Türk uygarlığının bir parçası olan Kırgız kültüründe sözlü geleneğin önemi günümüze kadar devam etmektedir. Destancılık, şecerecilik bu kültürün en önemli kollarını, aynı zamanda tarihî, sosyokültürel araştırmaların da kaynağını teşkil eder. Oğuzlar ve Kırgız-Oğuz bağlantıları ile ilgili ilk Kırgızca bilgiler sözlü kaynaklarda, destanlarda ve şecerelerde yer alır. Kırgızca yazılı ve basılı metinlerin tarihi çok geriye gitmemekte olup sözlü gelenek ile aktarılan bilgiler bilhassa 19. yüzyıldan itibaren yazıya geçirilmeye, kayıt altına alınmaya ve basılmaya başlanmıştır. Bunların başında Manas Destanı gelir. Destan'da Oguzhan, Manas'ın atalarından biri olarak geçer. Yine şecerelerde "Bolubdur tüp atamız Oguz Handın / Oguz Han biri bolur tokuz handın" şeklinde Kırgızların etnik kökenleri Oğuz Han'a bağlanır. Kırgız tarihi ile ilgili ilk yerli kaynaklarda Kırgızların Oğuz Han'ın neslinden olduğu devamlı sûrette belirtilir. Bununla birlikte bilhassa Sovyet dönemi çalışmalarında bu ilişkilerin daha arka plana atıldığı, ilerleyen süreçte ise tamamen göz ardı edildiği görülür. Bağımsızlık sonrası çalışmalarda Oğuz, Kırgız ilişkileri üzerine çalışmalar yoğunlaşmakta ve günümüzde de bu devam etmektedir. Bu çalışmada yerli kaynaklardan hareketle Oğuz-Kırgız bağlantılarının nasıl ortaya konduğu, yapılan çalışmalarda nasıl ele alındığı, konuyla ilgili Kırgız tarih yazımındaki bakış açıları ortaya konmaya çalışılacaktır. Oğuzlarla ilgili yapılan çalışmalar Kırgız-Oğuz ilişkilerinin Kırgız tarihçiliğindeki yeri noktasından değerlendirilecektir


Oral tradition prevails in Kyrgyz culture, which is part of the Turkic civilization. Telling epics and keeping genealogy are the most important segments of this culture and also source of historical, sociocultural studies. First information in Kyrgyz language about the Oghuz and relations between Kyrgyz and Oghuz tribes are found in oral sources, epics and genealogies. Written and printed Kyrgyz texts do not have a long history; information transmitted through oral tradition is being written down, recorded and printed since 19th century. The most significant of them is the Manas Epic. In the epic Oghuz Khan is mentioned as an ancestor of Manas. Again in genealogies, the ethnic origin of the Kyrgyz is related to Oghuz Khan with verses “Bolubdur tüp atamız Oguz Handın / Oguz Han biri bolur tokuz handın”. In first local sources about the Kyrgyz history, it is continuously mentioned that Kyrgyz originate from Oghuz Khan. In the studies of the Soviet period these relation has been neglected and later definitely abandoned. In studies after the independence there have been some studies on the relationship between the Oghuz and Kyrgyz and it still continues. This study aims to investigate how the relationship between Oghuz and Kyrgyz is reflected, how it is reviewed and perspectives on this issue in Kyrgyz historiography, through local sources. All studies on the Oghuz will be evaluated according to the place of Kyrgyz-Oghuz relationship in Kyrgyz historiography. It is seen that oral tradition in Kyrgyz culture is quite strong and it continued vividly until the early 20th century. It can be said that this tradition which has started to be transferred to writing since the end of 19th century is weakening when compared to the past.In this context, it can be stated that information about the Oghuz in Kyrgyz sources was also put into writing starting from the same period. In particular, first information related to this topic can be found in the most important works of the Kyrgyz culture, such as epic Manas, genealogies andlegends. At this point, Information about the Oghuz in Kyrgyz sources can be divided into three periods as follows; information until the 20th century, researches during the Soviet era and researches during the post-independence period. The information about the Oghuz until the 20th century, in general, can be considered in terms of Oghuz-Kyrgyz relations within the history of the Kyrgyz by means of information given in Turkish, Chinese, Arabic and Persian sources. During the Soviet era, based on the Turkmen history researchesthe focus was more about the Oghuzwhen the topic was Kyrgyz history. However, in the postindependence period, mostly in ethnic and socio-cultural studies, researches and evaluations have been carried out on Oghuz- Kyrgyz relations. In the Chinese yearbook "Chou-shu” which is among the first period of Kyrgyz historical sources, in the first legends about the Turks, there is information that the Kyrgyz also came up from "Ashina". Based on the sources such as ‘Chou shu’, ‘Wei shu’ and ‘Sui shu’, ethnic ties between the Kyrgyz and the Oghuzcan be detected from Chinese sources.Another issue related to Oghuz-Kyrgyz relations can be seen in the legends about the formation of the Kyrgyz name. In these legendary explanations it is seen that the Kyrgyz came up from forty girls and the meaning of their name is described as forty girls.The mainstay of this description is the legend in which the Kyrgyz in the plains of ‘Us’ unifies with forty Chinese girls during the time of ‘Yuan Shi’ that is ‘Yuan Kırgızistan’da Oğuz Araştırmaları 97 Turkish Studies International Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic Volume 10/5 Spring 2015 Khanate’. So it is suggested that the word which is used to describe people in the plain of ‘Us’ can be read as ‘Us’, ‘Ugus’ or ‘Oghuz’(?) and those people can be the Oghuz.Since the historical geography of the Kyrgyz and the Oghuz is very close to each other, it shows that this legendary information can have a historical-geographical basis. In the sources and works of Kyrgyz history information about Oghuzs can be classified into three periods. In the context of information about Oghuz Kyrgyz relations until the 20th century, the first information sources are Chinese sources, epics and genealogies. Information about the Oghuz Kyrgyz ethnic relations and structures can be obtained from Chinese sources. The explanation for the name of Kyrgyz as forty Oghuz and forty guz is seen remarkable. In the epic Manas which are among domestic sources Oghuz is the ancestor of Manas. Besides, in almost all other genealogies, in the light of information in accordance with conventional genealogy tradition in Islamic sources, Turks comes from Yafes, then comes Oghuz Khan and from his generation Kyrgyz emerged by series. This is important for the creation of the traditional approach. In Soviet-era, Oghuz researches are generally considered in a broader way within Turkmen history researches, but when it comes to relevant events and issues from the Kyrgyz history, it is seen that only basic information is provided. In addition to this, brief encyclopedic information about Oghuz Khan and Oguzname is given. In the last period, the translation of Oguzname appears. After independence, important works dealing with the ethnic relations between Kyrgyz and Oghuz began to be done. At this point, between Kyrgyz and Oghuz-Turkmen tribes Urugs which have about 250 lower units carry the same name and the majority of them are found to have the same ethnic roots. In this context, in the study studies which are relevant to this topic are tried to be revealed to the present day. Oghuz Kyrgyz relations as a subject need to be studied in a more comprehensive manner in order to clearly understand the relationship between tribes and the tribe structure of the Turkish people.


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