Osmanlılarda manzum sözlük yazma geleneği, sıbyan mekteplerindeki öğrencilere Farsça ve Arapça kelimeleri ve dilbilgisi kurallarını daha kolay ve hızlı bir şekilde öğretmek amacıyla oluşmuştur. Bu gelenek dâhilinde telif edilen eserlerden biri de Tuhfetü'l-Hâfız'dır. Tuhfetü'l-Hâfız, Hâfız Abdullah b. Halil tarafından, mensur mukaddimesinde kendisinin de belirttiği gibi "Farsça öğrenmeye yeni başlayan çocuklara ve gençlere bir hatıra ümidiyle" (vr.1b) kaleme alınmış Farsça-Türkçe manzum bir lügattir. Eser, son beyitte yer alan ebced tarihine (beytin ilk mısraındaki noktasız harfler ve ikinci mısraındaki noktalı harflere) göre H.1194/95 tarihinde tamamlanmıştır. Müellif, eserini İbrahim Şâhidî Dede'nin "Tuhfe-i Şâhidî"sinde geçen gerekli gördüğü kelimeleri seçerek oluşturduğunu (B.106) ifade etmektedir. Tuhfetü'l-Hâfız, mesnevî ve kıt'a nazım şekilleriyle yazılmış 323 beyitten oluşmaktadır. Bu beyitlerden 3 tanesinin 1'er mısraı ise noksandır. Eserin 97 beyti kıt'a; 226 beyti ise mesnevi nazım şekliyle yazılmıştır. Tuhfetü'l-Hâfız'da, fiillerin farklı şekilleriyle birlikte 1600'e yakın Farsça kelimenin Türkçe karşılığı verilmiştir. Bu manzum sözlüğü diğerlerinden farklı kılan özelliği, muhtevasındaki kelimelerin konulara göre tasnif edilmiş olmasıdır. Eserin bilinen tek nüshası, Süleymaniye Yazma Eserler Kütüphanesi Esad Efendi Bölümü'nde 3191 demirbaş numarasıyla kayıtlıdır. Ancak nüshada pek çok istinsah hatası da bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmamızda, manzum lügatlerden biri olan Tuhfetü'l-Hâfız isimli eserin şekil ve muhteva gibi yönlerden incelenmesi yapıldı; incelemenin ardından ise eserin çeviriyazı metni ve orijinali verildi


Verse dictionary writing tradition in the Ottomans has created to teach Persian and Arabic words and grammar rules easier and quickly to students in Sibyan School (Primary School). One of the works that copyrighted in this tradition is Tuhfetu’l-Hafiz. As it described by Hafiz Abdullah b. Halil in prose preface, Tuhfetu’l-Hafiz is a Persian – Turkish verse dictionary which written for hope of a remembrance for the children and youth who newly begin to learn the Persian. The author says that he wrote his work choosing words which seem necessary to him in the “Tuhfe-i Şahidi” by İbrahim Şahidi. (B.106) The feature which varies this masnavi and stanza verse dictionary is that it has been classified according to subjects in the content. In the Tuhfetu'l-Hafiz, along with different forms of verbs, approximately means of 1600 Persian words given as Turkish. The only known copy of the work registered with the asset number 3191 in the Suleymaniye Manuscripts Library Esad Efendi department. In this study, the work Tuhfetu’l-Hafiz which is one of the verse dictionaries has analysed in the aspect of the form and content, after the analyse, transcription of work and its original were given Tuhfetü'l-Hafiz is a Persian – Turkish verse dictionary which written by Hâfız Abdullah b. Halil b. Ali as mesnevi and qita poetic form. Author states its label and his country Ruse saying as “...bu devân-ı vâdî-i ‘acz u kusûr ve pûyân-ı beyâbân-ı perîşânî vü fütûr Hâfız e’s-Seyyid ‘Abdu’llâh bin e’s- Seyyid Halîl bin e’s-Seyyid ‘Aliyyü’l-meşhûr Ruscuklı...” (fol.1b) in the preface of the Tuhfetü'l-Hafiz. There are some additional information in the work Ottoman Authors. According to this, Seyyid Abdullah Efendi is member of Qadiriyya sect and has poetic talent. Author, poeticises his Persian dictionary Tuhfetü'l-Hafiz in the year 1185. Except this work of author, author have also tercî-bend and murettep divan. The Mehmed Tahir Efendi from Bursa recounts that works begin with a verse preface as: Muhibb-i Kâdirî pîrim / Münîb-i dest-i meşhûrum Hadîsin behre-dârıyım / Bu ümmet iftihârıyım Ki Ruscuk yâd-gârıyım / Diyârın hicr-kârıyım” We have no information about “tercî-bend and mürettep divan” which Mehmet Tahir Efendi talks about. There is prose preface rather than verse preface in the only known copy of Tuhfetü'l-Hafiz that we examine which mentioned in the Ottoman Authors and above couplets also not included in this preface. There is a possibility that these information and couplets which situated in the Ottoman Authors taken from another copy of book that we cannot reach currently. The only known copy of the work registered with the asset number 3191 in the Suleymaniye Manuscripts Library Esad Efendi department. This copy which written with Shikasta Nastaʿlīq style is 21,4x13,8 cm and 15 folios (30 pages). But the work is in the copy of the fol.1b-12 chapters. The fol. 12b-13 chapters of copy are empty. Some words which situated in the Tuhfetü'l-Hafiz are rewritten with different rhythm in fol. 13b-15 chapters of copy. The headline of the work, arud prosodies and last couplet of each chapter are indicated with red ink throughout the copy. Persian words again written with red ink in one chapter of copy. Except preface, harakah has used up to the s.10b chapter. There is a weak seal and Ottoman registration number in Zahriye. The author says that copyright date of the work has to be calculate as first line of next couplets without dot; the second one with dotted with couplet which he wrote in “Nümûden-i Tetimme” as: Mıŝra˘-ı evvel ģurūf-ı sāde bir šārìĥ düşer Ģarf-i cevherdār-ı śānì başķa šārìĥ it şümār (B.322) Tuģfe-i Ģāfız-durur erbāb-ı ˘ilme ber-güźār Ķılsun ol Bārì Kitāb-ı Şāhidìveş yādgār (B.323) The letters without dot in the first line of last couplet give Hijri.1195 (GC.1780-81); whereas dotted letters in the second line give Hijri.1194 (GC.1780). (In this context, the information given by Mehmet Tahir Efendi are wrong) We already stated that Tuhfetü'l-Hafiz begin with the prose preface. The author has used remarkable fancy language in this preface. Preface begins with praise to God; and continues with praise to Hazrat Muhammad, Rashidun Caliphs, Martyrs of Karbala. (fol.1b) The author states that he imagined to write a Persian dictionary since he arrived to Thessaloniki and analysed some Persian dictionaries as possible, reading day and night booklet on this subject and finally as adhering to old procedures, wrote such a dictionary named Tuhfetü'l-Hafiz in a place known Koshan as a remembrance to children and teens who read Persian. (fol.2a) Tuhfetü'l-Hafiz consists of 323 couplets that written mesnevi and qita poetic forms. 1 of 3 of these couplets is missing. 97 couplets of the work written as qita and 226 couplets of the work written as mesnevi. Although same poetic forms used in the work, last couplet of the chapter “İbtidâ Kerden-i Nümûden-i Âsmân u Mihr ü Mâh” which written as qita poetic form (B.124) and 166. And 175. couplets of chapter of “Nümûdeni Cism-i Âdemî” are muqaffa in itself. Although varies time to time, the remarkable aspect of the work among the verse dictionaries is the arrangement of the chapters according to the subject. Accordingly, headings in the work and its arrangement are as follow: 1 Preface (fol.1b-2a) 2. Infinitive form of the verbs (fol.2b-3b) 3. Past forms of the verbs (fol.3b-4a) 4. Fi’l mudaari (imperfect) forms of the verb (fol.4a) 5. Ism-i fâ’il forms of the verbs (fol.4a-4b) 6. Ism-i mef’ûl forms of the verbs (fol.4b-5a) 7. Imperative forms of the verbs (fol.5a) 8. Explanations on the writing and composition of the work (fol.5b) 9. Words on sky, sun and the moon (fol.5b-6a)10. Words on places, rivers and agriculture (fol.6a-6b) 11. Words on human and his body (fol.6b-7b) 12. Words on house and kitchen (fol.7b-8a) 13. Words on king and war apparatus (fol.8a to-8b) 14. Words on animals (fol.8b-9a) 15. Words on plants (fol. 9a-9b) 16. Words on weaving (fol.9b) 17. Words on dressmaking (fol.9b-10a) 18 Words on building (fol.10a) 19. Words on shoemaking (fol.10a) 20. Words on saddlery (fol.10a) 21. Words on leatherworking and cutlery (fol.10a) 22. Words on goldsmith (fol.10a) 23. Words on blacksmith (fol.10b) 24. Words on herbalism(fol.10b) 25. Words on dyeing (fol.10b) 26. Words on h (fol.10b) 27. Words on clerkship(fol.10b-11a) 28 Words on bad habits (fol.11a-11b) 29. Final (fol.11b-12a) The feature which varies this masnavi and stanza verse dictionary is that it has been classified according to subjects in the content. In the Tuhfetu'l-Hafiz, along with different forms of verbs, approximately means of 1600 Persian words given as Turkish.


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