Aleksandre Dumas Fils'in kendi yaşam öyküsünden de izler taşıyan "Kamelyalı Kadın" adlı roman, devrinin popüler roman örnekleri arasında önemli bir yere sahiptir. Bu eser; tema, kişiler, zaman ve mekân özellikleri bakımından tipik bir popüler romandır. Bu çalışmada, söz konusu eserin popüler roman kriterlerine göre bir incelemesi yapılmıştır. İnceleme yapılırken tema ve yapı; bu çalışmanın ana çerçevesini oluşturmuştur. Bu çalışmada araştırma yöntemi olarak nitel araştırma yönteminin durum çalışması deseninden faydalanılmıştır. Yapılan literatür taramasında Aleksandre Dumas Fils'in "Kamelyalı Kadın" adlı yapıtının daha önce tematik açıdan incelendiği görülmüştür. Uğur Yönten, "Kamelyalı Kadın ya da Yosmaya Hoşgörü" başlıklı çalışmasında bu eseri, yazar-kahraman arasındaki bağ açısından incelemiştir. Bu çalışmada ise eser, daha çok popüler roman kriterleri bakımından değerlendirilmeye çalışılmıştır. Eserde, toplumun değer yargılarına göre tasvip edilmeyen bir mesleğe sahip olan roman kahramanın yaşantısı -merak unsuru diri tutularak- anlatılmıştır. Romandaki olaylar; kişilerin birbiriyle, toplumla çatışmasından doğmuştur. Geri dönüşlerle genişletilen olaylara zaman kırılmaları hareket kazandırmıştır. Roman kahramanları genellikle tek yönlü özellik gösteren "düz" kişilerdir. Ancak çoğu okur tarafından eserin başında olumsuz olarak değerlendirilen bazı kahramanların, gerçekte olumlu özelliklere de sahip olduğu ve ilk izlenimin okuru/insanı yanıltabileceği, olayların ilerlemesi ile birlikte açığa çıkmaktadır. Eserde mekân olarak çoğunlukla kapalı mekânlar tercih edilmiştir. Bu kapalı mekânlar, roman kahramanlarının dışa dönüklüğünü kanıtlayacak nitelikte sosyal alanlardır. Mekân olarak bir ev seçilse dahi bu ev sohbet meclislerinin kurulduğu ve eğlencelerin düzenlendiği sosyal mekânlara dönüştürülmüştür. Çalışmanın sonunda "Kamelyalı Kadın" adlı eserin nitelik olarak fazlaca estetik özellikler barındırmamakla birlikte; her dönemde okunabilecek, popüler nitelikte özelliklere sahip olduğu görülmüştür. Aleksandre Dumas Fils, bu eseri ile kendisinden sonra bu nitelikte yapıt ortaya koyacak birçok sanatçıya ön iz oluşturmuştur


The novel named "The Lady of the Camellias" which also have traces also from Aleksandre Dumas Fils' own life, has a significant place among the popular novels of its era. This work is a typical popular novel in terms of theme, characters, place and time features. In this study, an analysis of the aforesaid work has been done according to popular novel criteria. While analysing, theme and structure made up the main frame of the study. Case study figure of qualitative research methods has been used in this work. During literature review, it has been found that Aleksandre Dumas Fils' work named "The Lady of the Camellias" was previously analysed in terms of thematic. In his study titled "The Lady of the Camellias or The Toleration to Coquette", Assistant Professor Uğur Yönten analysed that work in terms of the relation between writer and heroine while we tried to view the work from a perspective of popular novel criteria. In the work; heroine's life who has an unapproved occupation according to the judgement values of society, has been narrated by freshing the curiosity. The events in the novel arise from the characters' conflict with each other and society. Time fragmentation activates events which are developed by turnabouts. The novel heroes are generally plain characters who display one sided feature. However, with the course of events it appears that some heroes who are evaluated negatively by most of the readers at the beginning, actually have also positive features and just the physical appearance can mislead readers/people. Mostly indoor places have been preferred in the work. Those indoor places are social areas that prove novel heroes' extroversion. Even a house is chosen as the place, this house is turned into social areas where conversation councils are formed and entertainment is organized. At the end of this study; it can be seen that the work named "The Lady of the Camellias" has readable, popular features in every era as well as not including many esthetical features qualitatively. Aleksandre Dumas Fils with his work inspired many literally works written in this quality after him The popular novel, which is a narration of the people and has its values and likes, has not long been considered worthy of examining by Turkish literature researchers. The popular novel, however, has many personal and social roles. "Presenting escape and relief" (Uğur, 2012: 420) to the modern man distressed by crowd and fast life is one of the important reasons why the popular novel should be taken into consideration. The popular novel is a subspecies with a wide range of literary products in terms of finding a 'reader'. It was started to this study to examine one of the pioneering and important products of this subclass. CONCEPTUAL / THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK OF THE STUDY Ugur Yönten, who already had done analysis on "The Lady of the Camellias" did the thematic examination of the work however did not mention the structural aspects on his study “The Lady of the Camellias” or “The Toleration to Coquette". In this study however it is emphasized that the work’s being a "popular novel". It is therefore necessary to examine the same work from another point of view. METHOD In this study the case study pattern of the qualitative research method was utilized. It was decided that the most appropriate method for studying was the 'case analysis' subcategory of the state study design; because the novel "The Lady of the Camellias" would be evaluated in terms of being a popular novel. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Aleksandra Dumas Fils's "The Lady of the Camellias" has been studied from a thematic point of view. Uğur Yönten has evaluated this work in terms of content in his work titled “The Lady of the Camellias or The Toleration to Coquette". However, in this study, taking into account the link between the protagonist and the people in author's life, an anxiety of proving the integrity of this bond has been examined. In this study, the argument that the work had autobiographical features was not taken into consideration but the argument that the work conformed to the popular novel criteria was examined. After all, it has come to the conclusion that the work is a work of 'popular novel'. The 'event', which is the backbone of all fictional or living parts of life, is often referred to as a process - processes that are traditionally linked to a 'problem'. Human as a social entity can always not establish a problem-free life with other contemporaries who s/he is in a relationship. These 'troubled lives' constitute the 'knot' section of literary works, which is an essential feature of popular works where the curious element is reinforced. "The Lady of the Camellias" was also benefited from the distressful life, and the plot has been developed in this way. In the work, when examining the event pattern, we can see how the tensions of the people turn out to be, where a love can come from, jealousies; in short, how human emotions can be shaped and how things develop. "The Lady of the Camellias” is a popular love story. Aramand, in love with Marguerite, a Romanian prostitute, is told to be loyal to his love despite all the negativity. Events in literary works are reflected through the people. The characters, names, and temperaments of a person all affect the reflection of the event. According to the power of this effect, the position of the people in the novel becomes clear. The people we study in this work are generally "flat" people. Some people, such as Marguerite, sometimes seem to be contrary to their dominant feature, but in later parts of the events it is understood that this contradictory situation is merely an image. The two most important heroes of the Roman people are: a. Mademoiselle Marguerite: She is the main person of the novel. Despite earning her life by prostitution, she is a character that can be counted in the rank of 'good people' with loyalty. Despite being a prostitute, the writer summarizes the reason why her story is worth telling as "to tell the story of an unusual piece of sacrifice." Marguerite is a woman crowned with wealthy life of beauty. b. Armand Duval: He is among the 'good people' in the story. He is in love with Marguerite. He loves him unconditionally. The size of his love prevents him from seeing the socially unacceptable qualities of her loved one. In general, the place in literary works can be reflected as where the events take place; can be defined as physical areas that differ according to the characteristics of the emotion / situation. This work is a work in which detailed descriptions do not take place and in which the place does not add an aesthetic dimension. In the novel it is usually selected indoor places. However, narrow spaces are more frequently encountered in works with introverted characters. It can hardly be told that a prostitute is also introverted. This perception has expanded relatively to the more social areas of theater and entertainment venues, even though they are also indoor places. The work has also included outdoor places. The outdoor places in the novel are briefly recreation areas, streets, and a village in Paris where people can go to relax. These places also manifest themselves as a sign of extroverted character of the hero. Until the novel type in modern literature does not exist in Turkish literature, time did not have much to do with the fiction. However, in the western sense, Turkish novel writers have associated the time with the content of the novel, and have given motion to the concept of time with different novel techniques. Time can be summarized as duration of the event. In "The Lady of the Camellias" it is told the time from the protagonist's youth years to his death. The 'summarizing' technique has been applied to give this long time frame on a limited number of pages. CLEAR THEMES IN THE WORK 1. Love: Love between Armand and Marguerite is one of the main themes of the work. Marguerite is a woman waiting for the death that didn’t assign any value to the people around her and could say ‘Suddenly I happened to love you as much as my dog’. In the work, Marguerite has a thought that ‘everything changes when it comes to ‘love’ even if her occupation is prostitution. 2. Isolation: It is normal to be isolated for Marguerite by the society because she is a whore. To the society, isolation of these creatures that is accused without being listened and is humiliated without being judged is not something surprising. After the expression “Sir, do you really believe that the duty of an honourable man is to guide the prostitutes to the good”, the view that a prostitute won’t be able to find the true way and a good man has no relation with them is seen as the essential attitude of isolation 3. Regret: There are lots of characters who has regretted. Especially Armand has regretted not opening his heart to Marguerite and wasn’t able to get closer to her. Later, the same character had to apologise many times because he expected her to be self-sacrificing after accepting his offer. Finally, Marguerite has regretted believing him when he was pretending to get away from him. At the end of the novel, he had a big remorse because he wasn’t able to catch up with Marguerite’s funeral. 4. Accepting With Pure Feelings: Armand visits Marguerite every day without letting her know when she is ill. He has no sexual expectation from this whore. He proved his love by getting her grave built when she died. Armand passes to a general forgiving by enlarging a simple begging pardon of Marguerite and forgives her all flaws: She said “you forgive my unhappiness this evening, don’t you?” by holding my hand. 5. Tolerance To The Coquettes: There is a positive inclination to the coquettes. The narrator doesn’t humiliate because of the job they have them despite the negative view of the society: “these are the suns that set down at the moment they rose up”. Armand has also a positive view. This view is undisputable: “I have an infinite tolerance to the coquettes, most of the people will find this ridiculous but this tolerance is undisputable. I should have accepted her habits as she was my friend. “ CONCLUSION “The Lady of the Camellias” is a work that has been taken as an example since it was written in the years when Turkish literature met novel and especially in terms of popular novel. İts impacts have been seen many times in the reform novel, too. This work in which we can see the popular components clearly has been read by vast masses though is not very aesthetic. Indispensable themes of the popular novels like love, loyalty, regret, revenge have been used by making use of coincidences at times in the novel. The protagonist has shown with her good attitudes that she can be one of the good people of the society although she has had a job – prostitution- which can’t be adopted by the society. This incompatible attitude with the social value judgements has both made the work interesting and changed the points of the view of the readers on life. The staff is not crowded in the work. The work has been fictionalised with the people who can reflect the conflicts. The place is limited to the simple depiction in the conformity to the popular novels.Generally, indoors have been chosen. However, these indoor places have been supported with social activities and these activities helped the characters to be more sociable. From the most of the points of the view, The Lady of the Camellias has demonstrated a typical feature of a popular novel.
