Bu makalede, Türkiye'de bir asırlık bir geçmişe sahip sosyoloji biliminin Türkiye'deki üniversitelerde 1914 yılında İstanbul Darülfünun'da başlayan akademik kurumsallaşma süreçleri bağlamında sosyoloji bölümlerindeki din sosyolojisi dersinin öğrencilerin bakış açısı üzerinden ele alınması amaçlanmaktadır. Bilimsel bilginin sosyolojisi üzerine yapılmış bir araştırma olan bu çalışmada, bilginin öznesi olarak birey kabul edilmekte ancak bireyin içinde yaşadığı toplumsal bağlar ile etkileşim halinde epistemik dünyasını inşa ettiği kabul edilmektedir. Türkiye'de 1980'li yıllarda 10'u geçmeyen sosyoloji bölümü sayısı 2015 yılı itibari ile 80'i geçmiştir. Türkiye'de sosyoloji biliminin tarihsel olarak kurumsallaşma süreci içinde Sosyoloji bölümlerindeki ders tercihleri, derslerin adları, içerikleri ve teknikleri gibi konular, içinde yaşanılan dönemin epistemolojik yapısı yanında sosyoloji bölümünün coğrafi konumlanışı, öğrenci ve öğreticilerin toplumsal kökenleri gibi diğer toplumsal olgularla yakından ilişkili olarak şekillenmektedir. Bu bağlamda dünyada ve Türkiye'de yaşanan siyasi ve toplumsal gelişmeler ve bu gelişmeler ile etkileşim halinde şekillenen bilimsel tartışmaların sosyoloji bölümlerinin müfredatına yansımalarının olduğu anlaşılmaktadır. Bunun yanında bilgi üretim kurumu olarak üniversitelerdeki sosyoloji eğitimi sürecinde, sürecin aktörlerinden olan hoca-öğrenci ilişkisi temelindeki etkileşimler analiz edilmektedir. Sosyoloji eğitiminin sosyolojisini yapma bağlamında, Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyoloji Bölümü'nde 2014-2015 ve 2015-2016 yıllarında okutulan din sosyolojisi dersi ile ilgili bölümde eğitim-öğretim gören 115 öğrenci ile bir anket çalışması yapılarak sonuçlar sosyolojik olarak değerlendirilmiştir.


In this article, it is aimed to elaborate sociology of religion courses in sociology departments in context of academic institutionalization periods of sociology science in Turkey which has an agelong history starting from 1914 in İstanbul Darülfünun, on the basis of students’ viewpoint. In this research, which is conducted on the sociology of scientific knowledge, the individual is accepted as the subject of knowledge, however; it is accepted that the individual structures his/her epistemic world in interaction with social lines he/she lives in. In Turkey, number of Sociology Departments which was not more than 10 in 1980’s, is above 80 considering 2015 year. In the period of sociology science’s historical institutionalization in Turkey, course preferences, topics such as names, contents and methods of the courses in Sociology departments take shape interrelatedly within the terms’ epistemological structure, Other social facts like geographical positioning, students’ and lecturers’ social origins. Besides, in the time of sociology education in universities as an institution of information producer, interactions between lecturer-student relationship as the actors of the process are analyzed. In this context, it is understood that political and social changes and scientific developments take form in relation to these changes have reflections on the curriculum of sociology departments. In the context of making sociology of sociology education, a questionnaire study was applied to 115 students taking sociology of religion course in Karamanoglu Mehmetbey University between the academic years of 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 and results were evaluated sociologically n this article, it is aimed to elaborate sociology of religion courses in sociology departments in context of academic institutionalization periods of sociology science in Turkey which has an agelong history starting from 1914 in İstanbul Darülfünun, on the basis of students’ viewpoint. In Turkey, number of Sociology Departments which was not more than 10 in 1980’s, is above 80 considering 2015 year. In the period of sociology science’s historical institutionalization in Turkey, topics such as course preferences, names, contents and methods of the courses in Sociology departments take shape interrelatedly within the terms’ epistemological structure, other social facts like geographical positioning, students’ and lecturers’ social origins. Besides, in the time of sociology education in universities as an institution of information producer, interactions between lecturer-student relationship as the actors of the process are analyzed. In the context of making sociology of sociology education, a questionnaire study was applied to 115 students taking sociology of religion course in Karamanoglu Mehmetbey University between the academic years of 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 and results were evaluated sociologically. Screening curriculum of universities lecturing sociology in Turkey in terms of content, method and structure makes it possible to recognise epistemological, paradigmatic, thematic and structural changes in social sciences in our country. In this epistemologic differentiation, it is possible to see the effects of current ecoles (compartmentalization) in Turkish sociology. Besides differences in approach, method and etc., there is also the tendency ato differentiate in terms of curriculum between newly-establishes universities and older universities (Başak, 2005). It is understood that political and social developments and scientific discussions related to these developments in Turkey and in the whole world have reflections to the curriculums of sociology. In this context, the matter of lecturing or not lecturing Sociology of Religion course in sociology departments, has taken shape via besides, sociology’s historical process and formation in Turkey, also via effects political, ideological and daily developments. In most of sociology departments in Turkey, Sociology of Religion is lectured as compulsory or required course. In some departments however, it is observed that though there is no course named as sociology of religion, religion is handled under the courses such as sociology of institutions. In addition to that, in some sociology departments there are several required courses related to religion namely Religious Movements, Religion and Society, Sociology of Religion and Belief Groups. Over a hundred years’ accumulation, as a result of sociology deparments’ increase science of sociology in number in Turkey, there are different applications and discussions on course name, techniques, essentiality, lectured semester, course hours and credits about Sociology of Religion course. Within these kind os differences, evaluating religion sociologically as a course, has hints of some epistemological tensions. Regarding different priority in terms of each department has own epistemologic and ideologic posture and different worldview and epistemologic posture, topics such as necessity of lecturing Sociology of Religion as an independent course could be brought forward. Besides this, the lecturer’s social characteristics and the language, references, content, techniques that he/she used while lecturing could give form of the course. In addition to this fraction implied with the historicity of sociology, I think second significant factor is related to geography and city where sociology departments are located. A city/ region whose conservative side is powerful and the social reality of there can be a factor affecting sociology deparment’s curriculum as an epistemic community. In this context another result attained is the fact that there are required courses in some sociology departments related to religion under new names such as Woman and Religion in Muslim Societies, Secularization and Religion, Global Developments and Religion, Terror, Violence and Religion. This study was prepared to a contribution to making sociology of sociology education and when the gathered data of this research is evaluated, we understand that it is an important issue to provide education in the fields of religion phenomenon and sociological reasoning of religion in Turkey, as in other fields. It is seen that apart from Koç and Galatasaray Universities, Sociology of Religion is lectured as compulsive or required course in other sociology departments in Turkey. Sociology of Religion courses in Turkey lectured theorethically except for Bingöl University. Students as users of education system, are also products of this system and there is no other category to carry out the current attitudes and capabilities, reflects of background accumulation better (Bourdieu, 2015: 29). Regarding survey statistics applied in our study, sociology students give special attention to Sociology of Religion course, they declare that via making connection this course and other courses, there is great contribution to development of their social imagination is a significant result. One of other important results is, within individual and social features and global changes, the Arab Spring, violence and terror attacks occuring in the geopraphy where Turkey has lied is effective students’ choice of taking this course. Using different techniques in order to make sociology of sociology education and making comparisons between courses Sociology of Religion Sample make it possible to more comprehensizve studies and gathered results have the potential to contribute increase of sociology education in our country. In this regard, it is crucial to emphasize there is need to more comprehended studies on courses, lecturing techniques, programs and program contents, studies and problems in Sociology departments in Turkey numbering over eighty. Besides epistemologic change periods, the effect of globalization has changed the nature of science and knowledge produced in universities in modern societies; university, knowledge and social expectations and assumptions have been reformed by the way of more practic, daily, commercial or political progress. Moreover, social scientists in academy in Turkey (homo academicus), are differentiated in terms of the tradition they grow up or they have been in, they experience changes and breakings in their inside and stress fields produced by these change and breaking show up in several platforms. According to Akşit, this compartmentaliazion take part both between approaches in Turkish sociology, between generations, between departments and also between individuals in the same department (Akşit, 1986: 196). According to Bourdieu, with regard to department’s location in centre or in periphery, there is differantiation in education practises (Bourdieu, 2015: 85). The diversification, with reference to Feyerabend Akşit used who sees this compartmentalization is a formation to be surpassed, is about that there are more than one theory and method in a research, their interaction, discussion and producing alternative, contrary hypotheses (Başak, 2005: 35). In this study, tracing Sociology of Religion course in Turkey as an information producer, putting forward how kind of breakings are experienced in Sociology of Religion course in history of Turkish sociology and, making a general panorama showing sociology of Religion courses lectured in sociology departments in Turkey are aimed. This study which can be called as sociology of scientific knowledge or meta-science (Arslan, 1991: 1), approves individual as the subject of knowledge but, admits that the individual constructs his/her epistemic environment via social bonds he/she live in. Approach that “science in action” and “rady-made science” as Bruno Latour named is a crucial reference point fort his study. Latour claims that every science is relative (Latour, 1988) and social, and this epistemic community’s continuing its existence ocur via socialization process called as education (Arslan, 1991: 87-88).


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