Orhan Veli, Türkçeyi çok iyi ve düzgün kullanan şairlerin başında gelmektedir. Ona göre şair, edebî anlatımdan kaçınmalı, eserlerini halkın anlayacağı halk diliyle yazmalıdır. Bu nedenle Orhan Veli'nin şiirlerindeki söz varlığı incelendiğinde görülecektir ki kullandığı sözcükler arasında daha çok ikilemeler, deyimler, konuşma diline özgü soru kalıpları, kalıp sözler ve özellikle de halkın kullandığı diğer çeşitli anlatım kalıpları bulunmaktadır. İşte Orhan Veli'nin şiirlerindeki ekileyici ve doğal söyleyişi sağlayan bu unsurlardır. Ayrıca Orhan Veli, şiirlerinde gerçek yaşamdan etkilenerek gerçekçiliğe önem vererek halkın yaşamını dile getirmiş ve şiiri halka sevdirmiştir. Özellikle şiirlerinde savaş yıllarında yoksulluk içinde kıvranan bir kişinin ruh hâlini yansıtması, yaşama sevinci ile insan sevgisini, özgürlük temasıyla birleştirerek vermesi, onun bu özelliğinin temel göstergesidir. Ancak şairin son şiirlerinde duygusal ve toplumsal eğilimlerle birlikte hafif alaycı ve toplumsal yergi unsurları da bulunmaktadır. Bu nedenle Orhan Veli, monoton tarzda şiirler yazmamış; çeşitli aşamalardan geçerek kendini yenilemiş ve Cumhuriyet Dönemi Şiiri'ne damgasını vurarak hem kendi sanat çizgisini daha da ileriye taşımış; hem de şiirimize o güne kadar hiç kullanılmamış yeni sözcükler, yeni konular, yeni görüşler ve farklı biçimler kazandırmıştır. Bu çalışmada, edebiyat alanında değerli hocalardan aldığı eğitimle sağlam bir alt yapıya sahip olan Orhan Veli'nin hem belirgin anlatım özellikleri üzerinde durulacak hem de kullandığı edebiyat sanatları içerisinde büyük bir öneme haiz olan "Yineleme Sanatı" tüm ayrıntılarıyla ele alınarak şiirlerinde kullandığı bu edebiyat sanatının her türüne örnekler verilmeye çalışılacaktır. Bilindiği gibi ikilemeler, Orhan Veli'nin şiirlerinde hem anlamı pekiştiren, hem de akıcılığı sağlayan önemli bir unsur olarak dikkat çekmekte ve anlatım özellikleri arasında önemli bir yer tutmaktadır


Orhan Veli is one of the poets who uses the Turkısh language very well. According to him a poet must avoid using expressions full of ornamentation and write his work of art in a way that people can understand easily. Consequently when the vocabulary used in Orhan Veli's poems examined it is understood that the words used in his poems are mostly repitition of words, idioms and formation of questions peculiar to spoken language and especially other various expressions used by people. These components ensure effective and way of saying in his poets. Also Orhan Veli is a poet who was affected by real life, expressed people's problems and made people love the poem. Especially in his poems he reflects a person who suffers from poverty during the war, and he makes this by the theme of freedom, so this indicates his special features. But in his latest poems nature of love, emotional and social tendency has a little mocking and also social satirical piece of writing is found. For this reason Orhan Veli not only wrote monotonous poems but he also renewed himself gradually and by influencing Republic Period Poetry,he both improved his artistic quality gradually and also assisted in gaining new words,subjects,vision and style which were not used until that time. Orhan Veli had an education in literature from talented teachers and had a strong background. In this work of art features of expressions and "art of repitition" which is very important in his works of art will be mentioned in details and examples will be given to all sorts of literature used in his poems. Especially the repitition of words used in spoken language in Orhan Veli's poems attracts attention as a component which reinforces the meaning and fluency Orhan Veli is one of most important poets of the Republic period. Because together with his fellows had initiated the Garip Movement which was an important period for Turkish poetry. Movement which brought new understanding, new voice, new outlook to the world and an good was important due to reflecting the thought system of its period as well. Orhan Veli and his fellows had been affected from the political developments and new thought movement and by bringing those new developments into the information of Republic period highbrows and Turkish public and created a new art movement. Besides, Garip Movement showed that form and substance of the poem must be taken into consideration together where in previous novelty seeking they seem two separate elements and prepared a concrete poetry foundation for the future generations. Orhan Veli is one of the poets who use the Turkish language very well. According to him poets must avoid from preciosity and write his poems in a public language that people can easily understand. Thus when the vocabulary of Orhan Veli’s poems is analyzed, existence of mostly reduplications, idioms, questions typical to spoken language, routines and variety of expressions especially used by the public can be seen in the words used by him. Effective and natural articulations of Orhan Veli’s poems are caused by those elements. This is why, by using the Turkish fluently and clearly Orhan Veli expressed his world view in his works masterfully. Prof. Dr. Doğan Aksan says at page 47 of his work called “Language of Poetry and Language of Turkish Poetry” that “one of the characteristics which makes poems more attractive and makes them effective and permanent by bringing sincerity is a natural articulation for us”. (Aksan 2005:47) If we move from this perspective, we see that Orhan Veli directly reaches the type of natural and sincere expression by getting benefit from the current speaking language in his poems. Reduplications, idioms, routines typical to spoken language, short and elliptical expressions, addressing the second persons and examples of wording special to public language are the most beautiful evidences of his given importance to the public language. Orhan Veli who started to publish his poems in Journal Varlık with his fellows Melih Cevdet and Oktay Rifat in 1936 used the nick name of Mehmet Ali Sel in some of his poems. Three friends started to give examples from Garip Poems that will be making a breakthrough in Turkish Literature on 15th of September 1937 in Journal Varlık. With the publication of those poems Garip Literature Movement had started officially. In the foundation of Garip Movement thought to take a stand for old poetry tradition is dominating. Thus Orhan Veli expresses his views and thoughts on this subject in the preamble written for his poetry book called “Garip”. Here is the starting point of “Garip”. This preamble has a feature of being a poetica of Garip Poetry in a sense. The main subject here is the targeting the basic values of our old poetry understanding and criticizing the meaningless of them. Thus when they try to destroy the old understanding with criticism, they give attention to explain and express the new standard of judgement that they want to develop. With this evaluation Orhan Veli argues that in new poetry perception old wording and meaning arts should not be relied on. Because those figures of speech show the real goods and real world differently than they really are and even magically. Especially the reduplications that we use in spoken language so much strengthen the meaning in Orhan Veli’s poems and make them more fluent. Poet who uses the reduplications in most of his poems gets closer to the spoken language and due to the euphony he gets rid of the monotony in articulation. Thus we aim to give attention to the repetition art that is one of the literature arts he used in his poems while we try to define the expression characteristics of Orhan Veli’s poems and to explain the types of this art with examples. Besides Orhan Veli was a poet who gave importance to the realism which influenced from the real life and mentioned the problems of the public in this poems and made public to love poetry. Especially reflecting the psychology of a person struggling with poverty during the years of war, mentioning the joy of life and love of people in combination of freedom theme was the main indicator of his characteristic. However in the latest poems of the poet, love of nature and emotional and social trends were a bit sarcastic and there were some social satire elements. Thus Orhan Veli never wrote monotone poems; he improved himself by passing through from different stages and by leaving a mark to Republican period poetry he took his art level forward step by step and also he made our poetry to gain never used words, new subjects, new perspectives and new forms. Besides Orhan Veli who was against to descriptive understanding, artistic and preciosity in poetry defends that poems should be written only with simple and understandable words. He gives importance to the integrity of meaning not the beauty of verses and parts. The language he used is public language. Expression must be unrounded and direct. For that reason main literary art seen in his poems is repetition art which is also used in spoken language. So in this study we focus on the repetition art used in the poems of Orhan Veli. Examples that we give are from the “All Poems, Orhan Veli” book published by Yapı Kredi Publications. (Veli 2016: 40 bs.) There are very different types of repetition art. Those were taken into consideration with the names used in linguistics studies as types of repetition and characteristics were mentioned. In Orhan Veli poetry in addition to many literary arts, we see the existence of repetition art largely. This situation actually doesn’t really confirm the ideas saying Orhan Veli didn’t literary arts in his poetry all along and didn’t rely on them. We think that a healthy judgement for this subject must be in this way: Orhan Veli considered the literary arts especially the repetition art in poetry as a figure speech used for strengthen the power of words and the meaning well in opposite to the old poetry tradition and put it into the essence of poetry. However he used the repetition art in completely different position than the basic values of old poetry that turned the imaginary world of the reader upside down with different wording games. Because of this feature of his poetry, Orhan Veli’s poems are very similar to the spoken language. He gave importance to the integrity of meaning not the beauty of verses and parts in his poetry. Thus we believe that poems of Orhan Veli and other literary arts used by him must be examined well. Although after the death of Orhan Veli “Garip Movement” takes place in our literature history as a literature movement with not so much viewers, most of the poets after Orhan Veli were sympathetic to Orhan Veli within the framework of protecting the literary tradition created together with them and accepted that he had an important place in Republic period Turkish poetry. Most important evidence for this is his book called “His all poems” published more than fifty times by different printing houses is still one of the widely read poetry books.


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