Suç olgusu insanlığın ilk tarihinden günümüze kadar vardır ve gelecekte de var olmaya devam edecek sosyal bir sorundur. Suçun olmadığı bir dünya hayaldir. Fakat suç işlenmesinin azaltılması genelde bir ülkenin özelde ise bir kentin veya bölgenin sosyal-ekonomik-coğrafisiyasi durumuna ve gerçeklerine göre uygulanacak doğru politikalarla mümkündür. Şüphesiz ki devletler tarafından oluşturulan suçu önlemeye dair politikalar farklı aktörler tarafından uygulanır. Türkiye'de polis bu aktörlerin en önemlilerinden birisi olarak kabul edilir. Oysaki polisin suçu önleme ve azaltma konusundaki rolü özellikle batılı güvenlik yazınında tartışılan önemli bir meseledir. Bu çalışmanın amacı suçun önlenmesinde genelde kolluk görevlilerinin özelde polisin rolünü yeni suç tehditleri ve yeni güvenlik paradigmaları ışığında ortaya koyabilmektir. Çalışmada öncelikle suç ile kolluğun suçu önlemeye dair uyguladığı faaliyetler arasında (varsa) ilişki kurulmaya çalışılmıştır. Suçu önlemeye yönelik öne çıkan teoriler ve bu teorilerin farklı polislik uygulamalarında tezahürü masaya yatırılmıştır. Ayrıca güvenlik yazınında yapılmış saha çalışmalarının bilimsel sonuçlarına atıfta bulunarak "polis suçu önler-önleyemez" sorunsalı tartışılmıştır. Çalışma, genel kolluk üst başlığında polis uygulamalarıyla sınırlı olup özel kolluk kuvvetlerinin faaliyetlerini kapsamamaktadır. Genelde kolluk görevlilerinin özelde ise polisin suçu önlemdeki rolünü iyi analiz edebilmek için suç ile polisin suçu engellemeye yönelik faaliyetleri arasındaki bağı-ilişkiyi ortaya koyabilmek önemlidir. Bunun için öncelikle suç olgusunu iyi anlamak ve suçu önlemeye yönelik -öne çıkmış- kuramları iyi irdelemek gerekir. Bu çalışmada suç olgusu ve polislik uygulamalarının suçu önlemedeki rolü üst başlığında; modern toplumlarda paradigmalarının günümüzdeki işlevselliği ve yeni güvenlik tehditleri karşısında uygulanan yeni güvenlik paradigmalarına ve stratejilerine dayalı polislik faaliyetleri tartışılmıştır


The phenomenon of crime has been around since the first day of humanity and it is a social problem that will continue to exist in the future as well. A world without crime is a dream. However, reduction in crime rates is possible with policies applied according to the social, economic and geo-political conditions of a city or a region in particular and of a country in general. No doubt that policies created by governments about crime prevention are applied by different actors. The police in Turkey is considered to be one of the most important of those actors. Yet the role of the police in prevention and reduction of crime is an important issue discussed especially at the western security literature. The aim of this study is to reveal the role of the police in particular and law enforcement officers in general in the light of new crime threats and security paradigms. In the study, a relation between crime and the activities law enforcers practice in the prevention of crime has been mainly tried to establish. Prominent theories for the prevention of crime and the manifestations of these theories in different police practices have been discussed in detail. In addition, the problem "whether the police prevents crime" has been discussed in reference to the scientific results of the field studies in the security literature. The study is limited to the police practices in the top title of law enforcement and it includes the activities of private law enforcement officers. In order to analyze the role of the police in particular and law enforcement officers in general in the prevention of crime, it is important to reveal the contact-bond- relationship between crime and the crime prevention activities of the police. Therefore, it is firstly needed to understand the crime phenomenon and examine the prominent theories of crime. In this study, policing practices in modern societies, the modern functionality of traditional policing paradigms and policing activities based on new security paradigms and strategies against new security threats will be discussed in the top title of the role of policing practices in crime prevention It is not possible to mention social, cultural, political development and even proper education and healthcare services in a society where there is crime and a strong fear of crime. (Dolu and Uludağ, 2010; Aydın, 2006: 284-285). In this sense, the primary objective and the most important task of a modern government is to ensure the happiness and security of the people and to fight crime and criminals with law enforcement officers. (Derdiman, 2007: 1). The police providing security services as their responsibilities which is one of the most basic functions of a government (Aydın, 2006: 287) have also administrative duties such as "to uncover the crime and make effective criminal investigation" and "to prevent crime, i.e.; to fulfill deterrent law enforcement services" which are given by the laws (Goksu et al., 2011: 20-21). Among the activities of law enforcement officers in the police and the military (Nacak, 2015) are patrol services on foot or in vehicles (Yavaş, 2015: 1), community policing practices and problem-oriented policing (Sözer, 2010). In order to analyze the role of the police in particular and law enforcement officers in general in the prevention of crime, it is important to reveal the contact-bond- relationship between crime and the crime prevention activities of the police. Therefore, it is firstly needed to understand the crime phenomenon and examine the prominent theories of crime. In this study, policing practices in modern societies, the modern functionality of traditional policing paradigms and policing activities based on new security paradigms and strategies against new security threats will be discussed in the top title of the role of policing practices in crime prevention. The main frame of the discussion consists of especially the theories on crime prevention in cities and policing activities based on these theories. In traditional policing, criminals are caught after the crime and put in front of judicial mechanisms with the evidence collected. Traditional policing is not interested in social, economic, political and cultural factors of a crime. The new world where everything has changed, borders have ceased, technology has entered all areas of our lives and the needs and expectations of individuals have come into prominence has brought new security threats and new policing practices along. Among those crimes are transnational crimes, crimes caused by unexpected wars and migrations following those wars, terror organizations' cruel acts including innocent civilians, cybercrimes appearing when the internet which enters all areas of our lives is neglected, crimes of fraud that become phenomenon via communication, mind-boggling crimes committed by criminal organizations that can be anywhere at any time by using time-place shift very well and drug-based crimes. In this context, it is inevitable to develop new security strategies against new security threats. Objectives of new security strategies are different from the traditional concept of security. In the new concept of security, it is essential to understand the social, environmental, economic and political causes of crimes and to take preventive measures against crimes in the environments. In order to take those measures, there are policies that many units of the government must implement. Therefore, the role of the police in the crime prevention has been tried to put forward in the light of new paradigms of policing in this study. Well-known programs and practices of the police against crimes have been discussed. There is no scientific conclusion that patrol contributes to the reduction of crimes. Studies conducted in the field reveals that doubling the number of patrols or halving it doesn't create significant changes in the crime rates. Although motorized patrols made by the uniformed cops do not affect the number of the crimes, cops giv 1981; Kelling, 1985; Moris ve Heal, 1981: Aktaran: Bayley, 2006: 9-10). In this sense, the fact that the patrolling police officers are trained against new crime types and appointed in the units dealing with those crimes will result in using the human resource more efficiently and effectively. In conclusion; the police can prevent/reduce crime. The police must use the human resource and the technology in order to effectively fight the security threats such as terror, drug trafficking, cyber-crime, organized crime, and the fraud committed in new ways. The importance of realizing the principles required by the modern and contemporary management in today's world such as transparency, flexibility, efficiency and accountability is indisputable in public management in general and in policing practices in particular so as to prevent crime and win trust of the people. The police must be informed and even trained if necessary for the implementation of the theories on crime prevention. Law enforcement officers must work in coordination and effective communication between the police forces fighting transnational crimes must be provided against the new security threats. It must be remembered that the essence of the security services is to prevent the occurrence of the crime
