Bu çalışmada, Kur'an'da; varlık âleminde canlılar arasında sosyal yaşamın sükûneti ve devamlılığının sağlanması için malî ibadet olarak konulan ve insanın malî sorumluluklarını ifade eden ve İslam'ın temel şartlarından zekâtın semantik alanı incelenecektir. Yine İslam'dan önce bu kavramın temel anlam alanı ve Kur'an'da kazandığı izafî kavramsal çerçevesi üzerinde durulacaktır. Ayrıca çağımızda fakirlik probleminin nerdeyse bütün ülkelerin sorunu olduğu bilinmektedir. Dünya genelinde bütün çabalara rağmen bu sorun azalmamakta aksine gün geçtikçe daha da çoğalmaktadır. Sonuçta bu durum, insanlığı endişeye sevk etmekte ve yeni arayışlara yöneltmektedir. Bu arayışlar içerisinde bu makalede sunulan, insanlığa ve dünyaya hâkim olan küresel güçlere, yukarıda kısaca değinilen sorunların çözümünde zekâtın bir iksir olduğunun ispatına yönelik bir değerlendirme yapılacaktır. Yapılacak değerlendirme neticesinde, Yüce Allah tarafından zenginler üzerine mali bir sorumluluk olarak konulan zekâtın amacı, Etnik, dini ve siyasi farklılıkları mutlaklaştıran modern çağın ayrıştırıcı ruhuna ve içinde yaşadığımız dünyayı derin insani krizlere sevk eden sistemlere karşılık, m u h t a ç insanların yaşadığı toplumlarda ömürleri boyunca gerek kendisinin gerekse sorumlu olduğu aile fertlerinin ihtiyaç duydukları bütün gereksinimlerinin karşılanmasını sağlamaktır. Böylesi önemli bir sosyal işlevi olan zekâtın, kuşkusuz belli kaide ve sistematik alt yapısı vardır. Keza zekât, bütün detaylarıyla açıklanmış ve İslam'ın birçok mali mevzuları içerisinde tek başına uygulanması halinde dahi toplumların kronikleşmiş mali problemlerini çözebileceğine dair tespitler, bu makalede yer almaktadır


In this study, the Qur'an; presence in the living realm of social life in order to ensure continuity of calm and put the financial responsibility of the financial and human worship and expressing the semantic field of Islamic charity with the essential requirements will be examined. Again, it will focus on the basic meaning of the Qur'an and won the relative conceptual framework of this concept before Islam. In addition, almost the poverty problem in our age it is known that the problem of the whole country. Despite all efforts to decrease this problem in the world is also growing day by day are unlike. The result in this case, the apprehension of humanity and is headed to a new search. In this quest presented in this article, humanity and the global forces that dominate the world, will be considered for proof that a potion of the charity in solving the problems stated above. Undoubtedly, this work is discussed in close relation to the concept of zakat other moral and Ibadan. In other words, zakat of worship, property and psychological effects on the individual's mental structure has been described in detail tried to prevent. Also charity, this is a positive way on the dimensions indicated. Things to evaluation result, the purpose of the charity set as a financial liability on the wealthy by Allah, ethnic, religious and political differences absolutize the modern era of the separator to the spirit and provisions for we live in referring to the deep humanitarian crisis in the world system, in communities in need where people live need throughout life itself and responsible that they need their family members is to ensure that all requirements are met. Such an important social function of charity, of course, there are certain rules and systematic infrastructure. Similarly alms, explained all the details and identify communities that can solve the financial problems of chronically administered alone, even in the case of many financial issues of Islam and is located in this article. It's a miracle that the religious and the end eternal apostleship sent by God as one of the signs that portend; the world turns, people on earth do not have quite the importance and respect the existing rights of the poor to solve the problem of poverty in the community. The rigor of the Qur'an, the provisions of superficial and order is not only an emphasis was placed twice or secondary degrees. On the contrary, the Quran and the basic principles of the essence of the original, the third pillar of Islam is Zakat, one of the five pillars of the sublime and bowing. He is charity; God, phakic and the right of the poor to her, has guaranteed the goods in the rich and the state's responsibility. Likewise, a total of thirty Holy Quran mentioned in the "zakat", the twenty-seven of these verses, prayers were mentioned together. This also shows the close relationship with the charity's prayer on the one hand, on the other hand, economic life, spiritual / demonstrate the relevance of the ethereal dimension. In other words, the task of opposing God is inseparable from the duty to express that society.The Prophet (saas) sent a letter of invitation to all the instructions given to the apostles or the inviter, believe in Allah and His messengers, it has special emphasis on prayer and alms. Hz. Ebubekr the Caliphate period, TA will accept apostates said prayer and give alms, declaring war against them; "I swear to God that I will fight distinguishes between the charity's prayers." The word, refers to the importance of charity. That means charity is a basic pillar of religion before everything. This insensitivity to the smallest pillar, was that a crime against the original conception of religion. Also the Quran, to give alms and pray to God in repentance to enter into the Islamic religion with a mark to qualify intisab counted Muslims and the Muslim brotherhood community. The Quran and the Sunnah of the style has always been to chant prayers with charity. So look at the forces between them and a person can not be complete without both of Islam would indicate. So prayer is the pillar of religion; religious thorns planted it, washed it would have destroyed religion. Zakat is the bridge of Islam. Get rid passing through this bridge; deviating from this bridge will be destroyed. Yet the Koran, which is the salvation for themselves, Ferdowsi has promised the heaven and the gospel and their salvation is bestowed on a person to enter the chain of believers is to declare that it will not be possible with alms. Consequently, the fight against poverty today who need international organizations and civil society organizations and communities should, if they want to achieve certain success in this struggle, we all benefit considerations in examining the intricacies of zakat system. In addition, similarities and differences will emerge between the charity and the tax, the tax system more equitable system of zakat will prove to be a means of outreach. Thus, the terrible abyss differences seen in the community in the economic field will be reduced to a minimum thanks to the charity system. Likewise, our age will not be economic conflicts in the communities in which we have witnessed in many parts of the world and society will be seen in a certain absolute. All whether action in the light of the divine teachings of charity system application konuls to, I believe in our age of deaths from hunger wounds of our collective conscience, for economic reasons from occurring wars and mass migrations that migration due to the very poor living conditions in the struggle for survival that millions of old people.
