1888'de İstanbul'da doğan ve 1965'te hayata veda eden yazar Refik Halit Karay, özellikle mizah ve eleştiri konusunda kendi döneminde ün yapmış ve yaptığı korkusuz, sert eleştiriler yüzünden ömrünün uzunca bir bölümünü sürgünde geçirmiştir. Yazar, edebiyat yaşamına gazetecilikle adım atar. Dönemin iktidarı yazarın eleştirel yazılarından rahatsız olur ve 1914'te Sinop'ta, Refik Halit için ilk sürgün yılları başlar. Kendisi üç yıl sonra İstanbul'a dönse de bu dönüş uzun sürmez ve 1922 Beyrut'a sürgün edilir. 938'e kadar da ülkeye dönemez. Mizah ve eleştiride bu kadar tanınmasına rağmen bugün edebiyat otoriteleri tarafından "hikâye" türünde Türk Edebiyatı'na kazandırdığı iki hikâye kitabıyla öne çıkarılır: Memleket Hikâyeleri ve Gurbet Hikâyeleri. Türk Edebiyatı'nda hikâyeciliğin bugün bulunduğu noktaya gelmesinde Refik Halit'in büyük rolü olduğu su götürmez bir gerçektir. Elbette Refik Halit de bu başarısını, kendisinden önce hikâyeciliğimizin geçirdiği aşamalardan biriktirdiklerini üstün yeteneğiyle birleştirerek yakalamıştır. Ancak Türk Hikâyesi'nin gerçek dilini bulmasında da yazarın sözü edilen iki eserinin payı büyüktür. Bu çalışmada, Memleket Hikâyeleri'nden Gurbet Hikâyeleri'ne gelinirken iki eser arasında "dil ve üslup, mekân, kişiler, zaman" bakımından ne gibi farklar ortaya çıktığı incelenmeye ve çözümlenmeye çalışılacaktır. Hem Gurbet Hikâyeleri hem de Memleket Hikâyeleri'nde sözü edilen unsurlar; yazarın bu unsurları ele alış ve işleyiş biçimi, ortak noktalar ve farklılıklar bakımından karşılaştırmalı olarak değerlendirilecektir. Ayrıca makale hazırlanırken Refik Halit Karay ve eserleri ile ilgili çalışma yapan araştırmacıların fikirlerinden de yararlanılmış, yeri geldikçe bunlara da değinilmiştir spent most of his life in exile due to his fearless and harsh criticism. The author began his literary career as a journalist. Authority of the time disturbs author's critical writings and his exile years began in Sinop in 1914. Even though he came back to İstanbul after three years this return did'nt last long and he was exiled to Beirut in 1922. He could'nt come back to his country untill 1938. Although being well-known in humor and criticism, he is put forward by the authorities for two of his storybooks he brought to Turkish Literature in the genre of "story": Memleket Hikâyeleri (Hometown Stories) and Gurbet Hikâyeleri (Foreign Land Stories). It is unequivocally true that Refik Halit played a significant role in leading the storytelling in Turkish Literature come to gain importance today. Absolutely, Refik Halit captured the success by combining his superior talent with what he gathered in the progress our storytelling had made. Yet, the share of his two works mentioned is great for the The Turkish Story to find its own speech. In this study, it is attempted to examine and resolve what differences have arisen in terms of "language and style, place, individuals, time" between the two works when Hometown Stories and Foreign Land Stories are examined. Elements mentioned in the story of the Homeland and Foreign Land Stories, the author's handling of these elements and manner of operation, the common points and differences will be considered as comparative terms. In addition, the preparation of the article and the works of Refik Halit Karay also benefited from the ideas of the researchers on the study, the location is also mentioned to them as they arrive.


Refik Halit Karay, born in İstanbul in 1888 and died in 1965, writer, gained fame in his time especially in humor and criticism; and spent most of his life in exile due to his fearless and harsh criticism. The author began his literary career as a journalist. Authority of the time disturbs author’s critical writings and his exile years began in Sinop in 1914. Even though he came back to İstanbul after three years this return did’nt last long and he was exiled to Beirut in 1922. He could’nt come back to his country untill 1938. Although being well-known in humor and criticism, he is put forward by the authorities for two of his storybooks he brought to Turkish Literature in the genre of “story”: Memleket Hikâyeleri (Hometown Stories) and Gurbet Hikâyeleri (Foreign Land Stories). It is unequivocally true that Refik Halit played a significant role in leading the storytelling in Turkish Literature come to gain importance today. Absolutely, Refik Halit captured the success by combining his superior talent with what he gathered in the progress our storytelling had made. Yet, the share of his two works mentioned is great for the The Turkish Story to find its own speech. In this study, it is attempted to examine and resolve what differences have arisen in terms of “language and style, place, individuals, time” between the two works when Hometown Stories and Foreign Land Stories are examined. Elements mentioned in the story of the Homeland and Foreign Land Stories, the author's handling of these elements and manner of operation, the common points and differences will be considered as comparative terms. In addition, the preparation of the article and the works of Refik Halit Karay also benefited from the ideas of the researchers on the study, the location is also mentioned to them as they arrive.


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