Siirt'te basın hayatının gelişimini konu alan bu çalışmada, tarihsel süreçte yayınlanmış olan yerel gazetelerin bibliyografik bir dökümü verilmeye çalışıldı. Büyük ölçüde Milli Kütüphane ve Beyazıt Devlet Kütüphanesi Süreli Yayınlar Kataloğu'nda bulunan koleksiyonlara bağlı kalınan bu çalışma için ayrıca yerel gazetelerin özel arşivleri de incelenmiştir. Siirt'te basın faaliyetlerinin ilk dönemlerinde belirli ailelerin öne çıkmaları, bu alanın ata mesleği olarak görüldüğünün açık bir göstergesidir. Gazetecilik mesleği, haber üretme, basım, dağıtım ve diğer konularda gerektirdiği profesyonel yaklaşım göz önünde bulundurulduğunda, gelir getirici bir meslek niteliğinden uzak olduğu 1930'lu yıllarda Siirt'te entelektüel bir sorumluluk bilinciyle sürdürülmüştür. Sözü edilen dönemde Siirt'te ortaya çıkan basının bu ilk örneği sonraki yıllarda son derece canlı bir gazetecilik ortamının doğmasına öncülük edecektir. Tek partili yıllar, II. Dünya Savaşı, Demokrat Parti ve Soğuk Savaş dönemlerinde yaşanan toplumsal ve siyasal dönüşümün birçok yönüyle yer aldığı Siirt basını, yerel gelişmelerin de takip edilebilmesi açısından araştırmacılar için önemli bir koleksiyon niteliğini taşımaktadır. Siirt'te basın hayatının, Anadolu'nun birçok kentiyle kıyaslandığında nispeten erken bir tarihte başladığı düşünüldüğünde, bu alanda neredeyse hiçbir bilimsel çalışmanın yapılmamış olması ciddi bir boşluk teşkil etmektedir. Siirt'in yakın dönem tarihi ile ilgilenecek olan araştırmacılara yol gösterici olması düşünülen bu çalışmanın hiç şüphesiz eksik tarafları vardır. Siirt'in Cumhuriyet döneminde geçirdiği siyasal, ekonomik ve toplumsal dönüşümün yerel basın aracılığıyla ortaya konacağı geniş kapsamlı bir çalışmayla bu boşluk giderilebilecektir


The newspaper archieves that are in the National Library and Beyazıt State Library’s Periodical Catalogs constitute this study’s basic sources. To reach the beneficial results in this study which is related to the history of press in Siirt, the documents and the information shared by Cumhur Klılıççıoğlu and Ahmet Arıturk, conducting press activities for 60 years, were subjected to a detailed evaluation. The first newspaper started its publshing life was Siirt newspaper which began in 1937. It is considerable that the publishing activities started in such an early time in Siirt as a city in the remotest corner of Anatolia. The political atmosphere and socio-economic condition of the mentioned preiod has played as a router impact. The collections provided from the institutions expressed above has been subjected to an inquiry and a cast of the history of Siirt press has been obtained. Especially, in this study, mainly rather than a detailed evaluation of the press history of Siirt, a bibliographic presentation was tried to be made, which will constitute a source to local history studies in Siirt. Besides that, from its begining till 1970s Siirt press was maintained in which point of view and quantity was among the investigated topics in this study. The maintained cultural activities in People’s House in studied period have been provided an intellectual mass. The People’s House which is an effective factor in providing a reader community is a real element that shouldn’t be missed. When looked at the content of the newspapers, the quality of the content and news density have not been seen above of the expectations. Extremely limited nature of the news staff is the most important reason of this fact. The political liberalization and atmosphere of freedom have seen in the country after World War II has brought diversification in the press. The monotype concept of press in single party period has left its place to competitive and critical understanding concept of press after the transition to multi party period. Especially in this period, seeing humour publishing is compelling. The humorous news and comments about the government officials and local bureaucrats published in that press gives an idea about the press freedom to some extent in the mentioned period. However, adverse effects seen on the period of multiparty press being inverted to the authoritarian political environment for various reasons have also been felt locally in Siirt. Due to some news published in Siirt Express newspaper following an anti-Democratic Party editorial policy, the judicial proceedings in 1957 of this newspaper was among the criticisms related to press freedom launched on the ruling party after the military intervention. Press in Siirt life, began in 1937 with the establishment of Siirt newspaper and it has changed due to developments in the country’s political life. Until 1946, the year that republican People’s Party was in authority party as “one party”, Siirt newspaper also has been active in the province. Shortly after the introduction of multi-party political life in 1946, New Siirt and democratic Siirt newspapers were established in 1948 and the uniformity of the press has become very plural as political life in Siirt. Beside the newspapers, the humour magazines named “Kelle Koltukta”, “Sırf Dedikodu” and the culture magazine “Botan”, being published is the clearest expression that a culture environment was provided in this remote and small province. In this context, Siirt newspaper followed pro- Republican People’s Party editorial policy and Demokrat Siirt newspaper pro- Democratic Party. The press activities in Siirtwas conducted by the same names and in a limited way for long years. One of the reasons of this condition wasthe lack of staff in enough quality and quantity and the other reason was that the distance of Siirt to the culture centers and democratic environment which is inevitable for journalism was provided only after the World War II. The political atmosphere of that period has been felt by its all effects owing to the coments made in the first newspaper published by Emin Kılıççıoğoğlu the pro- Republican Peoples party parlamenter of Siirt. A partial relief in the activities of the press throughout the country was seen with the effect of liberalization process after the World War II in Turkish politics and that effect reflected on the establishment of new newspapers in Siirt province. Especially by the effect of competitive politic life started with the establishment of new opposition political parties, Republican People’s Party’s Siirt branch was founded in 19140 and this situation influenced the press life of the city directly. The political tension and turmoil emerged across the country during 1950s have been observed in Siirt press. At the same time, some news and comment in Siirt Ekspres newspaper being the subject of a trial, has been a strong proof of the conflictual process felt in Siirt leading to 27 May. In the 1960s participation of many newspapers with different names to the press life in Siirt can be considered as a partial reflection at the local level of the revolution in global journalism in this period. However, with the new parties established by the release of May 27 regime power to the civilian rule, country’s political life was colored and this condition left behind the crisis of political life created by two parties. The plural atmosphere that created by the coalition governments has influenced the press life in Turkey. By the development of publishing and distribution techniques, journalistic activities that required great sacrifices in old times have facilitated. After the beginning of journalism as a profitable profession, the newspapers published in Siirt searched ways for getting income from the advertising and announcements. Unfortunately, the limited atmosphere of local journalism dominated by local politics has led to the fact that they are engaged in patronage. Overcoming this obstacle of Turkey’s local journalism problems discussed in several areas will be possible in case of the acceptance of democratization fact in all institutions and groups of Turkey. The created surplus value and provided contribution in cultural heritage by local media has led to the government institutions supporting and encouraging this kind of activities. Undoubtedly the serious economic and professional problems experienced by the local media throughout Turkey have maintained their validity for Siirt long time ago.


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  • 5. İnternet Kaynakları (E.T. 13.02.2015).
  • 6. Mülakatlar
  • Cumhur Kılıççıoğlu ile yapılan 29.11.2014 tarihli görüşme.
  • Ahmet Arıtürk ile 02.01.2015 tarihinde yapılan telefon görüşmesi