Dünyada ve Türkiye'de giderek yaygınlaşan uluslararası öğrenim birçok ülkenin oldukça önemli gelir kaynaklarından ve istihdam alanlarından biri haline gelmiştir. Uluslararası öğrenim veren ülke, bu yolla kendisine yalnızca ekonomik katkı sağlamakla kalmayıp, kültürel değerlerinin, diğer ülkeler tarafından tanınmasına ve ülkesinin uluslararası saygınlığının artmasına da katkı sağlamaktadır. Türk yükseköğretim Kurumu da her geçen gün artan bir hızla bu alana girmekte, dış ülkelere öğrenci göndermekte ve kabul etmektedir. Bu bağlamda, Atatürk Üniversitesi de dış ülkelerden oldukça önemli rakamlarda öğrenci kabul eden bir devlet üniversitesidir. Bu çalışma, Atatürk Üniversitesinde öğrenim gören Azerbaycanlı öğrencilerin, sosyo-ekonomik durumlarını ve karşılaştıkları problemleri belirlemek ve bu problemlere yönelik bir takım politikalar geliştirmek amacı ile hazırlanmıştır. Araştırma, Azerbaycan uyruklu öğrencilerin yaşadıkları problemleri aşmalarında üniversitenin sosyal ve kültürel imkânlarından etkin yararlanmalarının anlamlı etkisi olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Bu araştırma sonucunda, Azerbaycanlı öğrencilerin Türkiye'den ve Atatürk Üniversitesinden genel olarak memnun oldukları, buna karşılık oldukça az bir kısmının bir takım sosyo-ekonomik problemler yaşadığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Öğrencilerin karşılaştıkları sorunlar başlıklar halinde şunlardır; öğrenim gördükleri Atatürk Üniversitesinin sosyal yoğunluğundan dinlenmeye gereken vakiti ayıramama, kültürel farklılıktan kaynaklanan mezhepsel sorunlar, konaklama ve maddi sorunlar. sahibi olamadıklarından kaynaklanmaktadır. Konaklama ve maddi sorunlara yönelik problem sahibi olduğunu ileri süren öğrencilerin toplamı oldukça düşük orandadır. Öğrencilerin, derslerin yoğunluğunda dinlenmeye yeterince vakit ayıramama düşünceleri iseülkede yaşanılabilecek başlıca problemlerden biridir. Mezhepsel farklılıklarının üniversitede yine çoğunluğu Müslüman öğrencilerden oluşan bir topluluk içerisinde problem oluşturduğu düşüncesi ise araştırılması gereken farklı bir çalışma olarak kendini göstermektedir. Bu oluşturulmasına da zemin hazırlayacaktır. yabancı bir alanda yapılacak çalışmalar, yeni sosyal politikaların oluşturulmasına da zemin hazırlayacaktır


International higher education has become an application that is adopted by countries and widened all around the world. Just like Turkish higher education system, progressively sends out students to abroad and approves students from abroad. In this context Atatürk University is a state university which approves many students from abroad. This study has been worked out to determine the socio-economic conditions and problems encountering of Azerbaijani students studying in Atatürk University and to develop a set of policy concerning such problems. As a result of the study, it is found out that utilizing social and cultural facilities of the university effectively has a meaningful effect to cope with those problems. As a result of this study, it has been arrived that Azerbaijani students generally are pleased with their conditions in Turkey and Atatürk University, instead, less amount is faced with a set of socioeconomic problems. These problems can be listed and titled as: Having insufficient utilizing of social facilities of Atatürk University, having insufficient allocated time to relax because of training and studying, having insufficient time allocated to relax and fun because of rush-hour program of courses, denominational problems that stem from cultural differences, accommodation and economic problems. Azerbaijani students, who are insufficiently utilizing social facilities of the university, have reasons of not having enough knowledge of their environment and the city. There are a few number of students who assert problems regarding to accommodation and economic topics. The idea of having insufficient time allocated to relax and fun because of rush-hour program of courses can be seen as one of the primary problems which can be faced in a foreign country. The idea of denominational differences accepted as a problem in such a community, in which there are Muslim students in majority, also is a different issue that is to be investigated academically. Further studies can lead to emergence of new social policies about this issue Today which facilitated transportation, increased learning opportunities, regarded as a rising value of information whereas working life, generally, a rising education demand from relatively less developed countries towards developed countries is being observed. Students who went to related country for education can provide their economic needs through either facilities of their own family and country or supports of public, national, international non-profit organisations of country which they are educating. Sometimes, students are trying to continue their education by somehow working. Worldwide foreign graduate and post-graduate students numbers are rising and they are contributing to economy of countries which they educate. Especially, developed countries which use English or West languages for education saving big incomes and they are extending their employment area through this service industry. Turkey is a country which sends students to the West. Howewer, Turkey has faced a new restructuring and arrangement because of developing economy in Turkey, rising experience of university education. Especially after 2000's, Turkey has increased the quota for foreign students. Turkey has completed infrastructure and superstructure equipments, Turkey has diversified disciplines that serviced. This situation has led to students to prefer much more Turkey and Turkey has become a popular country for the neighbor country's students. Placed at Turkey's east Iran and Azerbaijan is sending students to Turkey every year. Foreign students in these countries prefer Turkey because of Turkey's location. In this study, It was aimed to indicate socio-economic status and problems of Azerbaijan national students studying at Ataturk University. It was aimed to product more qualified policies, to find out new policies for maximum benefit of foreign students and the country. Without geographical proximity, Azerbaijan is the nearest country to Turkey with ethnicity, religious beliefs and cultural fabric. In this study, It was aimed to indicate socio-economic situations of Azerbaijan national students at Ataturk university and to indicate whether Azerbaijan national students are living social adaptation problems or not. As a result of research, about the contents of social policies in order to eliminate the found problems have explained. Methods This study was conducted as to the nature and form of performing quantitative and relational methods. It was tried to explain and indicate current situation. This research was made at Ataturk University in the 2014-2015 academic year in the study of the universe that total size of 237. However, when study started, It was seen that only registered at any of faculty or college 160 of 237 Azerbaijan national students continue to educate but remaining studens do not. So, according to registered student numbers, population is 237. But according to continuing student numbers can decrease till 160. Research was made with registered at any of associate degree or graduate 160 Azerbaijan national students of 104 at Ataturk University. Data were obtained via an application developed by researchers. Data were processed and analyzed via SPSS (Standart Program for Social Sciences) for Windows 16.0 pocket application. Annual action plans for determining existence of negative thoughts or problems of Azerbaijan national students about Ataturk University should prepare. It should make researches to determine whether students' thoughts in a year changed or did not. According to the results to be achieved, the next academic term, necessary measures should be taken and implemented. Such application must be inspected to ensure the continuation made by arranging necessary regulations and laws by the concerned authorities. When Azerbaijan national students choose Turkey, It was identified that they considered education quality, education and living costs, scholarship opportunities, Turkey's cultural, religious and ethnic structure, geographical proximity. Results and Discussion As a result of this research, students were generally satisfied with Azerbaijani students from Turkey and Ataturk University, but has reached the conclusion that a small amount of them experienced socioeconomic problems. These issues are under titles; don't allow time inadequate social opportunities of Ataturk University which they educate, can not set aside enough time to rest because of intensify of courses, sectarian problems arising from cultural differences, accommodation and financial problems. Some of foreign national students are suffering because of financial difficulties. So, financial difficulties obstacles to recognition Turkey and Erzurum. The research results indicate that the students benefiting enough from social services at the university have positive opinion about Turkey and Ataturk University. In order to overcome this problem, Ataturk University should organize trips for foreign national students in order to introduce environment in a programmed manner. Because, students are owning If the city is more familiar. Their satisfaction level of the city and university is increasing. International relations offices should be established or available offices should be strengthened and made more functional. At the units will be created for students, It should be allowed to prepare to students for making handle programs about their own countries. For these students, cultural evenings and solidarity programs should be organized also. Consequently, It contributes students motivation to placing handle icons representing their own countries to different places at university.
