Zâhirüddîn Muhammed Bâbür tarafından kaleme alınmış ve hatıra türünün ilk örneği olarak kabul edilen Vekâyî meşhur adıyla Bâbürnâme (1b-382a) tümüyle titizlikle taranmıştır. Bu makalede, Bâbürnâme adlı eserde geçen aslî zarf-fiil ile kurulmuş olan yan cümlelerin kullanımını ve zaman işlevlerini ele alacağız. Buna göre, metnimizde geçen aslî zarf-fiiller çerçevesinde ele aldığımız -GAç, -GAlI, GUnçA, -(X)p, -A/-y, -mAy biçimlerini değerlendireceğiz. Bu çalışmamızda, aslen zarf-fiil olmayan, fakat isim-fiillerin ve sıfat-fiillerin iyelik, durum ekleri ya da edatlarla kurdukları birliktelikler sonucunda oluşturdukları türemiş zarf-fiil (geçici zarf) biçimleri üzerinde hiç durmayacağız. Bilindiği üzere Zarf-fiiller, fiilin bildirdiği hareketi, zarf yapma göreviyle tamamlarlar. Söz diziminin de önemli bir parçası olan zarf-fiil yan cümleleri, zarf yan cümlelerini oluştururlar ve ana cümleye bağlı olarak farklı işlevler kazanırlar. Zarf-fiil biçimleri salt bir tek işlev bildirmekten öte, eklendiği fiile göre, üstlendiği görev ve anlama göre çok farklı biçimlerde işlevsellik arz etmektedirler. Diğer bir ifade ile, bu zarf-fiil yan cümleleri, ana cümlenin anlamını zaman, tarz, sebep, amaç, vb. gibi değişik açılardan tamamlarlar. Biz bu makalede, Bâbürnâme adlı eserdeki zarf-fiil yan cümlelerini ve birlikteliklerinin kullanımını özellikle de, zarf-fiil yan cümlesinin bağlı bulunduğu ana cümle veya başka bir yan cümle ile kurduğu zaman ilişkileri sonucunda üstlendiği görev ve işlevleri bakımından değerlendirmeye çalışacağız


Baburnama (1b-382a), written by Zahirüddin Muhammed Babur and considered the first example of the genre of memoirs, was scanned studiously and completely. In this article, we will discuss the usage and temporal function of dependent clauses established with principal adverb-verbs in this literary work named Baburnama. Accordingly, we will evaluate the forms of -GAç,-GAlI, -GUnçA, -(X)p,-A/y,-mAy, discussed in the framework of principal adverb-verbs. In this study, we will not dwell on the forms of derivative adverb-verbs (temporary adverbs) which are not originally adverb-verbs but created as a result of adjective-verbs’ or noun-verbs’ association with ownership suffixes, case suffixes or prepositions. As is known, adverb-verbs complete the movement of the verbs with the task of making them adverbs. Adverb-verb dependent clauses, which are also an important part of syntax, create adverbial clauses and gain another function by depending on main clause. The forms of adverb-verbs propound different forms of functionality according to their task and mean beyond the notification only one function. In other words, the adverb-verb dependent clauses complete the mean of the main clause differentially such as time, genre, reason, purpose etc. In this article, we will try to evaluate adverbverb dependent clauses and the use of their association in Baburnama, especially in terms of the task and function of adverb-verb dependent clauses comprised after the temporal connection with main clause or another dependent clause Baburnama (1b-382a), written by Zahirüddin Muhammed Babur (1483-1530) and considered the first example of the genre of memoirs, was scanned studiously and completely. In this article, we will discuss the usage and temporal function of dependent clauses established with principal adverb-verbs in this literary work named Baburnama. Accordingly, we will evaluate the forms of -GAç,-GAlI, -GUnçA, -(X)p,-A/- y,-mAy, discussed in the framework of principal adverb-verbs. In this study, we will not dwell on the forms of derivative adverb-verbs (temporary adverbs) which are not originally adverb-verbs but created as a result of adjective-verbs’ or noun-verbs’ association with ownership suffixes, case suffixes or prepositions. As is known, adverb-verbs complete the movement of the verbs with the task of making them adverbs. Adverb-verb dependent clauses, which are also an important part of syntax, create adverbial clauses and gain another function by depending on main clause. The forms of adverb-verbs propound different forms of functionality according to their task and mean beyond the notification only one function. In other words, the adverb-verb dependent clauses complete the mean of the main clause differentially such as time, genre, reason, purpose etc. In this article, we will try to evaluate adverbverb dependent clauses and the use of their association in Baburnama,especially in terms of the task and function of adverb-verb dependent clauses comprised after the temporal connection with main clause or another dependent clause. We saw that especially the form, structure (morphology/morphologic) and meaning (semantics/semantic) characteristics of gerunds (even referred to different terms)1 were primarily studied in Turkish grammar books. In this article, we will discuss the use of gerund dependent clauses and their time functions in Baburnama. With gerund clauses hereby, we state the ones which are formed by the actual verbal-adverb. According to some grammar books, we would like to add that these are mentioned by their “simple” name. In other words, what we mean with “actual (simple)” is the indivisibility of gerund (such as –p, -A) or the fact that even if the gerund can be divided, all of the parts or at least one part forming it remain non-functional in that language. For instance; when we examine structurally the gerund –GalI with which we mostly confront in Baburnama, as both of GA ve –lI suffixes are not used as separate suffix/morpheme in that language, they remain non-functional. 2 For supporting our thesis, we can give “-mAksIzIn” example in Turkish. -mAk and –sız suffixes creating this form are used functionally in this language. However, -ın suffix (formerly an intermediate case suffix) no longer survives with its former role in this language. Starting from this point of view, if we should repeat, unless one or a part of the suffixes forming the gerund has role in the said language, these gerunds should be called as actual (simple) according to us. We will discuss actual (simple) gerund forms fulfilling the verb action with the role to make adverb under the following six titles: 1.-GAç, 2. –GAlI, 3. –GUnçA, 4. -(X)p, 5. -A/-y, 6. –mAy These six gerund types and forms that we mention above are dependent on upper part with regards to syntax; namely on main clause in the co-occurrence that they form with the verbs to which they fix. Johansan express this in details as follows: The “left aligned syntax” of Turkic languages is their typological characteristic. Accordingly, the dependent part is placed in front of the main part. One of the basic typological characteristics of Turkish is that it has left aligned syntax; namely ruler-ruled principle. According to this principle, the dependent member (ruled) takes place in front of (antecedent) the main member (ruler) with regards to syntax. The ruled constituents precede the ruler constituents (Johanson, 1992, 254-255). When the dependent clauses formed by gerund are evaluated semantically, it is seen that they reflect different relationships. They change from some respects the content of main clause on which they are dependent. These respects can be: time, style, reason, purpose, etc. However, we will only discuss hereby the use of adverbial dependent clause with regards to the “time relationships” that it makes with the main clause and sometimes with another dependent clause. In fact, the basic function of actual (simple) gerunds is to express the time within a clause. In other words, it is to give the order of occurrence of the events. Accordingly, the event that has been expressed with the verb of the adverbial dependent clause with verbal adverb may happen before, after or at the same time with the event expressed in the verb of the main clause. The realization point or process of the events is specified and evaluated in accordance with the time expressed by the verb of the main clause. While we consider the actual (simple) gerund samples that are the verb of the sub clause and form the adverbial clause, we said that we would evaluate the "time relations" of the main clause with the verbal adverb". That means we are looking for an answer to the question of “How does time expressed by the adverbial sub clause, find a place in the time expressed in the main clause?" If the events in the main clause and sub clause happen at the same time; if they are concurrent; we can evaluate two aspects: First of all, the event expressed in the adverbial sub clause and that of in the main clause are independent from and equivalent to each other. Secondly, the event expressed in the adverbial sub clause gives information about how; in what way etc. the event expressed in the main clause happened. As previously stated, we will try to evaluate the expression of time by focusing on the first aspect and function.


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