Yapmış olduğumuz çalışmada, Bergamalı Kadri tarafından 1530 yılında Osmanlı padişahı I. Süleyman'ın veziri İbrahim Paşa'ya sunulmak üzere kaleme alınan Müyessiretü'l-Ulûm adlı gramer kitabının günümüzde yaygın olarak kullanılan gramer kaideleri açısından incelemesini yapmış bulunuyoruz. Çalışmamızda Bergamalı Kadri'nin dilbilgisi konularına yaklaşımı objektif bir şekilde ele alınmış ve sonrasında bu yaklaşımlar üzerine değerlendirme yapılmıştır. Bu çalışmada 2002 yılında Esra Karabacak tarafından hazırlanan ve Türk Dil Kurumu tarafından yayımlanan çeviriyazılı metin(Karabacak, 2002) kullanılmış olup bunun yanında 1946 yılında Besim Atalay tarafından yayımlanan "Müyessiretü'l-Ulûm (Tıpkıbasım-Çeviriyazılı Metin ve Dizin)" (Atalay, 1946) başlıklı çalışmadan yararlanılmış, Besim Atalay'ın eser ve müellifi hakkındaki görüşlerinden faydalanılmıştır. Yapılan incelemenin sonucunda Müyessiretü'l-Ulûm'un Arapça gramer kurallarına göre oluşturulduğu görülmüştür. Bu durumdan hareketle Bergamalı Kadri'nin hem Arapçanın hem de Türkçenin gramer kurallarına hâkim olduğu sonucuna ulaşıyoruz. Ayrıca müellifin dilimizi zaman zaman Farsça ile karşılaştırması onun Farsça hakkında da bilgi sahibi olduğunu ortaya koyar. Eserin bazı bölümlerinde müellifin ana dili ve yabancı dil öğrenimi hakkında zikrettiği ifadeler onun dil öğretimi üzerine mühim fikirlere sahip olduğunu gösterir. Ayrıca eserde bazı gramer kurallarının açıklanması sırasında kullanılan örnek gösterme, soru-cevap gibi yöntemler de müellifin dil öğretimi konusunda donanımlı olduğunu ortaya koyar. Müyessiretü'l-Ulûm'un en önemli özelliği, eserin Anadolu sahasında yazılmış bilinen en eski Türkçe gramer olmasıdır. Eserin son bölümünde seçilen bir gazelden hareketle dilbilgisi kurallarının uygulamalı olarak sunulması da yine bu eseri farklı kılan önemli bir özelliğidir. İncelemenin, Müyessiretü'l-Ulûm ve Türkçenin grameri üzerine çalışma yapacak olanlar için faydalı olacağını ümid ediyoruz


In this essay written by us, we examined the grammar book named by Müyessiretü’l-Ulûm, according to the currently grammar works, which is written by Bergamalı Kadri for to be presented to İbrahim Paşa who is the vizier of Sultan Süleyman I. In our study Bergamalı Kadri's approach to grammar handled in an objective way and after the evaluation it has been made on these approaches. In this work, we used the book in which is written by Esra Karabacak in 2002 and issued by Turkish Language Institution. Near that book we profitted from the work of Besim Atalay which is issued in 1946 by the name of “Müyessiretü’l-Ulûm (Tıpkıbasım-Çaviriyazılı Metin ve Dizin), and we profitted from the opinions of Besim Atalay about this book and the author of it. We can see that the Müyessiretü'l-Ulûm was created according to the rules of Arabic grammar. In this case, we reach the conclusion that Bergamalı Kadri is dominating both Turkish and Arabic grammar rules. In addition, sometimes the author's comparison on the Persian language with our language shows that he also have information about Persian language. Müyessiretü'l-Ulûm's most important feature is being the oldest Tuskish grammar book known which is written in the Anatolian area. In the last part of the book, presenting the grammar rules practically by using examples from a designated gazal is also an important feature of this book which makes it different. Müyessiretü’l-Ulûm is the first grammar book in Turkish which is written in Anatolian area. This book is very important by giving the grammar rules of Turkish language in Turkish. At the period of this book was written, the science language was Arabic. According to this situation, most of the scientific books in grammar area and also in the other areas were written in Arabic. From this point of view, the author of this book, Bergamalı Kadri was a person who has a deep main language love and a foresightful person. The sentences like ““Görilsün ki Türkî dilde ne kadar fesâhat, belâgat vardur…” which were told by author for Turkish are also proves his main language love. Separately creating a book in Turkish in this period when people use Arabic and Persian at madrasas shows the author’s sensitivity about his main language. As a result of our examination on Müyessiretü’l-Ulûm, we think that this book was written by adopting toArabic grammar books. In the same way we see that the arrangement of book and the subjects in it were also planned according to Arabic grammar rules. We think that writing the grammar of a language by trying to use the rules of another language causes some differences between the grammar book and the language which the book written in it. While the grammar of our language is being constructed, our point of departure must be idea and emotion; it must not be shape as in Arabic (Karahan, 2013, s.71-79). But if we consider the circumstances of the period this book was written, criticising this book by this way will be an incorrect approach. We can say that phonetics subjects were examined superficially in this book. All of the subjects about phonetics were given under other headlines. The main cause of this situation is taking Arabic grammar rules as a model by writing this book. Because Arabic and Turkish languages don’t resemble each other as phonetics construction and word creating methods. In the same way the author’s classifying a word as ‘idgâm’ which is the truly example of phonetics consonant becoming double, shows this situation clearly. Author's both issues should morphologic elements of a sentence in his classification on the departure of the Arabic suggests that this work still has bases in Arabic grammar book created by taking samples. However, in assessing their own work and the work of each period should not be ignored when assessing the conditions of the period. Müyessiretü'l-Ulum is an exceptional work between works written in its own time. Author's ideas put forward for the language learning is noteworthy. Bergamali Kadri's "Her tâife kendü lügâtı kâidesin tiz anlar; sonra sâir lügâtleri kendü lügâtine kıyâs idüp sehl zamânda çok iz’âna yitişür" as that phrase indicates that he has important ideas on the teaching of language. It also works to show examples used during explanations, methods such as questions and answers also revealed that the extent equipped on the author's language teaching. As a result, the importance of the work on this important feedback as well as the knowledge of both languages so we can call Bergamalı Kadri as a visionary linguist and a pioneer of grammar writing in Anatolia field. We hope to see many works and more valuable works on this distinguished book of Bergamali Kadri, Müyessiretü'l-Ulum in the future.


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