0.05) has been appropriate. Since the data are in rate scale and fit into a normal distribution, it has been decided to make the parametric analysis. Such values as descriptive statistics about the scale, average, standard deviation and etc. have been revealed by data sets. As the independent variables (gender, attended program) have two groups, independent groups t-test has been performed for the scales. One-way analysis of variance(ANOVA) has been used since other independent variables (grade l, the frequency of Internet use) have more than two groups. In addition, because the total scores obtained from the scale is continuous and normally distributed , Pearson correlation coefficients have been determined by making a simple linear correlation analysis for determination of the inter-group relations. The result of the analysis performed to determine whether the educational Internet use self-efficacy beliefs of prospective teachers show significant differences according to gender has revealed a significant difference in favor of male prospective teachers. There are studies in the literature compatible with this finding. Kılıç and Coşkun (2010) with Akın and Baştuğ (2005) has determined in their studies that male teachers' pedagogical internet usage skills are significantly higher than the female candidate teachers. Again, similarly Gök and Erdogan (2008) has stated in the study that prospective teachers’ attitude scores towards the use of internet for educational purposes show significant differences according to gender and male students’ ratings for attitudes towards using internet for educational purposes is higher than female students. Undefeated et al. In a different research made by Yenilmez et al.(2011), self-efficacy belief for educational use of internet of has been seen to vary by gender in favor of males. There are also study results that are not coherent with that finding (Yusuf and Balogun, 2011; Tuncer and Özüt, 2012; Selwyn, 2008). As a result of the analysis carried out to determine whether the educational use of Internet self-efficacy beliefs show significant differences according to study department variable, no significant difference has been found out. This result is consistent with the results of Kaya, Balay and Adıgüzel’s(2014) study. In addition, no significant difference has been detected in the results of analysis performed to determine if the educational use of Internet self-efficacy beliefs show significant differences according to the grade level. The analysis that has been conducted to determine whether teacher candidates' educational Internet usage self-efficacy show significant differences according to the frequency of using internet revealed a significant difference in favor of more frequent users of Internet. Yenilmez et. al. (2011) found a significant difference between the self-efficacy perceptions of the educational internet use and internet using time and self efficacy belief was seen to increase in those who use internet more often. A similar research to this finding was carried out by Doğruer, Meneviş and Eyyam (2010) . As a result of the analysis performed to determine whether technological pedagogical content knowledge self- confidence of prospective teachers show any significant differences according to gender, no significant difference has been detected. Studies similar to the results of this research are available in the literature (Sancar-Tokmak, YavuzKonokman and Yanpar-Yelken, 2013, Kaya Ozdemir, Emre & Kumar, 2011). When the literature is examined, there are also researches that are incompatible with the results of the study are (Ulaş and Ozan, 2010, Ekici 2008; Gezer and Sevim, 2006). Menzi et al. (2012) have determined that technology proficiency of male prospective teachers is higher than female prospective teachers. The result of analysis carried out to determine whether technological pedagogical content knowledge selfconfidence of prospective teachers show a significant difference according to the study variable has not revealed any significant differences. While the results of this research are consistent with Aktepe (2011) 's work, they are not coherent with the results that Kaya, Emre and Kaya (2010) obtained. In addition, no significant difference has been detected in the results of the analysis conducted to determine whether prospective teachers' technological pedagogical content knowledge self-confidence shows significant difference according to the grade level. As a result of the analysis conducted to determine whether technological pedagogical content knowledge self-confidence of prospective teachers show a significant difference according to the frequency of internet use, a significant difference in favor of more frequent Internet users has been detected. A significant difference in favor of male prospective teachers has been detected as a result of the analysis performed to determine whether prospective teachers' attitudes towards education technology show significant differences according to the variable of gender. The results of this research are compatible with the studies in the literature (Başarıcı and Ural, 2009; Çelik and Bindak, 2005). In addition, while there are studies showing that male students have higher attitudes towards computer than female students; there are studies as well that show attitude towards computer does not change according to gender (Cetin, 2008; Tekinarslan, 2008; Busch, 1995). As a result of the analysis conducted to determine whether prospective teachers' attitude towards educational technology show a significant difference according to the department they study and their grade variable, no significant differences has been detected. While the results of this research are in agreement with the results of Berkant & Efendioğlu (2010) and Aktepe (2011) 's work, they are not coherent with the results Kaya, Emre and Kaya (2010) obtained. A significant difference in favor of more frequent internet users has been detected as a result of the analysis that has been conducted to determine whether prospective teachers’ attitudes towards education technologies show significant differences according to the frequency of using internet. A medium level relation in the positive direction between educational internet use self-efficacy beliefs and technological pedagogical content knowledge self-confidence of prospective teachers(p <0.05; r = 0.642), and a medium level relation in the positive direction between their attitudes towards education technology (p <0.05; r = .320) has been detected. In addition, a medium level relation in the positive direction between the technological pedagogical content knowledge selfconfidence and the attitudes of prospective teachers’ towards educational technology (p <0.05; r = 0,430) has been detected. These two variables explain about 47% of the total variance of technological pedagogical content knowledge self-confidence. In this context, mostly (in terms of β points), educational internet use self-efficacy beliefs are being predicted. In other words, 47% of technological pedagogical content knowledge self -confidence is explained by these two variables."> [PDF] EĞİTSEL İNTERNET KULLANIMI İLE TEKNOLOJİK PEDAGOJİK ALAN BİLGİSİ VE EĞİTİM TEKNOLOJİLERİNE YÖNELİK TUTUM ARASINDAKİ İLİŞKİ: ÖĞRETMEN ADAYLARI ÖRNEĞİ | [PDF] THE RELATION BETWEEN EDUCATIONAL INTERNET USE and TECHNOLOGICAL PEDAGOGICAL CONTENT KNOWLEDGE AND ATTITUDES TOWARD EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY: EXAMPLE OF PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS 0.05) has been appropriate. Since the data are in rate scale and fit into a normal distribution, it has been decided to make the parametric analysis. Such values as descriptive statistics about the scale, average, standard deviation and etc. have been revealed by data sets. As the independent variables (gender, attended program) have two groups, independent groups t-test has been performed for the scales. One-way analysis of variance(ANOVA) has been used since other independent variables (grade l, the frequency of Internet use) have more than two groups. In addition, because the total scores obtained from the scale is continuous and normally distributed , Pearson correlation coefficients have been determined by making a simple linear correlation analysis for determination of the inter-group relations. The result of the analysis performed to determine whether the educational Internet use self-efficacy beliefs of prospective teachers show significant differences according to gender has revealed a significant difference in favor of male prospective teachers. There are studies in the literature compatible with this finding. Kılıç and Coşkun (2010) with Akın and Baştuğ (2005) has determined in their studies that male teachers' pedagogical internet usage skills are significantly higher than the female candidate teachers. Again, similarly Gök and Erdogan (2008) has stated in the study that prospective teachers’ attitude scores towards the use of internet for educational purposes show significant differences according to gender and male students’ ratings for attitudes towards using internet for educational purposes is higher than female students. Undefeated et al. In a different research made by Yenilmez et al.(2011), self-efficacy belief for educational use of internet of has been seen to vary by gender in favor of males. There are also study results that are not coherent with that finding (Yusuf and Balogun, 2011; Tuncer and Özüt, 2012; Selwyn, 2008). As a result of the analysis carried out to determine whether the educational use of Internet self-efficacy beliefs show significant differences according to study department variable, no significant difference has been found out. This result is consistent with the results of Kaya, Balay and Adıgüzel’s(2014) study. In addition, no significant difference has been detected in the results of analysis performed to determine if the educational use of Internet self-efficacy beliefs show significant differences according to the grade level. The analysis that has been conducted to determine whether teacher candidates' educational Internet usage self-efficacy show significant differences according to the frequency of using internet revealed a significant difference in favor of more frequent users of Internet. Yenilmez et. al. (2011) found a significant difference between the self-efficacy perceptions of the educational internet use and internet using time and self efficacy belief was seen to increase in those who use internet more often. A similar research to this finding was carried out by Doğruer, Meneviş and Eyyam (2010) . As a result of the analysis performed to determine whether technological pedagogical content knowledge self- confidence of prospective teachers show any significant differences according to gender, no significant difference has been detected. Studies similar to the results of this research are available in the literature (Sancar-Tokmak, YavuzKonokman and Yanpar-Yelken, 2013, Kaya Ozdemir, Emre & Kumar, 2011). When the literature is examined, there are also researches that are incompatible with the results of the study are (Ulaş and Ozan, 2010, Ekici 2008; Gezer and Sevim, 2006). Menzi et al. (2012) have determined that technology proficiency of male prospective teachers is higher than female prospective teachers. The result of analysis carried out to determine whether technological pedagogical content knowledge selfconfidence of prospective teachers show a significant difference according to the study variable has not revealed any significant differences. While the results of this research are consistent with Aktepe (2011) 's work, they are not coherent with the results that Kaya, Emre and Kaya (2010) obtained. In addition, no significant difference has been detected in the results of the analysis conducted to determine whether prospective teachers' technological pedagogical content knowledge self-confidence shows significant difference according to the grade level. As a result of the analysis conducted to determine whether technological pedagogical content knowledge self-confidence of prospective teachers show a significant difference according to the frequency of internet use, a significant difference in favor of more frequent Internet users has been detected. A significant difference in favor of male prospective teachers has been detected as a result of the analysis performed to determine whether prospective teachers' attitudes towards education technology show significant differences according to the variable of gender. The results of this research are compatible with the studies in the literature (Başarıcı and Ural, 2009; Çelik and Bindak, 2005). In addition, while there are studies showing that male students have higher attitudes towards computer than female students; there are studies as well that show attitude towards computer does not change according to gender (Cetin, 2008; Tekinarslan, 2008; Busch, 1995). As a result of the analysis conducted to determine whether prospective teachers' attitude towards educational technology show a significant difference according to the department they study and their grade variable, no significant differences has been detected. While the results of this research are in agreement with the results of Berkant & Efendioğlu (2010) and Aktepe (2011) 's work, they are not coherent with the results Kaya, Emre and Kaya (2010) obtained. A significant difference in favor of more frequent internet users has been detected as a result of the analysis that has been conducted to determine whether prospective teachers’ attitudes towards education technologies show significant differences according to the frequency of using internet. A medium level relation in the positive direction between educational internet use self-efficacy beliefs and technological pedagogical content knowledge self-confidence of prospective teachers(p <0.05; r = 0.642), and a medium level relation in the positive direction between their attitudes towards education technology (p <0.05; r = .320) has been detected. In addition, a medium level relation in the positive direction between the technological pedagogical content knowledge selfconfidence and the attitudes of prospective teachers’ towards educational technology (p <0.05; r = 0,430) has been detected. These two variables explain about 47% of the total variance of technological pedagogical content knowledge self-confidence. In this context, mostly (in terms of β points), educational internet use self-efficacy beliefs are being predicted. In other words, 47% of technological pedagogical content knowledge self -confidence is explained by these two variables.">


Öğretmen adaylarının eğitsel internet kullanımları, teknolojik pedagojik alan bilgilerine vakıf olma durumları ve eğitim teknolojilerine yönelik tutumlarının belirlenmesi oldukça önem arz etmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı; öğretmen adaylarının eğitsel internet kullanım öz yeterliği inançları, teknolojik pedagojik alan bilgisi öz güveni ve eğitim teknolojilerine yönelik tutum arasındaki ilişkinin bulunması ve bazı değişkenlere (sınıf düzeyi, bölüm, cinsiyet, internet kullanım sıklığı) göre farklılıklarının saptanmasıdır. Bu amaçla, 404 öğretmen adayından oluşan örneklem grubu ile ilişkisel tarama modelinde bir çalışma yürütülmüştür. Veri toplama aracı olarak; Şahin (2009) tarafından geliştirilen "eğitsel internet kullanım öz yeterliği inançları ölçeği", Graham ve ark. (2009) tarafından geliştirilen, Timur ve Taşar (2011) tarafından Türkçe'ye uyarlanan "teknolojik pedagojik alan bilgisi öz güven ölçeği" ve Pala (2006) tarafından geliştirilen "eğitim teknolojilerine yönelik tutum ölçeği" kullanılmıştır. Bağımsız değişkenlerin (cinsiyet, öğrenim görülen program) iki gruba sahip olması sebebiyle ölçekler için bağımsız gruplar t-testi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Diğer bağımsız değişkenlerin (sınıf düzeyi, internet kullanım sıklığı) ikiden fazla gruba sahip olması sebebiyle tek yönlü varyans analizi (ANOVA) gerçekleştirilmiştir. Ayrıca ölçekten elde edilen toplam puanların sürekli olması ve normal dağılması sebebiyle, gruplar arası ilişkilerin belirlenmesi için basit doğrusal korelasyon analizi yapılarak Pearson korelasyon katsayıları belirlenmiştir. Söz konusu ölçme araçlarından elde edilen bulgulara göre; sınıf düzeyi ve öğrenim gördükleri bölümlere göre herhangi anlamlı bir farklılık saptanmazken, cinsiyet ve internet kullanım sıklıklarına göre farklılık bulunmuştur. Ayrıca eğitsel internet kullanımı, teknolojik pedagojik alan bilgisi ve eğitim teknolojilerine yönelik tutumları arasında anlamlı ilişkiler saptanmıştır


Educational internet use of prospective teachers, their status of having technological pedagogical content knowledge and determining their attitudes towards educational technology is quite important. The purpose of this study is to find out the relationship between the teacher candidates’ educational internet use self-efficacy beliefs, technological pedagogical content knowledge self-confidence and attitudes towards education technology, and to determine differences according to some variables (grade level, department, gender, internet use frequency). For this purpose, a relational -model study has been conductud with a sample group consisting of 404 prospective teachers. As data collection tool; " pedagogical internet use self-efficacy beliefs scale" developed by Şahin (2009), "technological pedagogical content knowledge self-confidence scale" developed by Graham et al. (2009) and adapted into Turkish by Timur and Taşar (2011) and “attitude scale for educational technology" developed by Pala (2006) has been used. Since the independent variables (gender, attended program)have two groups, independent groups t-test has been performed for the scales. For the other independent variables (grade level, the frequency of Internet usage) have more than two groups ,one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) has been used.Moreover , since the total score obtained from the scale is continuous and ranged normaly, Pearson correlation coefficients have been determined by making a simple linear correlation for the determination of inter-group relations .According to data obtained from these measuring means; differences have been observed according to gender and frequency of Internet use while no significant difference in terms of grade level and the department they study has been detected. In addition, significant relations have been detected between the educational use of the Internet, technological pedagogical content knowledge and the attitude towards educational technology The need for the training of teachers equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills starting from the effective use of teaching technologies in teaching and learning process to learning, configuration and use of knowledge is a lot more today. Because, teaching technologies are to be put into practice as being integrated with learning activities(Rock & Yılayaz, 2013; Thompson & Mishra, 2008). When this requirement is considered, prospective teachers' educational uses of the Internet, their status of having technological pedagogical content knowledge and determining their attitudes towards educational technology is quite important. The purpose of this study is to find out the relationship between the teacher candidates’ educational internet use self-efficacy beliefs, technological pedagogical content knowledge selfesteem and attitudes towards education technology, and to determine differences according to some variables (grade level, department, gender, internet use frequency).As to determine the relations of different variables with each other, This study has been designed as"relational (correlational) scanning model”. Correlational research is the study in which the relationship between two or more variables is examined without intervening the variables (Büyüköztürk et al., 2010). Due to the identification of relations between variables, it comes out as a kind of descriptive research (Fraenkel and Wallen, 2006). The sample of the study constitues 404 prospective teachers randomly chosen from two state universities in the city of Eskisehir. In this study, " pedagogical internet use self-efficacy beliefs scale" developed by Şahin (2009), "technological pedagogical content knowledge of self-confidence scale" developed by Graham et al. (2009) and adaptated into Turkish by Timur and Taşar (2011) and “attitude scale for educational technology" developed by Pala (2006) has been used as data collection tool. Educational internet use self-efficacy beliefs scale is single-dimension five point- likert type scale and consists of 28 questions. Technological pedagogical content knowledge self-esteem scale was developed by Graham et al. (2009) and adapted into Turkish by Timur and Taşar(2011). The scale in question is composed by four dimensions; technology, pedagogy and content knowledge; The first dimension; Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPAb)dimension, the second dimension; Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPN) dimension, the third dimension; Technological Field Knowledge(TAB) and the fourth dimension; Technological Knowledge(TB) . The scale comprises 8 items in the first dimension (1-8. Items), 7 items in the second dimension (9-15. Items),5 items in the third dimension (16- 20. items) and 11 items in the fourth dimension (21-31.) There are a total of 31 items and it is in five-point Likert-type. 43 issues containing attitude scale for educational technology, goals within the scope of educational technology, equipment use, teaching methods, assessment and evaluation material has been scored by Likert system. In this scale, five options take place as“Completely Agree”, "Agree", "Neutral", "Disagree" or "Strongly Disagree". Data set has been created by editing the raw state of the data. It has been determined by reliability studies made for each scale that the scales are appropriate for analysis. Normality test has been conducted prior to the decision on what analysis to do. Following this analysis, the data has been found normally distributed since Kolmogrov-Smirnov value (p> 0.05) has been appropriate. Since the data are in rate scale and fit into a normal distribution, it has been decided to make the parametric analysis. Such values as descriptive statistics about the scale, average, standard deviation and etc. have been revealed by data sets. As the independent variables (gender, attended program) have two groups, independent groups t-test has been performed for the scales. One-way analysis of variance(ANOVA) has been used since other independent variables (grade l, the frequency of Internet use) have more than two groups. In addition, because the total scores obtained from the scale is continuous and normally distributed , Pearson correlation coefficients have been determined by making a simple linear correlation analysis for determination of the inter-group relations. The result of the analysis performed to determine whether the educational Internet use self-efficacy beliefs of prospective teachers show significant differences according to gender has revealed a significant difference in favor of male prospective teachers. There are studies in the literature compatible with this finding. Kılıç and Coşkun (2010) with Akın and Baştuğ (2005) has determined in their studies that male teachers' pedagogical internet usage skills are significantly higher than the female candidate teachers. Again, similarly Gök and Erdogan (2008) has stated in the study that prospective teachers’ attitude scores towards the use of internet for educational purposes show significant differences according to gender and male students’ ratings for attitudes towards using internet for educational purposes is higher than female students. Undefeated et al. In a different research made by Yenilmez et al.(2011), self-efficacy belief for educational use of internet of has been seen to vary by gender in favor of males. There are also study results that are not coherent with that finding (Yusuf and Balogun, 2011; Tuncer and Özüt, 2012; Selwyn, 2008). As a result of the analysis carried out to determine whether the educational use of Internet self-efficacy beliefs show significant differences according to study department variable, no significant difference has been found out. This result is consistent with the results of Kaya, Balay and Adıgüzel’s(2014) study. In addition, no significant difference has been detected in the results of analysis performed to determine if the educational use of Internet self-efficacy beliefs show significant differences according to the grade level. The analysis that has been conducted to determine whether teacher candidates' educational Internet usage self-efficacy show significant differences according to the frequency of using internet revealed a significant difference in favor of more frequent users of Internet. Yenilmez et. al. (2011) found a significant difference between the self-efficacy perceptions of the educational internet use and internet using time and self efficacy belief was seen to increase in those who use internet more often. A similar research to this finding was carried out by Doğruer, Meneviş and Eyyam (2010) . As a result of the analysis performed to determine whether technological pedagogical content knowledge self- confidence of prospective teachers show any significant differences according to gender, no significant difference has been detected. Studies similar to the results of this research are available in the literature (Sancar-Tokmak, YavuzKonokman and Yanpar-Yelken, 2013, Kaya Ozdemir, Emre & Kumar, 2011). When the literature is examined, there are also researches that are incompatible with the results of the study are (Ulaş and Ozan, 2010, Ekici 2008; Gezer and Sevim, 2006). Menzi et al. (2012) have determined that technology proficiency of male prospective teachers is higher than female prospective teachers. The result of analysis carried out to determine whether technological pedagogical content knowledge selfconfidence of prospective teachers show a significant difference according to the study variable has not revealed any significant differences. While the results of this research are consistent with Aktepe (2011) 's work, they are not coherent with the results that Kaya, Emre and Kaya (2010) obtained. In addition, no significant difference has been detected in the results of the analysis conducted to determine whether prospective teachers' technological pedagogical content knowledge self-confidence shows significant difference according to the grade level. As a result of the analysis conducted to determine whether technological pedagogical content knowledge self-confidence of prospective teachers show a significant difference according to the frequency of internet use, a significant difference in favor of more frequent Internet users has been detected. A significant difference in favor of male prospective teachers has been detected as a result of the analysis performed to determine whether prospective teachers' attitudes towards education technology show significant differences according to the variable of gender. The results of this research are compatible with the studies in the literature (Başarıcı and Ural, 2009; Çelik and Bindak, 2005). In addition, while there are studies showing that male students have higher attitudes towards computer than female students; there are studies as well that show attitude towards computer does not change according to gender (Cetin, 2008; Tekinarslan, 2008; Busch, 1995). As a result of the analysis conducted to determine whether prospective teachers' attitude towards educational technology show a significant difference according to the department they study and their grade variable, no significant differences has been detected. While the results of this research are in agreement with the results of Berkant & Efendioğlu (2010) and Aktepe (2011) 's work, they are not coherent with the results Kaya, Emre and Kaya (2010) obtained. A significant difference in favor of more frequent internet users has been detected as a result of the analysis that has been conducted to determine whether prospective teachers’ attitudes towards education technologies show significant differences according to the frequency of using internet. A medium level relation in the positive direction between educational internet use self-efficacy beliefs and technological pedagogical content knowledge self-confidence of prospective teachers(p
