Bu çalışma ile Irak ülkesi özelinde Avrupa entegrasyon sürecinin Türk dış politikasına yaptığı muhtemel etkileri ve Türk dış politikasının Avrupalılaşması araştırılmıştır. Süreç analiz edilirken Börzel ve Risse'nin üç aşamalı entegrasyon yaklaşımı üzerine inşa edilmiş ve teorik çerçeve olarak da rasyonel kurumsalcılık tercih edilmiştir. Bu çalışma yapılırken, Avrupalılaşma literatürüne katkı yapmayı amaçlamakla birlikte aynı zamanda aday ülkelerle Avrupa Birliği arasında dış politika alanında ne tür etkileşimler olduğuna dair yeni bir çerçeve sunmak amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmada Avrupalılaşma kavramını, analitik bir çerçeve olarak ulusal dış politika alanına uygulanmakta ve AB entegrasyon sürecinin etkisine yanıt olarak geçirdiği değişiklikleri incelenmektedir. Makalede, özellikle 1999'da AB adaylığını açıklamasından sonra, Türk dış politikasının (TDP) Avrupalılaşmada ne kadar ileri gideceğini Irak politikası vaka çalışması olarak kullanarak değerlendirmeye çalışılmaktadır. AB'nin Türk dış politikası üzerindeki etkileri değerlendirilirken iç ve dış faktörlerin etkileşimi de göz önünde bulundurulmuştur. 11 Eylül olayları ve Irak İşgali dış faktörler olarak ele alınırken AKP'nin yükselişi ve yeni dış politika arayışı ile beraber askerin siyasi hayatta azalan rolüyle hükümetler üstü organizasyonların dış politikada artan etkisi iç faktörler olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Diğer bir faktör olan AB tarafında ise AB'nin Türkiye'ye karşı olan tavrının geçmişte ve günümüzde belirleyici olduğu sonucuna varılmış, AB'nin reformları teşvik ettiği sürece Türkiye'de Avrupalılaşma inancının arttığı ve desteklendiği görülmüştür


This study is special in Iraq and the possible effects of the Turkish foreign policy of the European integration process and the Europeanization of Turkey's foreign policy has been investigated. While Börzel process analysis and Risse 's built on a three-step approach to integration and rational institutionalism was chosen as the theoretical framework. This work is being performed, that aims to contribute to the Europeanization literature, but also what kind of interaction with the candidate countries in the field of foreign policy between the European Union aimed to provide a new framework. Turkish foreign policy of the EU assessing the impact on the interaction of internal and external factors is taken into consideration. Events of September 11 and the Iraq occupation, the AKP’s rise when addressing the external factors and new foreign policy quest, along with decreasing life military’s political role in the government’s growing influence in the foreign policy of the above organization has been evaluated factors as internal. On the EU side, another factor has been concluded that the EU's attitude towards Turkey in the past and the present decisive. As long as the EU encouraged reforms in Turkey it has demonstrated an increased and supported Europeanization faith This study based on the idea that integration process of EU influences the direction of national policy of both member and candidatestates. The applicant countries with in the participation in the process need to shape their politics in accordance with European Union legislation. The changes thatresponse to the impact of the EU integration process will be examined. Iraq and the possible effects of the Turkish foreign policy of the European integration process and the Europeanization of Turkey's foreign policy has been investigated. In the article is trying to evaluate how to go forward Europeanization of Turkish foreign policy (TDP)by using Iraq as a case study especially after the announcement of the EU candidacy in 1999. Since Turkey has been recognized as an official candidate-country for EU in 1999Helsinki Summit, significant changes were observed in Turkey's relations with its neighbors. Turkey is especially far away from hard power approach in its relations with the Middle East neighbors and has started to use soft power instruments. Especially in terms of policy on Iraq, Turkey has started to follow soft power means and a liberal approach to integration against northern Iraq, rather than exclusionary realistic approach as in 1990’s. Therefore, this article is trying to answer these questions: How Turkey's EU accession process does influence the creation of the Turkish foreign policy? What extent Europeanization of Turkish foreign policies explain recent changes in Turkey? What does the impact of Turkey's EU accession process to Iraq policy of? Is there any relationship between the Middle East role of Turkey and EU accession process? There are researches of Schimmelfenning, Sedelmeier, Börzel and Risse which describes the effects of joining the EU policy in the literature. However this article aims to contribute to the existing literature regarding to evaluating the impact of the EU accession and Europeanization process of Turkish foreign policy. Also during the enlargement process, this study provides a new perspective in order to examine the relationship between EU and Common Foreign and Security Policies of the candidate countries. Furthermore, Turkey's pro-EU stance will cause both sides politics to be closer each other. While Börzel process analysis and Risse 's built on a three-step approach to integration and rational institutionalism was chosen as the theoretical framework. This work is being performed, that aims to contribute to the Europeanization literature, but also what kind of interaction with the candidate countries in the field of foreign policy between the European Union aimed to provide a new framework. Turkish foreign policy of the EU assessing the impact on the interaction of internal and external factors is taken into consideration. Events of September 11 and the Iraq occupation, the AKP’s rise when addressing the external factors and new foreign policy quest, along with decreasing life military’s political role in the government’s growing influence in the foreign policy of the above organization has been evaluated factors as internal. On the EU side, another factor has been concluded that the EU's attitude towards Turkey in the past and the present decisive. As long as the EU encouraged reforms in Turkey it has demonstrated an increased Europeanization faith. The conduct of this study gives us some clues about Turkey's Iraq policy behavior in the process of domestic and international factors, besides in EU context the study determines candidates’ behaviors how is it going to be a restrictive and/or opportunist. Main aim of this study is to show that the process of joining the EU after 1999 affected Turkish Foreign Policy. TFP towards Iraq has been affected by EU requests. Turkey`s relations with neighboring countries were influenced by EU. 1 March decision of the Turkish parliament is the example of this process because EU member countries` foreign policies forced Turkey to follow their arguments. Any candidate country should have good relations with its neighbors so that refusal of American offer became normal. Using soft power towards Iraq shows that TFP became Europeanized. Using constructive arguments for the region displays the Turkey`s willingness of joining the EU. TF policy makers realized that if Turkey`s aggressive foreign policies will bring chaos to the Middle East and EU so that they began to use Soft Powers and Constructive policies for the region. Turkey is expected to be more involved in the future political issues in the Middle East. At this point, the following questions come to mind: The increasingly involvement of Turkey to problems in the Middle East, or Middle Easternised of Turkey is going to play a catalytic role in the EU accession process? Is Turkey will continue to cooperate with the EU Turkey and EU Middle East policy in the futurehow will become axis of conflict and cooperation needs to be investigated as a new emerges theme.


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