İnsan-mekân ilişkisi, farklı disiplinlerin ilgisini çeken ve üzerinde çokça tartışılan bir konudur. İnsanın mekân üzerinde veya mekânın insan üzerinde hangisinin daha baskın olduğu meselesi, bu tartışmaların en önde gelenidir. Yine bu tartışmalardan çıkan sonuca göre, etkilenmede veya etkilemede hangisinin daha baskın olduğu hususu genel hatlarıyla; zaman dilimi, yer şekilleri, iklim-yağış rejimi ve coğrafya üzerinde yaşayanların teknolojik gelişmelere sahip olma ölçüleri gibi parametrelere bağlı olarak değişmektedir. Bu çalışmada, söz konusu bu teorik tartışmalara dâhil olmadan, ancak bu tartışmalardaki farklı görüşlerden de istifade ederek, özellikle Cumhuriyetin ilk dönemlerinde yaşanan hadiselerden ötürü, üzerinde çok konuşulan ve yorumlar yapılan Dersim bölgesindeki insan-mekân ilişkisini ele aldık. Bu coğrafya üzerinde yaşayanların, Osmanlı'dan Cumhuriyete kadarki zaman dilimi içerisinde serüvenleri, tarih ve coğrafya disiplinlerinin bakış açılarını esas alınarak ve bu iki bilim disiplinin aralarındaki araştırma yöntemlerini yumuşatmaya gayret ederek konuyu irdeledik. Dersim'de yaşamış insanların mekânla ilişkileri ve sonuçları üzerinde durduk. Bunu yaparken ağırlıklı olarak Osmanlı arşiv vesikaları ve çok sayıda konunun teorisini ortaya koyan, makale veya kitabı inceledik. Bu teorik bilgi ve tartışmaların bir uygulama alanı olan Dersim bölgesinde, insan-mekân ilişkileri bağlamında; sosyal süreç, idari yapılanma, iskân birimlerinin oluşumu ve dağılımı, iskân birimlerinin sınırları, mesken şekilleri, mezarlıklar, bir ailenin kaç kişiden oluştuğu, nüfusun mekân üzerindeki dağılımı, inanç yapısı, mekâna yüklenen anlamlar, insanların devlete karşı duruşu, güç ilişkileri, üretim-tüketim alışkanlıkları, bölgede büyük yerleşim birimlerinin neden oluşamadığı ve ulaşım gibi birçok hususu izah etmeye çalıştık. Bu konuları çalışmada ki bir bütünün parçaları olarak alt başlıklara ayırdık. Konuların daha iyi anlaşılması için ihtiyaç duyuldukça haritalardan istifade ettik. Sonuç kısmında elde bulgular genel hatlarıyla sunduk


The relation between human and space is an argumentative topic arousing interest of other disciplines and having many discussions. The foremost among these discussions is the question of which one, the effect of human on space or the space on human is the most dominant one. According to the result of these discussions, the dominance of this influencing or response process is generally dependent on some parameters such as time-zone, geographical formations, climate and rain regime, and humans’ having technological developments in a specific geography. In this study, the relation between human and space in Dersim region which has many discussions was dealt in detail because of the events experienced specifically in the beginnings of the Republic without being a part of these theoretical discussions, but by taking the advantage of the different viewpoints of these discussions. In addition, the adventures of the people in this geography from the period of Ottoman to Republic were handled with the joint research methods of the disciplines, history and geography by being focused on the perspectives of these disciplines. Then, the relation between space and the people lived in Dersim and also the results were discussed. In this process, Ottoman archives and many articles and books related to the theoretical frames of the topic were analysed. Many issues in the Dersim region which is the application area of this theoretical knowledge and discussions, such as social process, administrative structuring, formation and distribution of settlement units, edges of settlement areas, housing types, cemeteries, population of a family, distribution of population on space, belief structure, meanings given to the space, attitudes of people towards government, power relationships, production-consumption habits, transportation and why there were few settlement areas in the region, were explained within the context of the relation between human and space. These topics were divided into the sub-headings in the study and some maps were used for detailing the topic much as needed. In the results section, the findings were presented in general terms. Dersim region differs from its close environment from the point of its unique space, social and economic structure shaped according to this uniqueness. With its static structure, there were not many big changes in the general lines of the administrative structure of Dersim region for long years. Administrative structure was excessively shaped by the geography of the region. In spite of all shortcomings, all human activities in the geography of Dersim changed in centuries though these were very less compared to close environment. Dersim reached today as a space including the traces of historical and social events, and the ruins and fusions of various cultures. This process continued by both influencing the environment and being affected by the context. Close relationships, complicated social networks, power relationships, mind and belongingness, mutual İnsan-Mekân İlişkisi Üzerine (Dersim Bölgesi Örneği XVI-XX. Yüzyıllar) 161 Turkish Studies International Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic Volume 10/5 Spring 2015 effecting and shaping processes turned Dersim from a static structure to much dynamic structure. Many issues like Dersim’s rural structure in Ottoman period, settlement units, spaces, production types, cuisine and social relationships were sustained till the beginnings of the Republic without many changes. Dersim forced residents to be connected with the space. This connectivity to the space is clearly seen in Dersim much than other close environment. On the other hand, the following questions should be answered: Does Dersim society’s being close to a static change relate to the conservatory structure of the population or their lack of information technology? Also is it related to the population’s incapacity towards the space as a natural outcome of this process? As for me, the second factor was much influential on the close issue of this static change. The foremost factors among the geographic factors are rugged terrain and climate. The climate determined many issues of Dersim residents such as wearing style, production and consumption facilities, and also fighting against diseases. However, rugged terrain also determined some issues such as the people’s distribution and types of the professions, roads, agricultural areas, development and construction of settlement units. These two factors deeply influenced this society’s social, even religious and political tendencies. Therefore, Dersim society turned into a more conservative, marginal society profile with much religious and environmentalist perspectives. In addition, Dersim residents had advantages of using this geography for their own profits especially hiding, asylum, escaping from law and being out of control. These residents were much freesprit and desired to be out of control. There was not a city, gendarme did not have a full control, tax collectors were not authority in Dersim, and the life was simple but tough there. Road system did not developed much because of the space issue in an expected level. Transportation was highly dependent on the climate factors. Most of time in a year, the roads were closed and the transportation was performed with hinnies, horses, donkeys and people. Because of security problems, it was difficult to say there were much people and colonies travelling in current primitive roads. This case resulted in increases in the rates of all goods and difficulties in providing them. In addition, fusion of the society with other cultures was very limited. Undeveloped trading, lower capital, grouping of craftsman in few cities lowered the support of the services. This case formed the dynamics of the society, in other words tribe structure. On the other hand, the settlement of the platos around the Dersim was very low and had a very low cultural influences. This untouched issue was clearly seen starting from the names of the spaces, in many space issues from the cultural influence perspectives. In addition, the residents in Dersim where there were not cities and trading activities, showed tougher and radical reactions to the events. An average family consists of six people in Dersim. All the residents lived permanent settlement in early ages. Though the spaces were so primitive, housing architecture changed and gained a more favourable structure based on the construction equipments from inner 162 Abdulkadir GÜL Turkish Studies International Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic Volume 10/5 Spring 2015 to outer Dersim. The same case is also valid for consumption types. Especially in inner Dersim, the villages have 10 or 15 houses. The most determinant factor blocking the crowded villages is insufficient area for the settlement. Also there is less area for planting in this side. As a natural outcome, breeding is a more common activity. Ripening period takes a long time because of the altitude and exposure to the Sun. Long winter periods and heavy snow also influence breeding style and ovine breeding is more common than bovine breeding. As grains growth in inner Dersim were not enough, over- grains of outer Dersim were sold in inner Dersim.
