ellikle II. Meşrutiyet'in ilânından itibaren tartışılmaya başlanan köy öğretmeni yetiştirmeye yönelik öneriler Cumhuriyet dönemi ile birlikte olgunlaşarak köy enstitülerinin kuruluşunu sağlamıştır. Uygulanan eğitim sistemi incelendiğinde özgün nitelikleriyle dikkat çeken Cumhuriyet aydınlanmasının bu temel kurumlarından biri de 1937 yılında köy öğretmen okulu adıyla açılan İzmir-Kızılçullu Köy Enstitüsü'dür. Basın organlarında enstitü olarak nitelendirilse de köy enstitüsü adını alması yasal zemine kavuşmasını sağlayan 3803 numaralı kanunun 17 Nisan 1940 tarihinde kabul edilmesi ile gerçekleşmiştir. İlgili yasanın kabulünden kısa bir süre sonra yurt çapında açılmaya başlanan köy enstitülerinin amacı 40000 olarak tespit edilen köy öğretmeni ihtiyacını kısa sürede gidermenin yanı sıra bu öğretmenlerin aynı zamanda köye yararlı, köylüyü kalkındırabilecek donanıma sahip olmalarını sağlamaktır. Tüm enstitüleri kapsayan öğrenim programı 1943 yılında çıkarılmıştır. Bu tarihe dek enstitüler bölgesel özelliklerini de göz önüne alarak kendi öğrenim programlarını uygulamışlardır. Köy enstitüleri sistemini özgün olmaktan çıkaran öğrenim programı ise 1947 tarihlidir ve bu program ile enstitülerdeki iş içinde eğitim uygulaması eski önemini kaybetmiş, tarım ve teknik uygulamalarının ders saatleri azaltılarak kültür derslerine ağırlık verilmeye başlanmıştır. Kızılçullu Köy Enstitüsü 1937-1952 yılları arasında Türk eğitim sisteminde yerlerini alan eğitmenler, öğretmenler ve sağlık memurları yetiştirmiştir. Enstitü, 1952 yılında binalarının NATO'ya devredilmesiyle kapanmıştır. Bu makalede eğitmen kursu ve köy öğretmen okulundan enstitüye giden süreçte Kızılçullu Köy Enstitüsü'nün tarihçesi değerlendirilmeye çalışılmıştır


The proposals for the training of the village teachers, which started to be debated since the announcement of the Second Constitution, have matured together with the Republican era and established the foundation of the Village Institutes. İzmir-Kızılçullu Village Institute was one of the village institutes that attract attention with its unique qualities in terms of the education system applied. The institute was opened in 1937 with the name of village teachers’ training school. Although it is known in the press as the institute, it officially took the name of the Village Institute with the law numbered 3803 issued on April 17, 1940. After the adoption of this law, the village institutes started to open around the country. The purposes of the village institutes were to meet the village teacher needs determined as 40000 in a short time and to ensure that these teachers are beneficial to the village and have the equipment to develop the village. A curriculum covering all institutes was issued in 1943. Until 1943, the institutes have implemented their own teaching plans taking into account their regional characteristics. With the 1947 curriculum, the course hours of agricultural and technical applications have been reduced and emphasis was given to cultural lessons. Thus the village institute system lost its originality. The Kızılçullu Village Institute trained instructors, teachers and health officers who took part in the Turkish education system between 1937-1952. The Institute was closed in 1952 when its buildings were transferred to NATO. In this article, the history of the Kızılçullu Village Institute will be examined during the period from the instructor course and the village teacher school to the institute The efforts that started with the 2nd Constitutional Monarchy about the education of the village and the villagers have stood as a big problem until it comes to 1935, despite the attempts of many intellectuals, politicians and educators from both local and foreign countries. The founder will of the Republic of Turkey reveals that they regard to importance of education of villages and the villagers whose made decisions in İzmir Economy Congress. This was the decision to increase the agrarian knowledge of the village, to provide 5000 square meters of farmland for village schools, to provide the necessary equipment for barn, poultry and beekeeping. Although the reports of foreign experts J. Dewey and A. Kühne and the breakthroughs during the M. Necati period are important it backfired. During the R. Galip Bey period the establishment of the Village Affairs Commission aiming at the total development of the village, after adding of invigorate the economy of the village to the teachers’ tasks working in a village, village teachers should be subjected to attend courses in the field of agriculture and animal husbandry were concrete steps in terms of solving the problem. In the meantime I. Hakkı Tonguç, who had been in charge of the Gazi Education Institute Directorate, attracted attention with responses to a questionnaire prepared by the ministry and Saffet Arıkan opened the way to the General Directorate of Primary Education for I. Hakkı Tonguç. Tonguç's report foresee that village children who had served military as corporal and sergeants were subjected to a six months course and to be employed as instructors in three classrooms schools in the villages which has a population less than 250 inhabitants. In 1936, the first village training course was opened in Eskişehir - Mahmudiye and because of successful results, instructor courses were opened in many places including Kızılçullu-İzmir Instructor Course. Village instructor courses and village teachers' schools are the substructure of Village Institutes. The legal basis is the concept of "Village Missionary Schools", which is based on the Law on the Establishment of the Ministry of Education dated 22 March 1926. On April 17, 1940, all these projects became legal institutions with the Village Institutes Law. Within this scope, İzmir Kızılçullu Village Instructor Course and Village Teacher School are one of the most deep-rooted practices initiated in İzmir. The first characteristic of the Kızılçullu Village Institute in its historical sense is that it is founded on campuses and structures belonging to the American College founded by missionaries. After the developments in accordance with the Law on Unification of Education, the land, belonging to the school which did not have enough students and closed, was bought as a result of the conversion of the legal position into a village. The school has technological possibilities considered to be of high standards, suitable modern buildings for boarding school and land for agricultural work. The school is near the city center within walking distance. Almost all of the other institutes are built by the hands of their students and they are located far away from the city settlements and this situation has been criticized. The founder of Kızılçullu is M. Emin Soysal and they have been in different attitudes with İ. Hakkı Tonguç, the designer of the Village Institutes, in terms of forming, interpreting and practicing the institute system. For this reason, between 1937 and 1942, the Kızılçullu Village Institute had caused different results from the expected educational climate. At the beginning Soysal who was supporter of Village Institute had become prominent in the political life with the opposition of the Village Institutes and then he had become forceful and effective in the process of closing the institutes. Another characteristic of Kızılçullu is that it is the first educational institution that provides mixed and boarded education. The step initiated by Tonguç in 1938 to ensure participation of even the spouses, siblings and even the mothers of the trainees participating in the instructor courses was maintained at the point of positive discrimination after the transformation to the Village Institute. The first program of the Village Institutes was constituted in 1943 and every institute developed programs under the dominance of work and business by way of business with its own facts and necessities and with this aspect they took the place of multi-programming in a sense in the Turkish education system. According to the program prepared for five years, 114 weeks were allocated for culture courses and 58 weeks were allocated for agricultural and technical courses and their applications. At the Kızılçullu Village Institute, there were 22 hours of culture courses, 11 hours of agricultural courses and 11 hours of technical training courses, which consist of 44 hours of weekly study. At the beginning, students who are graduated from village schools and have not completed the 18- year-old from Aydın, Balıkesir, Denizli, Manisa and Muğla were taken to Kızılçullu. In addition to cultural courses, students are specialized in applied agricultural courses, as well as in branches of ironmongery, constructivism and carpentry. An institute is not only an education institution but also is a living village. The farm village, which is run by the senior students, is accustomed to the life of the village in every way. From 1943 onwards, with adding the Health Branches to the system, Village Institutes were aiming to solve one of the most important problems of our villages. Students are given the opportunity to practice what they learn by participating in the production of new institutes and are often taken as a reward to tour historical and cultural places to identify national riches for holiday. Sports and music are integral part of institutes. Folk dance shows, led by Hasan Çakı Efe from Bergama and Mehmet Kasnak Efe, have been still remembered. After World War II, Turkey had been changed and H. Yücel hadn’t been taken to the government formed after the election of 1946. This was followed by discharging of Tonguç from the General Directorate of Primary Education and the changes called as "Islahat" which against to the Village Institutes. The link between business and institutions had been reduced, number of general knowledge lessons had been increased, reading hours and reading resources had been restricted, costumes changed and students' performance started to be graded. Perennial education approach has been abandoned and students had been vacationing for nearly three months. The condition of student being peasant had been removed, female student intake decreased and then mixed education ended. The girl students had been gathered at İzmir Kızılçullu and Trabzon Beşikdüzü Village Institutes. Even though the Village Institute written on their signboard, they were converted into content teachers' schools and their names were changed and removed in 1954. Unlike this process, The Kızılçullu Village Institute was closed in 1952. In the summer of 1952, İzmir was designated by NATO as the headquarters of the Land Forces of the Southeastern Europe Region, and with the approval of the Ministry of Education, Kızılçullu Village Institute was transferred to NATO with all the buildings on the territory. At the end of August, 1952, NATO Headquarters had been settled in the institute buildings with the whole organization. The students of Kızılçullu Village Institute were transferred to Bolu Girls' Teacher School and Beşikdüzü Girls' Village Institute and its buildings were handed over to NATO and it had been closed.


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