Sürdürülebilir tarım; tarımsal ekosisteme zarar vermeyen, doğanın tanıyan kendini uygulamalardan oluşmaktadır. Sürdürülebilir tarım ve sürdürülebilir tarımsal uygulamalarda amaç; doğal kaynakları tüketmeksizin, doğal ortama gerçekleştirilmesidir. Diğer bir amaç ise kırsal kalkınmayı sağlayarak çiftçilerin ekonomik düzeylerini ve yaşam kalitesini artırmaktır. Özetle sürdürülebilir tarım, bütüncül bir yaklaşıma sahiptir. Ülkemizde sürdürülebilir tarımın gerçekleşmesi ve tarımsal faaliyetlerin tüm aşamalarında denetim mekanizmasının en üst seviyede işletilmesi adına Tarım Sektörü Entegre Yönetim Bilgi Sistemi (TARSEY) projesi gerçekleştirilmektedir. Tarımsal sürdürülebilirlik adına bir dönüm noktası olacak bu dev proje, tam anlamıyla gerçekleştirildiğinde Hassas Tarıma (HT) geçiş süreci de tamamlanmış olacaktır. TARSEY projesi 2015 yılı itibari ile ülkemizde sürdürülebilir tarım uygulamalarının tümünü kapsayan bir sistem olarak düşünülmüş ve bugüne değin gerçekleştirilen tüm uygulamaları içine alacak şekilde planlanmıştır. Proje, tarımsal uygulamaları tek çatı altında toplayacak şekilde temellendirilmiştir. oluşmaktadır. Bu sistem ülkemiz tarımı açısından bir dönüm noktası niteliğindedir


Sustainable agriculture consists agricultural systems and practices that does not harm the agricultural ecosystem and allowing nature to renew itself. The objective of sustainable agriculture and sustainable agricultural practices is the protection of the natural resources, the production of safe food and fiber without harming the natural environment. Another objective is to improve the economic status and quality of life of farmers by providing the rural development. Thus, sustainable agriculture has a holistic approach. In Turkey, the realization of sustainable agriculture and mechanism at all stages of agricultural activities are carried out the highest level of operation of on behalf of Agriculture Integrated Management Information System (TARSEY) project. This giant project which will be a milestone behalf of agricultural sustainability, when the full realization of Precision Agriculture (PA) happens, the transition process will be completed. TARSEY project is conceived as a system that covers all sustainable agricultural practices of Turkey in 2015 and it is planned to include all applications that have been realized so far. The project is based according to agricultural practices which intend to collect them under one roof. This study consists of two parts. Firstly, the conceptual framework for the sustainable agriculture and sustainable agriculture indicators has been put forward. Hence, the importance of sustainable agriculture and sustainable agriculture applications has been revealed in order to create awareness. In the second part, an evaluation will be made with in sustainable agriculture framework of the current situation with reference to the ongoing agricultural practices. The latest stage of sustainable agricultural practices that reached in Turkey; Agriculture Integrated Management Information System (TARSEY) as projected, supportive of all sustainable agricultural practices and all its complements, it consisted decision support mechanism of the latest technology that use in of the whole. This system will be evaluated by study which is a milestone for Turkey Many methods have been tried and developed in order to realize agricultural sustainability up to today. Within the frame of very different concepts, the necessary agricultural methods have been discussed. It is clear that common goal of all of them is to reduce the repression on the natural environment and give an opportunity to the natural environment to renew itself besides to produce safe food. The most basic factor in the realization of sustainability is the protection of natural sources. The necessity of passing hundreds of years in order for several inches of soil layer to be formed is a simple example revealing the importance of mentioned case. On this basis, in meeting the human’s basic needs from natural environment, handling the cases in a ‘protective’ approach is essential. This case is the most significant responsibility of today’s generation in human’s approach to the environment. Thus, the presence of a natural environment which can renew itself will guarantee the lives of both today’s generations and future generations. This sense of responsibility which we can also express as respect to nature, respect to natural life cycle and respect to human and future generations’ right to life, is a duty today’s people which should be before all pragmatist reflexes. Thus, ‘sustainability’ should be a social responsibility project that should be applied in all fields of human life. Sustainable agriculture is composed of nature-friendly, different practices and systems which form alternative production models against methods that require the usage of synthetic input and pesticides which cause heavy destructions on agricultural ecosystem and used within the frame of modern agricultural practices. So that, the usage of sources belonging to natural environment is of first priority in protecting against agricultural pests and other practices in sustainable agricultural practices. In short, these are agricultural practices that base protecting natural environment and human health instead of economical priorities and production techniques made with commercial concern. In sustainable agriculture, safe food production is not the only target. It is a system which provides rural development, increases economic levels and life quality of the farmers together with food production. A lot of indexes have been determined for sustainable agriculture. Although there are some varieties in bench mark indexes in different studies, in this study the indexes belonging to sustainable agriculture basically were classified as indexes belonging to natural environment, social and economic indexes. Knowing the indexes belonging to natural environment and making the targets and policy in the direction of this potential should form a basis, because making opposite practices to natural environment features causes to occur structural problems in the long run. In the crux of the agricultural problems in our day is making practices incompatible with the features of natural environment. Nonetheless, exclusively making agricultural production with the right methods and practices precisely does not mean that sustainability is achieved. In order for the products of the producer to represent a value, he needs to get the worth. Products that stayed in the field and are unsalable are social and economical indexes that risk sustainability, too. From this aspect, there is an integrated approach in sustainable agriculture and sustainable agricultural practices. If all the stages from the first stage in agricultural activities which is production of the foods to the last stage which is conveying them to the consumers process thoroughly, this is the indicator of that sustainability is fully realized. As a result, in the target of sustainable agriculture and sustainable agricultural practices are; providing environmental quality with the improvements made to render continuous natural resources such as soil and water, realizing safe food production, making the dynamism of agricultural economy continuous and developing life standards of agricultural sector. Considering climatic characteristics, soil characteristics and other geographical characteristics, Turkey is one of the rare countries providing optimum conditions for agricultural activities. Turkey which has an important potential in meeting the food requirements on a global scale has become a significant actor in world agriculture with the agricultural export approaching 6 billion dollars done to 163 countries. Our country which is among the 10 countries in the world with 62 billion dollars agricultural GSYH, takes place at the top among European countries. This important potential will provide an important income for our country with registering that safe food production is realized, because there is awareness about safe food production around the world and sanctions are imposed in that direction. In this context, TARSEY project is a potential and an opportunity to fulfill that duty. TARSEY project is regarded as a system containing all the sustainable agricultural practices in our country by year of 2015. The project is planned in a way to gather agricultural practices under a single roof. TARSEY project is planned on two main bases and TARBİL project forms its backbone. In 2008, a pilot project practice called ‘Agricultural Yield Prediction and Drought Monitoring (TARİT)’ was launched. After the project’s success, in 2011 TARBİL project was put into use and until 2015 this project has been applied. In 2015, all of the agricultural practices made within Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock were gathered under a single roof and it was decided that studies should continue as TARSEY project. Another basis of TARSEY project consists of Agricultural Information System (TBS) and mobile applications. When looked in terms of the present state of TARSEY project, we can sort the completed studies as follows; As a result of the studies of TARBİL project which is one of the two basic elements of TARSEY project, establishment of 301 smart measurement stations has been completed by year of 2014 and are used actively. Of the active stations 291 of them are in the form of AgriculturalMeteorological-Phenological station. Thanks to the equipments on these stations plant developmental stages are monitored constantly. Moreover, meteorological measurements are made in these stations. In order to form cadastres database of our country, geographic information systems based studies were conducted and cadastres database was formed by digitizing totally 48.500.000 cadastres parcels. Thus, an important inventory study was completed. Thereby, data belonging to 81 cities and 900 counties were taken into Geographic Information Systems based inventory by realizing the digitizing of each parcel on which agriculture is done. With the study, identity number was given to each parcel. Thus, data belonging to the parcels which were given identification numbers and of whom were entered all kinds of features (such as altitude, slope, aspect, soil structure, reared products, irrigated- dry farming, cultivated, productiveness state) about agricultural activities can be achieved on request. Except the observation and measurements made with satellite images, smart measurement stations, there is TARGEL staff working actively on the field. TARGEL staff who take on important tasks in TARSEY project transmits the measurements that they made on the field and other evaluations to the system momentarily. In this way, spatial data about the field are collected in common information repository which is also called ‘Agriculture Informatics Cloud’. These data can be used by all shareholders. Through tablets which were distributed within the scope of the project, data entrance can be made simultaneously over the field. In this concept, data entrance were made in 41 thousands of villages and vicinities, in order to know the present potential, an agricultural inventory was taken. In short, instead of decennial agricultural inventories, inventories will be made with the most up-todate data supported by data entered simultaneously. In that way, agricultural statistical data will become more reliable. Another practice targeted in the scope of TARSEY project is directed to the consumers. Thanks to product tracking system, the consumers will be able to reach the information about which product was produced where via labels/barcodes on the products. By means of mobile applications, barcodes will be read by mobile phones and identity/ stemma data of products (such as harvest season, parcel of production and producer, fertilizers, drugs used) will be known by the consumers and will be consumed in safe. Maintaining dynamism and functioning of integrated systems that are composed of a lot of elements without a hitch is an important as well as difficult responsibility. In the context of realizing agricultural sustainability in all areas in our country, TARSEY project is conducted. This project targeting to make Precision Agricultural practices which require the use of advanced technologies is composed of various elements working in an integrated way. If this project which has not been completed yet can be conducted in the direction of its targets, it is certain that it will be a turning point for the sake of the agriculture of our country. Indeed, if TARSEY can be conducted in line with the planned goals properly, an important value - brand- , that our country will export by making technology transfer and that it will present to the external world proudly, will be formed. Thus this system can be transferred to the other countries with all of its infrastructure and applications. TARSEY which gathers sustainable agricultural practices under a single roof in our country and is composed of various integrated applications is a project in which agricultural policies are determined via Geographic Information Systems based analyses and inquisitions in essence. Thanks to this system which records all spatial and aspatial data about agricultural activities in a most up-to-date way in our country, the transition process to Precision Agriculture will be fulfilled. By means of the system, it will be possible to develop good agricultural policies by making spatial analyses and inquisitions via the available current and rrect data. This case will provide agricultural activities to develop in all fields and making right decisions via the inquisitions will be possible. Considering the present state and targets of TARSEY project, it will present significant gains in behalf of our country. One of the most important gains of the project is that it will provide making an agricultural inventory in a very serious manner in our country. The ability to reach exact and reliable data in an instant is the strongest feature of this project. When project stages are taken into consideration, it is observed that it creates reliable references in itself in providing food safety. It will be possible to reach the information of stemma that constitutes transfer points of any product and how the product was produced owing to a good tracking system in this system.


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