Türkçede kip, belli bir söylem ortamında konuşucunun iş, oluş ve durum karşısındaki tutumunu gösteren bir dilbilgisi kategorisidir. Bir kip, birden fazla kiplik anlamı ifade edebilir. Bazı durumlarda cümlenin sözdizimsel yapısından dolayı kiplik anlam ortadan kalkabilir. Konu üzerine yapılmış olan çalışmaların çoğu kip ve zaman kavramlarının birbirine karıştığını ve bu kavramların zaman zaman birbirinin yerine kullanıldığını gösterir. Bazı araştırmacılar kip için tarz terimini tercih ederken; bazıları zaman için kip terimini kullanır. Geleneksel tarzda yazılmış dilbilgisi kitaplarında genellikle zaman için kullanılan kip terimi, haber kipleri (belirli geçmiş zaman, belirsiz geçmiş zaman, şimdiki zaman, gelecek zaman ve geniş zaman) ve tasarlama kipleri (istek, dilek-koşul, gereklilik, buyrum) olmak üzere iki bölümde incelenmiştir. Haber ve tasarlama kipleri oluş ve kılış fiillerinin zamanını göstermesinin yanında meydana gelen olayların ve durumların nasıl yapıldığını da anlatan kiplik anlamları da ifade etmektedir.Türkçede tasarlama kipleri, fiillerin ifade ettiği kavramları öznel olarak istek, şart, gereklilik ve emir biçiminde anlatır. Bu kavramlar genellikle konuşucunun olay veya durum karşısındaki tutumunu ve eylem karşısındaki düşüncesini ve duygusunu ifade eder. Ancak bu kiplerin kendi anlamları dışında çok sayıda önemli işlevleri de bulunmaktadır. Yapılan araştırmalar tasarlama kiplerinin biçim ve işlevlerinin çoğu zaman iç içe geçtiğini, bu kiplerin arka planında bir istek ifadesi taşıdığını ve aynı eklerin farklı işlevlerde kullanılabildiğini göstermiştir. Tasarlama kipleri Orhan Pamuk'un "Kırmızı Saçlı Kadın" adlı romanı üzerinden dilbilimsel açıdan incelenecektir. Son zamanlarda kip, kiplik ve bu terimlerin alt bölümlerini oluşturan tasarlama kipleri üzerine çeşitli çalışmalar yapılsa da son dönem yazarlarının eserleri üzerinden bir incelemenin yapılmadığı görülmüştür. Bu çalışma ile postmodern tarzda yazılan bir romanda geçen tasarlama kiplerinin nasıl kullanıldığı görülecektir. Çalışmada, ilk önce kip teriminin tanımı araştırmacıların görüşleri doğrultusunda verilecek, Türkçede tasarlama kipleri kısaca tanıtıldıktan sonra Orhan Pamuk'un "Kırmızı Saçlı Kadın" romanından örneklem metoduyla seçilen örnek cümleler aracılığıyla istek, şart, gereklilik ve emir kiplerinin durumu, birbirinin yerine kullanılması ve aralarındaki geçişler tartışılacaktır


Mood is the grammar category which determines the attitudes of speakers towards function, process and situation in Turkish. A mood can consist of more than one modality meaning. In some situations, modality meaning may disappear due to syntactic structure. The studies indicate that the concepts of mood and time interfere with each other and these concepts are used interchangeably from time to time. While some of the researchers have used the term of style instead of mood, some have used the term of mood instead of time. In traditional grammar books, the term of the mood is often used instead of time and is basically divided into two sections which are indicative moods (definite past tense, indefinite past tense, present tense, future tense and aorist tense) and subjunctive moods (optative, conditional, necessity, imperative). Indicative and subjunctive moods are not only structures that show the time of process and manner of action; but also they explain how events and situations are done with modality meanings. In Turkish, subjunctive moods express the concept that is defined by actions in the form of optative, conditional, necessity, imperative moods in relation to subjective aspects. These concepts often explain speakers’ attitudes towards the event or situation and thougts and emotions towards actions. However, these moods have many different, important functions apart from their meaings. The studies have showed that these moods are seen to have mostly intermixed in terms of both form and function, they have the expression of desire at the background and the same attachments can be used in different functions. Subjunctive moods will be examined by way of Orhan Pamuk’s “Kırmızı Saçlı Kadın” in terms of linguistic. Recently, even though different studies have been done about subjunctive moods which composing mood, modality and subdivision of these terms, it has not been done yet the examination about works of recent authors. How to use subjunctive moods which have passed the novel written postmodern style will be shown with this study. In this study, firstly the definition of mood will be explained the light of the opinions of the researchers; after subjunctive moods in Turkish will be expressed briefly that the situation of optative, conditional, necessity, imperative moods, these moods can be used instead of each other and transitions between them will be discussed with the help of examples that Orhan Pamuk’s “Kırmızı Saçlı Kadın” has been analyzed.The topic of mood and modality is of interest to both linguists and philosophers today. While mood is related to morphology, modality is related to semantics. In traditional grammar books, the term of mood which is often used for time, is basically divided into as indicative moods and subjunctive moods. Indicative and subjunctive moods are not only structures that show the time of process and manner of action; but also they explain how events and situations are done with modality meanings. During the communication process, the grammar category which gives the information about the verb which speaker uses is called as the mood. Modality is a semantic category which shows the speaker’s attitude, viewpoint, perspective and evaluation in the case of process and action are unreal. Not only must the effects of language elements, but also nonlinguistic elements be taken into account when determining the meaning in the sentence. It is a well-known fact that the non-linguistic elements such as emphasis and toning give deep meanings to the expression. It is thought that in the novel "Kırmızı Saçlı Kadın" we have examined, we can understand both with the help of punctuation marks and also the expressions which reflect the moods in the frame of context can be explained with modality term. Each expression which is specified as the functions of the subjunctive moods is actually a modality. A limited number of studies have been carried out on subjunctive moods in Turkey. Some of these are studies in which only a single mood and modality are examined from different aspects. In the majority of studies, there is a special focus on the structural elements in the texts. However, in the recent studies such as in theses and books, it has been seen that moods also have been examined from the functional point of view. “Kırmızı Saçlı Kadın” is the latest novel of Orhan Pamuk. The novel has been written in postmodern style. Since there is not any study conducted on this subject in a postmodern novel, there has been a motivation for us to examine the subjunctive moods consisting of optative, conditional, necessitative and imperative moods functionally in the novel of “Kırmızı Saçlı Kadın” by Orhan Pamuk. This functional study has once again proven that the meaning prosperity of Turkish cannot be constructed with only the structural elements. That a language has a very functional feature is important since it shows the frequency of occurrence and vitality of the language. For this in mind, the productive structure and expression power of the language were tried to be shown by examining the subjunctive moods in this novel functionally. The optative mood is a subjunctive mood which gives the meaning of request, intention and desire. It indicates that the work is desired and intended. In the novel of “Kırmızı Saçlı Kadın”, the optative mood has been used in five different functions besides the meaning of the request. These functions are condition, order, intention, monition and request, respectively. The conditional mood is a subjunctive mood which links a process or an action links to a “condition” or a “request-intention”. It is constituted by adding the suffix -sA marker to the base and stem of the verb to express condition and wish. This mood which is used as the auxiliary sentence of the main sentence, is separated from other subjunctive moods. This mood is dependent on the main sentence so that it cannot carry a judgment on its own. A sentence which is conjugated with the suffix -sA marker, which is not an auxiliary sentence but can stand alone might be as an expression of request or wish. In the novel of “Kırmızı Saçlı Kadın”, the conditional mood has been used in ten different functions besides the meaning of the condition. These functions are declaring situation, generalisation, explanation, cause and effect, warning, certainty, expectation, assumption, probability, recommendation, comparison, estimation and indecision. The term of necessity has been used with different terms such as “gereklik” (Gencan, 2001: 315; Ergin, 2006: 312; Ediskun, 2005: 182; Dizdaroğlu, 1963: 17), “gerekirlik” (Deny, 1941: 372), “gerekmelik” (Emre, 1945: 464) and “gereklilik” (Bilgegil, 1982: 270; Timurtaş, 1977: 132; Topaloğlu, 1989: 78; Korkmaz, 1992: 71) in our grammar books until today. Today, there have been modality markers such as gerek, lazım, zorunda, şart, mecbur, icab et- ets. which express necessity in addition to the suffix -mAlI marker in Turkish. The main function of the necessitative mood is to notify necessity and obligation of the work. In the novel of “Kırmızı Saçlı Kadın”, the necessitative mood has been used in nine different functions besides the meaning of the necessary. These functions are obligation, wish, estimation, assumption, probability, recommendation, inducement, despair, indecision, certainty, consolation and ridicule. The imperative mood is a grammatical form which expresses the situation that is desired in the form of imperative. In this mood, mood affixes and personal affixes are interlocked. Therefore, there is a different imperative marker for each person. In the novel of “Kırmızı Saçlı Kadın”, the imperative mood has been used in thirteen different functions besides the meaning of the imperative. These functions are wish, condition, explanation, notification, informing, invitation, respect, politeness, request, accepting, warning, recommendation, inducement, expostulating, cause and effect, disregard, measure, confidence and pleading. Since the study has been limited on a single novel, it cannot be said that all functions of subjunctive moods have not been examined. It will be possible to say if there are other functions of subjunctive moods in addition to the ones found in this study by adding another sources. We can say that the selected source is sufficient to express our goal not to exceed the aims of this study.


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Turkish Studies (Elektronik)-Cover
  • ISSN: 1308-2140
  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 4 Sayı
  • Başlangıç: 2006
  • Yayıncı: Mehmet Dursun Erdem