Çocuk çizdiği resimlerle kendini ve dünyayı nasıl algıladığını bize anlatmaktadır. Bu bağlamda çocuk resimleri, çocukların zihin dünyasını anlamamızda son derece önemlidir. Bu araştırmada, 7-10 yaş grubu çocukların şiddet algılarının resimler aracılığı ile sosyal güçler bağlamında incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Muş İl Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğüne bağlı il merkezinde ve merkeze bağlı köylerde farklı sosyo-ekonomik düzeyde olan dört farklı ilkokula devam eden 86 çocuk araştırmanın çalışma grubunu oluşturmuştur. Çalışma grubunda yer alan öğrencilere A4 boyutunda olan resim kâğıtları verilmiştir. Bir ders saatinde öğrencilere resimler çizdirilmiş ve öğrencilerden resimleri hakkında açıklama yapmaları istenmiştir. Veriler analiz edilmeden önce öğrencilerin çizmiş olduğu resimlerin verilen yönergeye uygun olarak çizip çizmedikleri incelenerek ön elemeden geçirilmiştir. Bu eleme sonucunda kalan çizimler erkek öğrenciler E1, E2, kız öğrenciler ise K1, K2 şeklinde formüle edilmiştir. Daha sonra elde edilen veriler, iki uzman tarafından ayrı ayrı analiz edilmiştir. Bu analiz sonucunda elde edilen veriler, tema olarak kabul edilen araştırma soruları altında sınıflandırılmıştır ve taslak kod listesi oluşturulmuştur. Kodlanan veriler uzmanlar tarafından tartışılarak uzlaşma yoluyla tema ve kod listesine son şekli verilmiştir. İlgili temalar altında toplanan kodların frekans ve yüzde değerleri alınarak değerlendirilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda; şiddet temalı çocuk resimlerinde hâkim sosyal gücün medya olduğu, şiddetin algılandığı mekânların en çok ev ve sokak olduğu, şiddet aracı olarak en çok fiziksel gücün kullanıldığı, şiddete maruz kalan kişinin en çok tanımadığı diğer kişiler olduğu, şiddeti uygulayan kişinin ise en çok akran olduğu görülmüştür


The child tells us how he/she perceives himself and the world by the pictures he/she draws. In this context, children’s paintings are extremely important to understand their mind. In this study, it has been aimed to examine the perception of violence of the children between 7-10 ages through the paintings and in the context of social forces. The working group consists of 86 children who have different socio-economic levels and who attend 4 different elementary schools in the city centre or central villages affiliated to Mus Provincial Directorate of National Education. The students in the working group were given papers for drawing which were A4 size. In one lesson, the students were made to draw pictures and were asked to make statements about the pictures they had drawn. Before analyzing the data, the pictures were pre-selected by examining whether the students had drawn their pictures according to the given instructions or not. As a result of this pre-selection, the chosen pictures were formulated as E1, E2 for boys and K1, K2 for girls. The data obtained were then analyzed separately by two experts. The data obtained as a result of this analysis were classified under the research questions which are accepted as themes and the list of the draft code was created. Coded data were discussed by the experts and the theme and code list was finalized by consensus. The frequency and percentage values of the codes which were collected under the relevant themes were taken and evaluated. As a result of the study, it has been seen that the dominant social power in violence-themed children's paintings is media; the places where the violence is mostly perceived are the houses and the street; the physical force is mostly used as the violence means; the person who is exposed to violence is mostly exposed by the people he doesn’t know; the person who perpetrate violence is mostly a peer Introduction It can be said that many factors such as biological, socio-cultural, psychological and environmental factors are effective in the birth and shaping of violence. It can be seen in many studies that social forces such as media, family, relatives and school play an important role in the forming of violence in the life of the child. Painting which has a pure describing style has an important place in the child’s defining himself and perceiving and describing the events and phenomena out of him. In the terms of seeing how the children perceive themselves and the outer world, child paintings may be an important reference. In this study, it has been aimed to examine the perception of violence of the children between 7-10 ages through the paintings in the context of social forces. With this main aim, answers have been sought to the questions below; 1. How does the dominant social force in violence-themed child paintings differ according to gender, age and the place where the child is educated? 2. Does the place where the child perceives the violence change according to gender, age and the place where the child is educated? 3. Does the violence tool in the child’s paintings change according to gender, age and the place where the child is educated? 4. Does the person who is exposed to the violence in the child’s paintings change according to gender, age and the place where the child is educated? 5. Does the person who perpetrates the violence in the child’s paintings change according to gender, age and the place where the child is educated? Method Model: This is a qualitative study which examines the perception of violence of the children between 7-10 ages through the paintings in the context of social forces. Study Group: The working group consists of 86 children who have different socio-economic levels and who attend 4 different elementary schools -2 in the village and 2 in the city centre-in the city centre or central villages affiliated to Mus Provincial Directorate of National Education. Data Collection and Data Collection Tools: The students in the working group were given A4 size papers for painting a picture having a violence theme. During a lesson, the students were made to draw pictures and were asked to make statements about the pictures they had drawn. Analysing Data: The paintings collected from the study group and the views taken about the paintings were analysed through using content analysis method. Content analysis is interpreting similar data by combining them according to certain concepts and organizing them in a way the reader can understand. Content analysis isn’t a method used only in texts. It can also be used in for the examining of TV programmes and visuals like student paintings. (Büyüköztürk, Çakmak, Akgün, Karadeniz and Demirel, 2014; Yıldırım ve Şimşek, 2013). Before analysing the data, the pictures were pre-selected by examining whether the students had drawn their pictures according to the given instructions or not. As a result of this pre-selection, the chosen pictures were formulated as E1, E2 for boys and K1, K2 for girls. The data obtained were then analysed separately by two experts. The data obtained as a result of this analysis were classified under the research questions which are accepted as themes (dominant social force, the place where the violence is perceived, violence tool, the person who is exposed to violence and the person who perpetrate violence). A list of the draft code has been prepared by taking the research questions into consideration and by examining similar studies in the literature. Then by examining the pictures drawn by the children, new codes have been added. By taking new codes into consideration, some former codes have been altered and some have been deleted. In order to ensure the reliability of the work, some codes have been done by another expert. Among the coders, the consistency of the codes has been examined. The data encoded in different formats have been discussed and the theme and code list have been finalized through consensus. By taking the frequency and percentage values of the codes which were collected under the relevant themes, these codes were evaluated. Results and Discussion The findings for the five sub-objectives of the research are as follows: It has been determined that the dominant social force in violence-themed children's paintings is media (%50). According to this finding it can be said that the media has an important role on children's perception of the world and social reality descriptions. When the literature is examined it has been seen that similar results have been obtained from many studies. It has been determined that the family (30.2%) and the peers (16.3%) are the dominant social forces after the media respectively. When the dominant social force is examined according to the accommodation unit, the children living in the villages (%24,4) have drawn more family-based pictures than the children living in the cities (5,8). According to this study, it can be said that family can affect the perceptions of the children who live in the villages significantly. On the other hand, it can be said that the media (34,9) affects the perceptions of the children living in the cities significantly. The places where the violence has been mostly perceived in the children’s paintings are “Street” (%53,5) and “Home”(%31,4). With regard to gender, while %23,3 of the girls associate home with the violence %30,2 of the boys associate the street with the violence. This situation which is reflected in the children's paintings shows us that girls associate the home with the violence and the boys associate the street with the violence. The children have shown the physical force and weapons as the violence tools in their paintings mostly. When this situation is examined according to the accommodation unit, it can be said that while %32,6 of the children living in the cities associate the violence with physical force %16,3 of the children living in the villages associate the violence with the physical force. Another finding is that %47,7 of the children don’t know the people who are faced with violence in their paintings. With regard to the gender, it can be seen that while %12,8 of the girls perceive the mother figure to be exposed to violence %1,2 of the boys perceive the mother figure to be exposed to violence. Another result of the study is that the person who perpetrate the violence mostly is the peer (%22,1). When the literature is examined, it has been seen that there are many studies supporting these findings. When this finding is examined according to the gender; it has been determined that while %14 of the boys perceive the peer as the person who perpetrates the violence mostly 12,8 of the girls perceive the father as the person who perpetrates the violence mostly. When this situation is examined according to the accommodation unit, while the children who live in the cities perceive the enemies or malicious people (%18,6) as the ones who perpetrate the violence mostly in their paintings, the children who live in the villages perceive their fathers (%14) as the ones who perpetrate the violence mostly.
