Öykülerinin merkezine insan sevgisini yerleştiren Nursel Duruel, insanın içinde bulunduğu koşullarda şekillenişini, koşullara direnişini, zaaflarını ve güçlü yanlarını ele alır. Öykülerinde insanların hep neyi kaybettiği üzerinde duran yazar, çocukluk safiyetinin bozulmamışlığını hatırlatır. Büyüklerin dünyasında güzellik, kardeşlik, dostluk yoktur. Tarlada bir gelinciğe dokunan çocuk, tüm gerçekliği kavrar ama büyüklerin dünyasına ulaşınca, safiyetini yitirir; kimliğini kaybeder ve daracık hayatlarda sıkışıp kalır. Ben kimim? sorusu etrafında düğümlenen bir hayatı yaşamaya mecbur kalır. Gerek iç göçler gerekse dış göçler en çok çocuk kahramanların hayatlarında parçalanma meydana getirir. Göçle birlikte aileler parçalanmakta, anlayışlar değişmekte, kuşaklar arası çatışmalar yaşanmaktadır. Yollarını, kurallarını, doğrularını ve yanlışlarını kimin belirlediği belli olmayan bu kimliksizleşme serüveninde çocukluk sığınılacak bir liman olarak görülür. Modern hayatın her gün biraz daha yok ettiği bir dünyada çocuk duyarlılığını öykülerine taşıyan Duruel, sosyolojik bir gerçekliği de didaktikliğe düşmeden anlatır. Bu çalışmada Nursel Duruel'in öykülerinde özellikle üzerinde durduğu çocukluğa dönüş ve çocuk kahramanların hayata tutunabilme çabaları üzerinde durulacaktır. Yazarın bazı öykülerinde kullandığı çocuk bakış açısının kurguya olan etkisi de irdelenecektir. Nitelikli bir öykü evreni kurma amacını güden yazarın, çocukların saf, masum dünyasını kullanarak büyüklerin dünyasını nasıl anlamlandırmaya çalıştığı da bu çalışmanın kapsamına girmektedir


Nursel Duruel who grows philanthropy in the center of her short stories discuss people’s resistance, weaknesses and strengths. The author focusing on what they have lost, reminds the integrity of childhood purity. In the grown-up world, no beauty, friendship and brotherhood exists. A child who touches a corn rose understands all the reality but when it reaches to the grown-up world, it loses its purity and identity and get stuck in narrow lives. They have to live a life around the question of “Who am I?”. Both domestic migration and emigration cause deterioration mostly in child heroes’ lives. With migration, families break down, perceptions change and conflicts of generations occur. In this identification process in which the people who determines the ways, rules and truths are not clear, childhood is supposed to be a safe haven. Duruel, who pays attention to childhood susceptibility in her short stories, tells sociological authenticity without didactics. In the present study, turning back to childhood and struggles of child heroes in their lives in Nursel Duruel’ short stories will be investigated. The effect of childish point of view on fiction in some of her stories will also be examined. Moreover, the fact that is included in the current study is that the author, who aims to come up with eligible short stories, attempts to make sense of the grown-up world.Nursel Duruel who grows philanthropy in the center of her short stories discuss people’s resistance, weaknesses and strengths. The author focusing on what they have lost, reminds the integrity of childhood purity. In the grown-up world, no beauty, friendship and brotherhood exists. A child who touches a corn rose understands all the reality but when it reaches to the grown-up world, it loses its purity and identity and get stuck in narrow lives. They have to live a life around the question of “Who am I?”. Both domestic migration and emigration cause deterioration mostly in child heroes’ lives. With migration, families break down, perceptions change and conflicts of generations occur. In this identification process in which the people who determines the ways, rules and truths are not clear, childhood is supposed to be a safe haven. Duruel, who pays attention to childhood susceptibility in her short stories, tells sociological authenticity without didactics. In the present study, turning back to childhood and struggles of child heroes in their lives in Nursel Duruel’ short stories will be investigated. The effect of childish point of view on fiction in some of her stories will also be examined. Moreover, the fact that is included in the current study is that the author, who aims to come up with eligible short stories, attempts to make sense of the grown-up world.The military coup of September 12, 1980 is a break and turning point in many respects in Turkey. Whether the trauma that the darbenin brings to society is driven by the rapid development of the post-coup punishment, the individuals are dragged into an unwilling psychology of loneliness, boredom and depression. This psychology focuses on different solutions for salvation. Literature is also affected by this social and political environment in which the society is located. The structure of a literary work is closely related to the time of existence, the starting point or points, the writing process, the environment in which it is born. For this reason, it is possible to see the structure of society and the world of thought at the time of literary works. Immigration is frequently encountered in the book of Duruel's Deer, Mommy and Germany. The main trail is internal migration and influences in the story of Deers, My Mom and Germany and Where in the Story, which gives the name of the book, Outward Migration, 03 Seizure and Baker Şükriye, In the second book of the author, the essence of the writer Kaya Kaya, the name of the book, is the main effect of immigration and modernization on children. Another story about Duruel's external migration is also the famous story of Where. The negative effect of immigration and migration on children is also mentioned in this story. The families who live and work together with the immigration neglect their children and even leave them to relatives. These differences and the inability to obtain a complete homeland will cause children to be trapped between the two cultures and to reveal individuals who can not even speak their own tongue. Where the family migrated to the big city in the name story where the living family is treated with drama social dimension. The decrease in population from day to day in İzmir province of İzmir attracts attention to migration. As the population in the province decreases, the surroundings become crowded. The main trait in Duruel's 03 Story is the effects on children. The story is about Saliha, who migrated to the metropolis along with his family. Saliha is a young girl who sees herself as a semi-rural individual who can not adapt to the street she is studying, her workplace she is studying in Istanbul. The fact that Saliha both has to study and work causes him to delay his young pauper and to be incompatible with the big city. Saliha, which can not find the safety of the small city it came from and the air in the big city, represents the average state of the people migrating from the province to the city. Literary works are not insensitive to the life of the society. The story also includes the social and political life of the society from its inception to its limits. With Turkey entering a period of rapid modernization, especially after the 1950s, immigration to the cities or foreign countries begins. Families who suffer from loneliness in the country leave their homelands to live a more comfortable life. However, the need for internal migration and external migration does not make these families happy. Broken families can not be freed from their provinces, nor can they be urbanized. This is the children who are affected most of the time. Children who are separated from their parents due to migrations in the most needed times to the family live an untimely abandonment. In the stories, the negative effects of immigration and migration on society are reflected on children. Nursel Duruel, one of the most important items of the recent Turkish storytelling, also mentioned the effects of immigration and immigration in his story
