Romandan piyes çıkarmak, türler arası uyarlama işlemine dayanmaktadır ve kendine özgü güçlükleri vardır. Bu güçlüklerin temel nedeni, roman ve piyesin iki farklı edebi tür olarak kendine özgü var oluş koşulları olmasıdır. İki türü tüketen hedef kitleler ve bunların beklentileri birbirinden farklıdır. İki edebi tür arasındaki farklıklarından kaynaklanan bu güçlükler sebebiyle, romandan tiyatro metnine geçişte anlatım tekniği, zaman, mekân kullanımı ve kişiler kadrosunun oluşturulmasında farklılıklar olacaktır. Sözünü ettiğimiz bu zorluklara rağmen, romandan piyes çıkarma yoluyla tercih edilen uyarlama işlemi, Tanzimat'tan bu yana Türk edebiyatında da sıklıkla tercih edilmiştir. En büyük temsilcilerinden biri de Reşat Nuri Güntekin'dir. İki tür arasındaki uyarlamada görülebilecek olası farklılık ve benzerlikleri saptamak üzere Reşat Nuri Güntekin tarafından kaleme alınan, edebiyatımızın en çok sevilen romanlarından biri olan Çalıkuşu ve bu romandan Necati Cumalı tarafından tiyatroya uyarlanan Çalıkuşu piyesi seçilmiştir. Eserlerin incelenmesinde ise çeviribilim kuramlarından, özellikle 'Betimleyici Kuram'dan faydalanılmıştır. Gideon Toury'nin 1980'de In Search of A Theory of Translation adlı kitabıyla ortaya koyduğu betimleyici alan çeviri sürecindeki ilişkileri inceler ve genellikle 'karşılaştırmalı çözümleme' yöntemini kullanır. İncelememizde bu teorik bilgiler ve Betimleyici Kuramın çözümleme yönteminden faydalanılarak uyarlama öncesinde ve uyarlama sürecinde uyarlayıcı tarafından alınan kararlar irdelenmiş, uyarlama işlemi sırasında ortaya çıkan biçim ve içerikteki benzerlik ve farklılıklar karşılaştırmalı olarak araştırılmıştır


Adaptation from novel to theatre is based on intergenres adaptation and it has it’s own difficulties. Because of these difficulties which are arising from differences of the two genres, there will be differences about narrative technique, using time, place and people when adaptated from novel to theatre. Despite these difficulties, theater adaptation from novel has often been preferred in Turkish literature since Tanzimat period. Reşat Nuri Güntekin is one of the greatest representatives. Çalıkuşu which is the most beloved novels of our literature and it’s theatre adaptation which was written by Necati Cumalı has been selected to determine possible differences and similarities. We have benefited from translation studies especially Descriptive Translation Theory to examine the works. Descriptive fields which is laided out in Search of A Theory of Translation by Gideon Toury in 1980, examines the relationships in the translation process and often uses a ‘comparative analysis' method. In our study based on these theoretical information and Descriptive Translation’s comparative analysis it was discussed that decisions was taken by the adapter before adaptation and during the adaptation process and was investigated comparatively that similarities and differences in form and content arising during the adaptation process. translation process, translation norms and eventually translation approach of target audience are determined. The norms of translation which are determined by this metod, are the most significant criteria, the theory gained in translation studies. The purpose of this method not only to identify similarities and contrasts in translation, but also to examine the current relationship between the similarities and contrasts. In our study based on these theoretical information and Descriptive Translation’s comparative analysis it was discussed that decisions was taken by the adapter before adaptation and during the adaptation process and was investigated comparatively that similarities and differences in form and content arising during the adaptation process. In this study we have benefited from this theory to examine the inter-species adaptation process, such as novel to theatre. According to the translation studies adaptation is one of the translation method, which is used in the transfer process of cultural material from source text to target text. So it would be appropriate to examine adaptation inside of translation studies. Thus, position of adaptation within the cultural system of the target and it’s affect will be determined under the guidance of this theory. At the end of the research, it’s been found that there is no significant deviation between the novel and drama. Registration, contradiction and deviation are variable which are show that adaptation isn’t connected to the source. Despite that overlaps show the adapter’s loyalty to the source. Novel and drama has been examined under the various topics and it has been detected that adaptation coincide with the orijinal work in terms of events, time and place preference. Adaptation process which is close to the source, provide the qualifying criteria. Based on all these inferences, as the adapter insisted the adaptation is faithful to the orijinal. Differences such as time jumps, places and characters removed from adaptation originates from the differences between orijinal work and adaptation which are two different genres. Novel has more expression facilities than theatre and because of this naturally and necessarily there will be differences about narrative technique, using time and place and people when adaptated from novel to theatre. When the novel which has more free writing universe than theater, adapting to theatre’s close fit, it must be get rid of the redundancies in form and content. Adapter Necati Cumalı has given his own decisions of the adaptation process according to these difficulties and he removed the details in the background. He has chosen events, characters and places which were attract the attention of the audience and primary important. He has removed these details because of the conditions of theater caused by it’s genre and he has remained completely loyal to orijinal work. Additionally he added to adaptation new characters and dialogs to shorten the time and reduce place and to connect events. Adaptation which is created as a result of these transactions, isn’t overshadowed of orijinal work. It has been read and staged admiringly thanks to the it’s success of tecnic and content and thus it has taken a deserved place in theatre stage and theatre literatur


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