Çeviri sosyolojisi yaklaşımı, çeviriyi, farklı gerçeklik düzlemlerinde üretilen ve çoklu mekanizmaların bir arada işlediği bir eylem şekli olarak kabul etmekte ve bu sürecin oluşmasında iş başında olan toplumsal koşulları teşhis etme görevini üstlenmektedir. Bu araştırmanın amacı, farklı tarihsel kesitlerde, yazar/çevirmen Nazım Hikmet ve Orhan Veli tarafından Fransızcadan Türkçeye çevrilen Lafonten Masallarının, Türk kültür ve yazın alanındaki dolaşımına yönelik çeviri sosyolojisi yaklaşımı odağında bir okuma gerçekleştirmektir. Çeviri sosyolojisi, çeviri ürünü çevreleyen, çeviri sürecini belirleyen siyasi ve sosyo-kültürel tüm koşullar ile çeviri sürecine katılıp, ürünün ortaya çıkmasında rolü olan tüm eyleyicileri ele alan bir çözümleme yöntemi sunmaktadır. Araştırmanın yöntemsel vurgu noktalarını, Bourdieu sosyolojisinin ana kavramları temel alınarak oluşturulan çeviri sosyolojisine ilişkin kültürlerarası dolaşım, markaj, çeviri normları ve toplumsal koşullar/kısıtlar gibi kavramsallaştırmalar oluşturmaktadır. Bu çerçevede, ilgili çeviri yapıtların üretiminde/dolaşımında ve tüketiminde rol oynayan çevirmen, editör ve yayınevi gibi eyleyicilerin benimsedikleri çeviri stratejileri, ilişkisel bir kavrayış vurgusuyla ele alınmaktadır. Sözü edilen çeviri yapıtları çevreleyen, yapılandıran ve biçimlendiren iktidar ilişkilerine dayalı sosyo-kültürel koşulların, ilgili eyleyicilerin, çeviri odaklı üretim pratikleri üzerindeki simgesel etkileri araştırılmaktadır. Böylelikle, Lafonten çevirilerinin kültürlerarası dolaşımını çeviri eylemi üzerinden okumak, Türk kültür ve yazın alanını yeniden üreten toplumsal hareketlerin izlerinin sürülmesine yönelik bir yol haritası çizmektedir


The translation sociology approach recognizes translation as a form of practice that is produced in different platforms of reality and cooperated with multiple mechanisms, and undertakes the task of identifying the social conditions at work in the formation of this process. The aim of this research is to carry out a reading of La Fontaine's Fables, which is translated from French to Turkish by Turkish writer/translator Nazım Hikmet and Orhan Veli by focusing on the sociology of translation in different historical sections. The methodological points of emphasis of the research are conceptualizations such as intercultural circulation, marquage, translation norms and social conditions/contradictions on translation sociology based on the main concepts of Bourdieu sociology. In this framework, the translation strategies adopted by actors such as translators, editors and publishers who play a role in the production/ circulation and consumption of related translation works are handled with an emphasis on relational understanding. The symbolic effects of relevant actors on translation-oriented production practices are investigated under the socio-cultural conditions based on power relations surrounding, structuring and shaping the mentioned translation works. Thus, reading the intercultural circulation of the translations of the La Fontaine through translation practice draws a road map for the perception of social movements living in the field of Turkish culture and literature The translation sociology approach recognizes translation as a form of practice that is produced in different platforms of reality and cooperated with multiple mechanisms, and undertakes the task of identifying the social conditions at work in the formation of this process. The aim of this research is to carry out a reading of La Fontaine's Fables which is translated from French to Turkish by Turkish writer/translator Nazım Hikmet and Orhan Veli by focusing on the sociology of translation in different historical sections (between 1960 and 2000). The methodological points of emphasis of the research are conceptualizations such as intercultural circulation, marquage, translation norms and social conditions/contradictions on translation sociology (Sapiro, 2008) based on the main concepts of Bourdieu sociology (Bourdieu, 1984, 2006; Bourdieu & Wacquant, 2007). In this framework, the translation strategies adopted by actors such as translators, editors and publishers who play a role in the production/circulation and consumption of related translation works are handled with an emphasis on relational understanding. The symbolic effects of relevant actors on translationoriented production practices are investigated under the socio-cultural conditions based on power relations surrounding, structuring and shaping the mentioned translation works. Thus, reading the intercultural circulation of the translations of La Fontaine through translation practice draws a road map for the perception of social movements living in the field of Turkish culture and literature. Methodological framework Five translations are considered within the scope of the study. In the field of Turkish culture and literature, the writers/translators and political identities of Nazım Hikmet and Orhan Veli support the selection made in this direction. Another common feature of the related translators is that they translate La Fontaine’s Fables, one of the respectable works of western literature, from the source language French to Turkish. At the same time, the differences in the level of paratextual elements found in translation works are on the agenda of questioning socio-cultural movements in Turkish culture and literature, where the relevant translated texts are produced/circulated and consumed, acting from a historical perspective. Sapiro's (2008) translation sociology approach, based on the main concepts of Bourdieu sociology, shows that translation practice takes place within social relationship networks. In this context, political, economic and socio-cultural conditions/contradictions guide the intercultural circulation of translated texts and shape the habitus of all actors involved in the translation act. The actors in question are positioned in the translation field with their strategies adopted in the translation process with the current habitus from the past and the type and volume of the capital they are equipped with. Nazım Hikmet’s translations Oda Yayınları published the first translation work in 1980 with the title of Ağustos Böceği ile Karınca under the Çocuk Kitapları Serisi (target text I). The second translation is the book Şiirler, number nine on the collection, which consists of all the works of Nazim Hikmet, published by Adam Yayınları (target text II). This work titled La Fontaine’den Masallar was published in 1989. The third translated text is Ağustos Böceği ile Karınca, in Öbür Masallar section of the third book Masallar, Hikayeler published by Yapı Kredi Yayınları in 2002 (target text III). Three translations, respectively, are examined in the context of paratextual elements. Considering the primary identity of Nazim Hikmet as a writer in the field of Turkish culture and literature, it can be stated that he is in the class of part time translator who make the translation profession as an additional job. For the writer/translator Hikmet, aesthetic and formal worries are at the forefront and the related target texts are closer to the source culture and language norms. Relevant publishing houses are publishing related target texts received by Nazım Hikmet in the direction of the translation policies they have adopted. Oda Yayınları and Yapı Kredi Yayınları have published the target texts together with the preface containing the symbolic sentences for the political scheme that Hikmet wrote, without applying censorship. Adam Yayınları, however, does not include this mentioned preface in the work. Related publishing houses are exposed to political pressure and are forced to make additions/subtractions to the dialect in the direction of the type and volume of the capital they own, while others decide to publish the translation without any addition/subtraction. Orhan Veli’s translations Within the scope of the research, it has been found that La Fontaine's Fables which are translated from French to Turkish in different historical periods by Orhan Veli. In this frame, the target text IV is the translation of La Fontaine’in Masalları, published in 1969 by Doğan Kardeş Yayınları. The target text V is the work published in 2003 within the scope of the children's series named Doğan Kardeş of Yapı Kredi Yayınları, which has the same title as target text IV. In this context, the paratextual elements that stand out in the target texts in question are examined respectively. Because of the effective political identity of Orhan Veli after the 50s, some textual and paratextual restrictions have been introduced by Yapı Kredi Yayınları for the relevant target texts. In this context, Yapı Kredi Yayınları does not include the translator's identity in the target text. The restructuring process that Yapı Kredi Yayınları has carried out in the 2000s with Orhan Veli's translations of La Fontaine, socio-cultural production and re-structuring in the context of paratextual elements can be taken as indicators of new translation policies adopted by the publisher concerned. The publishing house puts the emphasis on the translator's identity by making additions to the text size on the outer cover and if necessary the inner cover. Conclusion and perspectives As it can be seen, once again the fact that the translation practice is organized in social process and action is emphasized once again in the readings carried out through the intercultural circulation of La Fontaine translations in Turkey. When the production/circulation/ consumption processes in the field of Turkish culture and literature of the related translation works analyzed in the light of concepts related to translation sociology are examined, it is found that political and socio-cultural movements become a formative role in the translation strategies applied by translators, publishers and editorial social actors. Thus, the conceptualizations of translation sociology unhide power relations that are symbolic, veiled and concealed political, economic, socio-cultural based reproduced cultural/literary production areas rising around Lafontaine circulation in Turkey. As a result, it is very important to read the strategies adopted by the translation product, the processes in which it is introduced and consumed and all the actors (institutions, authors, translators, publishers, editors, readers) playing a role in these processes with a relational reasoning method by focusing on the textual and paratextual elements. This is because, it is possible to gain awareness or in other words to develop a sociological vision of power relations that shape the translation practice!


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