Dillerin barındırdığı sözcükler yüzyıllara, dönemlere bağlı olarak değişmektedir. Kullanıma giren bir sözcüğün yapısal olarak söz konusu dile ait olması zorunluluğu genellikle gözetilmez. Bir dilin kullandığı sözcükler anadil söz dağarcığı, alıntı sözcükler ve tanımlanamayan sözcüklerden oluşmaktadır. Bu tür ayrımlamayı yapmak çoğu zaman kolay değildir. Çoğunlukla kimi sözcükler bölge dillerinin birçoğunda aynı anda bulunmakta ve bu sözcüklerin köken olarak hangi dilin üretimi olduğu kolayca belirlenememektedir. Bu sözcüklerin kökenbilimsel olarak ayrımında doğru ölçütler ve yapısal çözümlemeler uygulanamamakta ve birçok sözcük taşıdığı biçimbilimsel iz ve damgaya karşın, bilinmeyen zamanlarda alıntılamış dillere armağan edilmektedir. Türkçe, derin biçimbilimsel bakışın ışığında, yüzyılların tozunu ve tortusunu üzerinden atabilen, biçimsel ve anlamsal yürüyüşünün sırlarını yapısında saklayabilen bir dildir. Derin biçimbilim yöntemi daha önce pek çok bildiri ve makalede kullanılmış ve ilkeleri paylaşılmış bir yaklaşımdır. En temel adımı, bölünemezlik görüntüsü veren sözcüklerin aslında büzüşme ile daralmış çözümlenebilir ve ayrıştırılabilir birimler olduğunu görmek ve göstermektir. Bu çalışma dilbilimsel yöntemlerle, sözcüklerde var olan tarihsel doku, biçimbilimsel yapı ve bir tür genetik şifre yerine geçen yapısal kimliği belirleme yöntemlerini araştırmayı amaçlar. Bu bildiri dillerin içerdiği sözcüklerin kendi doğasıyla olan/olmayan ilişkisini derin biçimbilimsel yöntemlerle sorgulamayı amaçlamaktadır


Introduction and purpose of the study: The words which are reserved by the languages are changing according to the centuries or periods. It is not necessary for the word which is coming into use to appertain structurally to the language at issue. The words used by a language consist of native vocabulary, vocabulary which is borrowed from other languages, and the words which cannot be defined. It is not quite easy to make such a division. Mostly some of the words take part in most of the languages in a region; hence it is difficult to decide which particular language they etymologically belong to. While analyzing etymologically, it is impossible to apply accurate criteria and structural analysis; therefore many words conveying morphological clues and marks are awarded to the languages which have borrowed those words from other languages in an unknown time period. Work on the conceptual issues / theoretical framework: Turkish is a language which is able to get rid of dust and detritus of centuries and can accommodate the secrets of structural and semantic progression in its construction if enlightened by deep morphological analysis. Deep morphological analysis technique is an approach whose principles are all shared due to having been repeatedly used in many publications and articles. The most basic step of deep morphological analysis technique is noticing and demonstrating the words which seem to be inseparable are in fact contracted and so can be separated and decoded. Methods: Deep morphological analysis technique is an approach whose principles are all shared due to having been repeatedly used in many publications and articles. The most basic step of deep morphological analysis technique is noticing and demonstrating the words which seem to be inseparable are in fact contracted and so can be separated and decoded. Results and Discussion: In light of linguistic methods, this study aims to investigate the techniques of detecting structural identity of the words which means historical texture, morphological structure and stands for a kind of genetic code. The aim of this study is to investigate the words relationship with the nature of the language they belong to by means of deep morphological analysis technique. Conclusion and recommendations: As a result, deep morphology approach,  examines word in the diachronic aspect.  approaches to the structure of words without being influenced traditional approaches. it has the idea that the greatest treasure is oral as well as written.  the lines of development, hybridization, detachment from the language that gave birth, are governed by the rules of more than one language is approached by looking at whether severe effects came around.  the presence or absence of a structural connection of the words studied with the language in which it resides, are determined by the preliminary research.  It stays on monosyllabic structure of Turkish word and three voiced unit is not generally the root of the word.  It considers that words can very easily modify their meaning load and deep morphological method are always more consistent according to meaning-oriented approach.  It considers the first meaning in a morpheme as a point of departure on the way to explain fluctuations, stretches and changes.  meaning / structure combination at the word traced can initiate a resolution.  at the same time in different languages; words offering the union of task and image can't be coincidental, and to this union can point out to quote other common language, to quote from each other, and could be a symptom of a common history, or a kindship between two languages. As a result;  regarding the structural identity of words; the etymological dictionary expressions and linguistic analyses and evaluations are taken into consideration.  spent stages of the derivation of the word and meaning conjoining to root must be examined.  In both languages the same word derivation table is generated by measuring the ability to parse.  Using the deductive method, shrinkage, fall on the syllable contraction, and for similar reasons, deepest and little morphological units that cannot be seen at first glance are modulated by looking at written and oral sources. When viewed morphological route, and established a system, the structural identity of the word will be reached, and be described. The structural elements that passes through the deep morphological analysis, will tell you which language genes carry in the deep structure of the word. Therefore, it is not possible to connect the words to this or that language by a personal statement. The structural content in word, the mesh and texture and union concerned with the other derivations should be a guide an etymology master should be the most prominent.


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