Türk dünyasında yaygın olan Keloğlan tipi, kellik imgesine bağlı anlamlar kazanan mitsel bir figürdür. Kel başlı 'Ulu Atalar', don değiştirme motifiyle Türk kültürünün manevî gücünün ritüelleştiği bir ruhun arketipsel ilk imgesidir.Kutsal bir ritüel olarak gelenekleşen bu durum, anlatılarda da don değiştirme olarak geçen bir motiftir. Mitsel bir figür olan Kel Ata'nın bölünen işlevleriyle kurnaz, sevecen ve muzip bir masal tipi doğar. Keloğlan masallarında baştaki ve sondaki durumun tezat oluşturduğu kahramanın özellikleri; pikaro tipinin ayırıcı özelliğidir. Keloğlan, Türk insanının/toplumunun düşünüş ve duyuş tarzıyla pikaresk anlatımın özelliklerini yansıtan bir tiptir. Pikaro tipi ezilmiş ve sömürülmüş bir kahramanın karşıt güçlerin kötülükleri karşısında değişerek başarı kazanmasını konu edinir. Keloğlan, karşıt güçler karşısında pikaresk anlatımda görülen şaşırtıcı değişimle mücadelesini kazanır. Keloğlan masalları, pikaro tipinin mücadele yöntemindeki değişiklikle farklı bir değer kazanır. Keloğlan'ın rakipleriyle mücadelesi, kaba kuvvete değil; sivri bir zekânın ürünü olan mizah ve hicve dayanır. Masalın başında saf, yoksul, aptal ve tembel olarak tasvir edilen kahraman, değişen dünyanın ve insanın oyun ve düzenleri karşısında uyanışa geçerek mücadele eder. Keloğlan'ın mücadelesi toplumu sömüren ve baskı kuran güçlere karşıdır; bu yönüyle Keloğlan masalları pikaresk anlatıda öne çıkan toplumsal bir eleştiri örneğidir. Keloğlan, pikaresk anlatının özellikleriyle Türk kültürünün masal metinlerinde öne çıkan pikarotipidir; aklın ve zekânın öncelendiği bir mücadele yöntemiyle rakiplerini bozguna uğratır. Halk edebiyatı anlatı geleneği içinde önemli bir yeri olan Keloğlan tipi ve masallarının pikaresk anlatı ve pikaro tip yönüyle çözümlenmesi bu çalışmanın temelini oluşturmaktadır. Keloğlan tipinin ve Keloğlan masallarının işlevleri, sembolik kültürel kodları ve masal metinleri arasındaki yeri üzerine yapılan önceki çalışmalara ek olarak bu çalışmada Keloğlan'ın pikaresk anlatıdaki yeri ve pikaro tip özelliği üzerinde durulacaktır. Pikaresk anlatı ve pikaro tipi tanıtılarak; Keloğlan'ın kahraman mitine dönüşü ve Keloğlan'ın bir masal kahramanı olarak konuyla ilgili özellikleri irdelenecektir. Masal kahramanı olarak Keloğlan'ın pikaro tiple benzer ve farklı yönlerinin metinlerden örneklerle çözümlemesi yapılacaktır


The Kaloghlan type, which is widespread in the Turkish world, is a mythical figure that has meaning depending on the image of baldness. The bald headed ‘Great Ancestors’ is the first archetypal image of a soul that ritualizes the spiritual power of Turkish culture with the motif of changing the frost. This situation, which has become traditional as a sacred ritual, is a motif that is referred to as frost change. With the divisive functions of Bald-Ancestor, a mythical figure, a cynical, loving and mischievous fairy tale is born. The features of the hero contrasted with the initial and final situation in Kaloghlan’s tale; is the distinguishing feature of the picaro type. Kaloghlan is a type that reflects the characteristics of picaresque narration in the way of thinking and hearing of the Turkish people / society. The Pikaro type is about the fact that a crushed and exploited hero gains success by changing against the evils of opposing forces. Kaloghlan wins the struggle against the opposing forces with the astonishing change seen in picaresque narration. The Kaloghlan tales gain a different value with the change of the method of struggle of the picaro type. The struggle of Kaloghlan's opponents is not a crude force; It is based on humor and satire, the product of a sharp mind. Hero depicted as pure, poor, stupid and lazy at the beginning of the tale, struggles to awaken in the face of the changing world and man's play. Kaloghlan's struggle is against the forces that exploit and oppress society; In this respect Kaloghlan's epistles are an example of a social critique that stands out in the picaresque narrative. Kaloghlan is the type of picaro that stands out in the tales texts of Turkish culture, with the characteristics of the picaresque narrative; it disrupts its opponents with a method of struggle in which the mind and intelligence are prioritized. The analysis of Kaloghlan type and its tale, which has an important place in the folk literature narrative tradition, is based on picaresque narrative and picaro type oriented analysis. In addition to the previous works on the functions of the Kaloghlan type and Kaloghlan tales, their symbolic cultural codes and their place among the fairytale texts, Kaloghlan's place in the picaresque narrative and the picaro type feature will be emphasized in this study. Pikaresk narration and picaro typeintroduction; Kaloghlan's return to the hero's myth and Kaloghlan's heritage as a fairy tale hero will be examined. As a fairy tale hero, similar and different aspects of picaro tongue of Kaloghlan will be analyzed with examples from texts. STRUCTURED ABSTRACT The Kaloghlan type, which is widespread in the Turkish world, is a mythical figure that has meaning depending on the image of baldness. The bald headed ‘Great Ancestors’ is the first archetypal image of a soul that ritualizes the spiritual power of Turkish culture with the motif of changing the frost. This situation, which has become traditional as a sacred ritual, is a motif that is referred to as frost change. With the divisive functions of Bald-Ancestor, a mythical figure, a cynical, loving and mischievous fairy tale is born. The features of the hero contrasted with the initial and final situation in Kaloghlan’s tale; is the distinguishing feature of the picaro type. Kaloghlan is a type that reflects the characteristics of picaresque narration in the way of thinking and hearing of the Turkish people / society. The Pikaro type is about the fact that a crushed and exploited hero gains success by changing against the evils of opposing forces. Kaloghlan wins the struggle against the opposing forces with the astonishing change seen in picaresque narration. The Kaloghlan tales gain a different value with the change of the method of struggle of the picaro type. The struggle of Kaloghlan's opponents is not a crude force; It is based on humor and satire, the product of a sharp mind. Hero depicted as pure, poor, stupid and lazy at the beginning of the tale, struggles to awaken in the face of the changing world and man's play. Kaloghlan's struggle is against the forces that exploit and oppress society; In this respect Kaloghlan's epistles are an example of a social critique that stands out in the picaresque narrative. Kaloghlan is the type of picaro that stands out in the tales texts of Turkish culture, with the characteristics of the picaresque narrative; it disrupts its opponents with a method of struggle in which the mind and intelligence are prioritized. The analysis of Kaloghlan type and its tale, which has an important place in the folk literature narrative tradition, is based on picaresque narrative and picaro type oriented analysis. In addition to the previous works on the functions of the Kaloghlan type and Kaloghlan tales, their symbolic cultural codes and their place among the fairytale texts, Kaloghlan's place in the picaresque narrative and the picaro type feature will be emphasized in this study. Pikaresk narration and picaro type introduction; Kaloghlan's return to the hero's myth and Kaloghlan's heritage as a fairy tale hero will be examined. As a fairy tale hero, similar and different aspects of picaro tongue of Kaloghlan will be analyzed with examples from texts. Kaloghlan is a type that has been kept alive with different names by preserving the basic characteristics of the new geographies which are shaped and migrated by Central Asian culture which is the mainland of Turks. Kaloghlan type is a mythical figure shaped in the Turkish world with the belief of 'Bald Ancestor'. Baldness in Central Asia, and bald horse is a sacred prayer in the Turks. Tastaray is the type of Altay epics of Kaloghlan. These two heroes, who have similarities to their features and functions, are fed from the mythical figure 'Bald Ancestor'. TastarayKaloghlan is a pikaro type of Turkish society that a common myth originated. It is seen that Kaloghlan's tales and Kaloghlan, as a type, are mythological rootpieces outside of Anatolia, with respect to cultural code. Mythical texts occur in the same period as mythos, or have effects on them. In this context, Kaloghlan's picaresque narrative is seen as the primary hero. When evaluated in this way, it is considered as the initial figure of the distinctive features of the picaro type. With the archetype of trickster Taz Kaan and Tastaray-Kaloghlan are transformed into a new type of myths. Both the cheat figure and Tastaray-Kaloghlan have the peculiarities of the picaro type. Entering bald donation is the practice of a blessed ritual in Turkish traditions and is an imitation based on the belief in the 'Bald Ancestor'. With the spiritualized powers of bald / skinheads, a fairy tale hero is created, extending to the modern turn of mind and intelligence. This hero, shaped by the fairy tale world, turns into a daylight close type with his ironic and humorous language. Kaloghlan is a type formed by the thought patterns of the modern era, starting from the mythical period and transforming into a sanctified ritual. Mythological roots and legendary features combine with the figure of Bald Ancestor. Behavior that can not be understood, and the functionality of the symbols, leads to the mythological root. Patterns and motifs similar to different geographies are strong evidence of this. Kaloghlan, rebellious as the representative of the oppressed and exploited, is the representatives of the fairy tale world. As a continuation of the glorified function rooted in myth, mythical uses his intellect and intellect weapons with the inevitable reality of modern life. The funny and ironic type of archetype of the cheater goes to Kaloghlan with mythical division. Kaloghlan symbolizes the human being who uses the weapon of intelligence and the action of the modern world/person against the changing world order. It becomes a fairy tale hero of the picaro type as a changing / transforming identity from the initial idiot, skinny and ridiculous personality. It transforms the supply of society into reality with its ideal type characteristic, which is formed by cultural accumulation. The situations that people can not say and criticize are conveyed ironically from the language of Kaloghlan. Mind; magic, magic and brute force. Kaloghlan struggles with all kinds of opposing forces peculiar to the fairy tale world. It defeats opponents with intellect by resorting to cheating and game against evil. Kaloghlan critically removes class distinction and equals social strata. Class differences within the society are also criticized in the battle of the picaro type. In the grotesque theme, the situation is opposite to the original situation and the hero comes to the forefront. Kaloghlan is a fairytale hero born by this thought. It brings solutions from a modern point of view against the forces that use evil and cheating. Kaloghlan, who uses the language of communication based on irony and satire, uses the modern man's weapon as a rational. Ironic and satire are a weapon that society uses. Kaloghlan uses his struggle against those who do evil against him; The peculiarities of the evil character drawn in the picaro type make the Kaloghlan type distinctive. The hero, who is evil in the pikaro type, is not seen in the personality traits of Kaloghlan. The extraordinary personality traits of the protagonist in the pikaresk genre are presented with a distinctive role. Kaloghlan; pikaresk is a representative in Turkish culture; is an extraordinary hero with a physical condition and personality contrasting with each other. It is a unique type that uses a different struggle method in the way of the Turkish society in the face of real life situations. The changing nature of the pikaro type against the changing world and new enemies is the distinct personality characteristic of Kaloghlan. Grotesque and pikaresk narrative features are two main influences in Kaloghlan type. Kaloghlan, who is affirmed by grotesque expression of his frightening evil features, turns into a good state from bad state. Kaloghlan responds in the name of society with the characteristics of the society and the characteristics that integrate the perception of life in itself. Kaloghlan is the word of the people against the forces that exploit people with social status in society. This behavior sticks to Kaloghlan's character and is a feature that integrates with it. The Kaloghlan type acts as a new heroic figure in front of cunning and awake people. Kaloghlan carries out an act of defiant rebellion against injustice and persecution. Kaloghlan, as the primitive / eternal image with the cyclic phases of the heroic myth; is a fairy tale hero who has changed / transformed into the stages. At the beginning of the pikaro type narrative, while taking a stand against the evil of the world and man; Kaloghlan first undergoes a change. The hero reflects the four-stage transformation of the archetype. Pikaro type, while wearing the same attitude against evil everyone; Kaloghlan is a hero who transforms the archetype of the opposing forces against the power. The rivals are opposing forces as 'obstructive actors'. The function that Kaloghlan takes as a picaro type is a common role in the myths and in man's heroic dreams today. It symbolizes the image of the hero that the society or individual produces / desires in his mind in social memory. Kaloghlan is a heroic myth that transforms into a symbolic value without the picaresque narrative that is conveyed from a mythical image to a cultural memory. Cultural memory codes; logic, emotion and artistic relation. Kaloghlan is the representative of Bald Ancestor with cultural conversion codes. Periodical changes occur according to time and conditions. Mythology constitutes the first developmental stage of human being as a social and historical entity. Rebellion and protest In the Kaloghlan tales, the picaro type is a distinct personality characteristic. Kaloghlan's picaresque narrative and picarotype and their distinctive features bearing cultural and similar codes are representative of the picaro type in the Turkish narrative tradition. As a type of picaro, Kaloghlan carries picaresque narrative features with future cultural codes, spreading from mythical origins to cinemas, theater works and cartoons. From the point of view that reveals both the superficial and the deep meaning of the text, it can be seen that the type of picaro, which is seen as a unique type of novel, is based on the origin as much as origin
