Bilindiği gibi İslam Dini'nde Hac; belirli zamanlarda, belirli yerlerde birtakım vazifeleri yaparak, Kâbe ve kutsal mekânları dînî maksatlarla ziyaret etmek demektir. Malî ve bedenî gücü olan her Müslüman Hac farizası ile mükellef olduğundan, hac mevsiminde dünyanın her tarafından çeşitli ırk, dil ve renkte yüz binlerce Müslüman Harameyn'e gelir. Kâbe'nin bulunduğu, vahyin inmeye başladığı, Hz. Peygamber'in hayatını geçirdiği, tevhid inancını yerleştirmek için mücadele ettiği; nihayetinde fâni hayattan göç edip defnedildiği mekânlar olarak Harameyn (Mekke ve Medine) her zaman Müslümanların ilgisini çeken bir bölge olmuştur. Saadet Asrı'ndan sonra kurulmuş bulunan birçok İslam Devleti bu bölgeye ve bölge halkına karşı farklı bir davranış ve anlayış içerisine girmiştir. Bununla beraber, diğer devletler Osmanlıların bölgeye gösterdiği saygı ve hürmetin benzerini gösterememiştir. Osmanlılar; Allah'ın Kur'an-ı Kerim'de "beytî" yani "evim" dediği, başka bir ifade ile "beytullah" olarak isimlendirilen Kâbe'ye, Mescid-i Haram'a ve bölge sakinlerine yardım konularında hiçbir fedakârlıktan kaçınmamışlardır. İslamiyet'in doğduğu yer ve Müslümanların kıblesi olan Mekke hem siyasî hem de dînî bakımdan büyük öneme sahip olduğundan, bu bölgeyi hâkimiyetlerinde bulunduranlar İslam dünyasında manevi bir nüfuz ve hürmet elde etme imkânı bulmuşlardır. Yavuz Sultan Selim 1516'da Suriye ve Filistin'i, 1517'de Mısır'ı fethedip Nemlük Devleti'ne son verdikten sonra Nemlükler'in nüfuzunda bulunan Mekke ve Medine havalisi de Osmanlı hâkimiyetini tanımış, Mekke Emiri, Yavuz Sultan Selim'e ta'zimlerini arz ile Mekke'nin anahtarlarını teslim etmiştir. Osmanlı padişahları Yavuz Sultan Selim'den itibaren kendilerini halife (Peygamber vekili) ve bütün İslam âleminin manevi lideri saymanın yanı sıra, aynı zamanda Mekke ve Medine'ye duydukları hürmetin bir ifadesi olarak da "Hâdimü'l-Harameyni'ş-Şerîfeyn" unvanını almışlardır. Bu manevi görevle birlikte Osmanlılar, Kâbe ve Mescid-i Haram hizmetleri ile tarihte önemli bir işlev görmüştür


Hajj in Islam as known is visiting the holy places, at certain times, in certain places, the Kaaba is doing specific tasks. Every Muslim is obliged to Hajj, which is the financial and physical strength, thousands of Muslims that are by various races, language, and color come to the Hijaz in every season of pilgrimage. In our article titled “Services of Ottomans to Kaaba and Masjid alHaram”, we tried to bring together some of the known issues. In this context, in our study, concepts as the Hajj, the Hijaz, Haramayn, Masjid al-Haram, the Ottoman has gained importance. Mecca, the birthplace of Islam and Qibla of Muslims, is a great importance of political and religious. Who have dominated this region have found the possibility of obtaining a spiritual influence and respect in the Islamic World. In 1516, Yavuz Sultan Selim was conquered Syria and Palestine, in 1517 Egypt and put an end to the Mamluk Empire. After, the vicinity of Mecca and Medina in the influence of the Mamluks also recognized the domination of Ottoman. It has delivered the Mecca keys to Yavuz Sultan Selim, Emir of Mecca. Kaaba is located, the revelation begins to descend, The Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) spent in his life, he struggled to place the unity faith and finally mortal life as a place where migration and buried, Harameyn (Mecca and Medina has always been an area of interest to Muslims. Felicity many Islamic State of established after the current century and need a different behavior against both local people and entered into understanding. However, any state did not show a similar to the reverence and the respect which the Ottoman Empire shown. Ottomans are hesitate no sacrifice in helping matters the Kaaba, God in the Holy Quran “couplet” that “home” as well, in other words “beytullah”, and the residents. The aim of this study is to address the religious services of the Ottoman Empire to Mecca, the holy town. Services of Masjid al-Haram Ottomans are historically described as articles, when Caliphate passed to Ottomans. In our research, in the context of religious services, we have seen how the Ottomans gave importance in Mecca and around. Because of Hajj, while the Ottoman patronage, we tried to express that Mecca be protected with great care throughout history. In this article, it is benefit from work previously done similar. Especially, Ziya Kazıcı’s article named “Overview of the Ottomans Harameyn” and Yusuf Kılıç’s article named “Contribution to the Welfare and Development of the Ottoman Empire Middle East” have to offer a perspective to us. Besides these, of course, Evliya Çelebi's “Seyahatnâme” and sources of Ottoman history are examined. Both in the works of Ottoman history and researchs as well as in articles written on this subject, because of the importance of spiritual values Haremeyn are privileged compared to other regions. We also see it in Osmanlıların Kâbe ve Mescid-i Haram Hizmetleri 665 Turkish Studies International Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic Volume 10/2 Winter 2015 social assistance to that area. The Our work is important to become a whole of the information discussed previously in the different sources. The birthplace of Islam and Qibla of Muslims, Mecca is of great importance from both political and religious. The dominates to the Mecca had the opportunity to rule in place to achieve a spiritual influence and respect in the Islamic World. Yavuz Sultan Selim conquered in 1516 Syria and Palestine, Egypt, the Mamluks in 1517. After, Mecca, Medina and surroundings recognized the Ottoman rule and were delivered the switches of Mecca to Yavuz Sultan Selim, Mecca Commandments. In our article, we consider the issue in two parts. In the first part, Services of Ottomans to Kaaba are studied under some of the subheadings, highlighting the importance Muslims have given to Mecca. These issues are subjects as Kaaba cover, belt Kaaba, Kaaba door curtain, switches of Kaaba and the Kaaba rebuilt and decorating porches. Under this sub-headings, we have studied services of Ottoman Sultans to Kaaba with a worship love. In the second part of our article, we used the title of Masjid al-Haram Services. In the main headings, it is given the services of Ottoman Sultans to Masjid al-Haram as the repairing and renewing, the lighting and decoration; finally, in the subtitle, cleaning of Masjid al-Haram. Sultans of the Ottoman have themselves accepted Halifa and the spiritual leader of the Islamic World. Also, they were took as an expression the title “Hâdimu’l Harameyni’ş-Şerîfeyn” for the reverence held in Mecca and Medina. Ottomans, with this spiritual task, have an important function in services the Kaaba and Masjid al-Haram in history. Ottomans, this history took over, gave the importance the places The Prophet born and raised, have shown respect with worship love to Kaaba and the Masjid al-Haram. In our study, we reached the conclusion that Kaaba and the environment is very important in eyes of Ottomans and the people. Ottomans serviced to the Kaaba and Masjid al-Haram they take care of and characterize themselves as servants with worship thought. Nations, respecting the history, showed intense effort for the survival of the historic monuments. In our study, we understand the magnitude of a nation has established a wellestablished state and civilization as Ottomans once again. We should’ve had our glorious history, Ottoman Empire which of heritage and culture. The Ottoman Empire, which was founded 716 years ago, services in Mecca is certainly not so. We have a responsibility imposed by history research and put forward that our glorious provides services to these sacred lands.


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