there may be mentioned a relationship between religious mythology. According to mythology, fed from the religion comes before religious mythology. Religious materials in human history has been changed many elements of myth. Myths is the kind of narrative emerged in similar ways in different societies. Since the creation of mankind has been in need of a belief. Myths also found its place in this belief requirement. Myth as a kind of expression is not an ordinary story but the story is a sacred story. Therefore, it is believed to be real and genuine. Although the epic myths within this category evaluates the category of traditional folk tales, legends, fables and folk tales are separated from. Mythology, religion on humanity, beliefs, gods, heroes, and so the creation of the universe issues is a concept and examine the written and oral legend classify elements. Mythology, supernatural beings, which means subject areas and fanciful story 'mythos' with meaning word or reason 'logos', consists of the word. "Mythologies holy is to understand the metaphysical realm and detection. Holy that his outside but dominated the experience with people mythology world, divine beings, spirit, ghosts and similar supernatural beings, a variety of high values and principles in the metaphysical structure of the divine world or express their attitude to detect worlds. Edip Cansever mythological elements are found in many poems. He especially from Western literature Where Antigone, Meduza, often from Greek mythology as seen in the poem Phoenix makes borrowing Amasa image. Mythological elements adds depth to onunlik poetry. Greek mythology originated icons in their own name (Antigone, pegasus, etc.) Has its own unique content and message. These symbols and messages creates the actual structure of some poems. Conclusion Edip Cansever, the second is that the new era of poetry as one of the most important representatives of the Republic of Turkish poetry. It increases the power by establishing a broad sense of the poetry world image. Mythology is an important resource in creating images for Cansever. He specifically Where Antigone and extensive use of mythology in his book Tragedies. Cansever, Phoenix, Meduza, Tragedies V, Swing, hotels and so on in poetry and imaginative use of mythology thematic context. Cansever reflects the mythological elements using an individual's internal and external conflicts and the spirit world. In this regard, it can say that the mythology dealt with psychoanalysis. Edip Cansever, the rebirth of the Phoenix image, the struggle for existence of people with jellyfish and tragedy, where is the polytheism of Greek mythology Swing poetry in Antigone structure and glass dolphin individual numbness of the image, Tragedies the rebirth of individuals with Anka and Icarus imagery and bounds request, Hotels poem could even save the dolphins in the anxiety of the individual expresses the fictional and mythological contexts
