Çalışmamızda, ahlakın ve dinin kaynağı ile ilgili laboratuar çalışmalarıyla tanınan ve savunduğu; "evrimsel rastlantı" tezi ile uluslararası bilim camiasının dikkatlerini üzerine çeken Paul Bloom'un dini inançların nasıl ortaya çıktığına dair görüşlerini değerlendirip, ülkemiz bilim camiasına tanıtmayı amaçlamaktayız. Din felsefesinin temel konularından olan Tanrı ve Tanrı inancının kaynağı ile ilgili oldukça iddialı görüşlere sahip olmasına rağmen, Paul Bloom ve görüşleri ile ilgili Türkçe yazında daha önce herhangi bir çalışmanın yapılmamış olması böyle bir çalışmayı gerekli kılmıştır. Bloom'un din olgusunun insanla özdeşleşmiş evrensel bir gerçeklik olduğu vurgusu, konuyla ilgili bütün çalışmalarında görülmektedir. Kendisi evrimci ve naturalist bir görüş benimseyen Bloom, çalışmalarında dini inançların nasıl ortaya çıktığına dair kendisi gibi düşünen bilim adamları tarafında ortaya atılan görüşleri değerlendirmekte ve eleştirmektedir. Yaptığı eleştirilerden sonra kendisinin de tezi olan "evrimsel rastlantı" görüşünü ortaya atmakta ve savını destekleyecek argümanları sıralamaktadır. Biz de bu çalışmada, öncelikle evrimci-naturalist bilim adamlarınca dini inançların kaynağı ile ilgili ortaya atılan görüşlere ve Bloom'un bu görüşlere yaptığı eleştirilere yer verdikten sonra, Bloom'un ortaya attığı tezi ele alıp değerlendirmeye çalışacağız. Evrimci-naturalist görüşe sahip bilim adamlarınca dini inançların ve Tanrı inanışının kaynağı ile ilgili birçok görüş ortaya atıldığı malumdur. Biz çalışmamızda makalenin sınırlarını aşmamak adına sadece Bloom tarafından eleştirilen görüşleri, Paul Bloom'un ele aldığı kadarıyla incelemeye çalışacağız. Bloom'un ele alıp eleştirdiği ilk görüş; dini inanışların "doğal seçilim" yoluyla oluştuğunu iddia eden teoridir. Bu teoriyi savunanlara göre; dini inançları var eden ve ayakta tutan adaptasyondur. Bizim doğaüstü seleksiyonun bir ürünüdür. Muhtemelen bu durum, dini inanışların fedakarane düşünce ve davranışı şekillendirmedeki rolünden kaynaklanmaktadır. Doğaüstü bir varlığa duyulan inanç, insanları


In our study, we are aiming to evaluate Paul Bloom, who recognizable in the international science world with the laboratory studies of morals and religious origin and his thesis ‘’evolutionary accident’’, views about how the religious belief show up and introduce him to our scientific community. Although Paul Bloom has very challenging views about one of the most important topics of the religion philosophy which is God and God Belief’s, there is no study about his views in Turkish literature and its necessitate such studying. It can be seen at all studies of Bloom who emphasis that phenomenon of religion identified with the human anduniversal truth. In Bloom’s studies, he evaluate and criticize the views which were come up from scientists’ views like Bloom. After his criticisms, he come up with the idea, which is also his thesis, ‘’evolutionary accident’’ and draw up some arguments to support his claim. 196 Osman Zahid ÇİFÇİ Turkish Studies International Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic Volume 10/2 Winter 2015 In this study, firstly we are going to give information about evolutionist-naturalist scientist’s views about how the religious belief show up and Bloom’s criticisms about these views, we will to try to measure the Bloom’s thesis and evaluate it. It’s clear that there is quite a few views about religious origin and God’s beliefs origin which come up from evolutionist-naturalist scientists. In this study, we are going to try only the views that criticized and discussed from Bloom’s not to limits of the thesis. Bloom’s first views that he measured and criticized is religious beliefs occur through “natural selection” that was claimed according to theory. According to defender of that theory, adaptation generate and sustain the religious beliefs. Our tendency about believing supernatural being is directly product of selection. Probably that situation arise from a role of religious belief about shaping self-sacrificing notion and behavior. A belief about supernatural being probably cause people to be more moral therefore it make attractive for spouse or social partners. The second views about religious origin that Paul Bloom measured is these religious are product of culture which learned by observations and transferred to other generations with regard to theory. According to that thesis, religious beliefs obtain by social learning individually and it couldn’t degrade biology or evolutionary events. The reason for every language has an exact meaning of ‘’foot’’ is probably rise from people’s wish about talking their “foot’’. It is meaningless to say the word ‘’foot’’ has itself any capacity. In the same way, believing gods or believing life after that or believing something like these might be universal because they generated in answer to specific needs and requirements in the society. For that reason, all these universal’s actually is a cultural creation which is created by adults and learned by children. People learns religious like learning Rome history or learning basketball rules. Religious beliefs became a universal because most of them are ‘’learnable’’ and “recollective’’. For example, according to Cristian Belief, god is excellent mixture of ‘’expected’’ and ‘’remarkable’’ of concepts therefore easily imprinted on people’s mind. According to that perspective, religious is a cultural parasite that is infected people’s mind and manipulate it. Another approach that Bloom criticized is opium theory suggested by Marks and it included some thesis argued that religious are detected to stupefy people. This theory start with an idea and say, it is hard to be one person. There is evil in all areas, all people we love will die and in the end we will die. Except minority, life is really disgusting, rude and short. Even if our life had a meaning it is hard to understand it. Therefore, we adopt religious to stop our existence pain. A person can not deal with a confusion. Supernatural religious solve that confusion by adding meaning in to life. According to religions, people are not just being, they are created by god with love and they serves god’s purposes. Religions says, world is a fair place where good people will be rewarded and bad people will be punished. At the same time religions remove people’s death fear, it persuade people to faith relentless and it compensate pains and deprivations that modern life impose on people. Paul Bloom ve Dini İnançların Ortaya Çıkmasında Evrimsel Rastlantı Tezi 197 Turkish Studies International Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic Volume 10/2 Winter 2015 In that study we measure the views of naturalist development psychologist Bloom’s about religious origin and we find out that he saw phenomenon of religion incontrovertible reality. He take an attitude that he aware of the importance of religions in human life and in contrast to many naturalist he approach ‘’non-overlapping magisteria’’ thought positively. He proved by scientific works that human’s belief feelings (fıtrat) come with natural-born, which could be used by theism, Bloom tried to get results with regard to his views. According to him, there is some cognitive biasgenerated early that are leading to religious belief. These biases include that design and all things has a purpose with body-soul dualism. These biases naturalize gods, souls, beyond and universe’s spiritual creation. These are the seed where religions are raised up. The biggest difference that separate Bloom from other naturalist is, he accepted the idea that humans are in the dualist nature and they come to world prone to approve creation. According to Bloom, believing god penetrate to the marrow of the people. Even though this distinction, Bloom still act like naturalist and he tried to attach all supernatural things to the natural reasons and it is one of the result that we get from our study. Primarily, we can see in Bloom’s studies that he had one purpose. His purpose is that he confute the evidence of consciousnessand evidence of design that strictly defended by Richard Swinburne lately. He criticized naturalist and atheist scientist views about religious origin and he said none of these answer where the believing needs come from and he aimed to confute two evidence, which are consciousness and design, he couldn’t refused with natural reasons. Actually, as he confessed naturalist trust and believe naturalism data and try to find out truth in there. And it is what he did. As design needs designer, as he knows a truth needs persons who proved it scientifically, although he approved human has two mechanism to separate mental and material things, it is best example for this situation can be given that he interpret these as an evolutionary accident.


  • (Erişim Tarihi:13/01/2015).
  • (Erişim Tarihi:13/01/2015).
  • (Erişim Tarihi:13/01/2015).
  • (Erişim Tarihi:13/01/2015).
  •şim Tarihi:13/01/2015).
  • (Erişim Tarihi:19/01/2015).
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