Çarlık devrinde akabinde de Sovyet devrinde Türkistan'da teknolojik ve medenî alanlarda bazı yenilikler meydana gelmiştir. Bu gelişmelerin bir sonucu olarak Özbek Türkçesine birçok Rusça kelimenin yanı sıra başka dillerden de kelimeler girmiştir. Bu bağlamda Sovyet emperyalizminin ilk yıllarında Özbek Türkçesi farklı alanlarda yeni kelimelerle tanışmıştır. Meselâteknolojik alanda (fabrika, zavod, motor, traktor...), siyasî alanda (Sovet, respublika, partiya, sotsializm, kommunizm...), askerî alanda (armiya, batalyon, vzvod, tank, samolyot, vertolyot, polkovnik, soldat...), sosyal alanda (magazin, stolovoy, obed, umıval'nik, buhanka, kino...), edebî alanda (dramaturgiya, lirika, avtor, obraz, poema, satira...) ve coğrafî alanda (geografiya, materik, okean, antraktika, paralel, meridian...) gibi kelimeler ortaya çıkmıştır. Fakat yabancı dillerden geçen kelimeler Ruslar tarafından önce Rusçanın dil özelliklerine uygun hâle getirilmiş, daha sonra Özbek Türkçesine yerleştirilmeye çalışılmıştır. Ancak Türkistan'ın milliyetperver aydınları olan Ceditçiler, Rusların dayattığı dil siyasetine karşı çıkmışlardır. Ceditçilerin önderlerinden biri olan Münevver Kâri Abdureşidhân da eserlerinde, bilhassa "Yer Yüzi" adlı eserinde coğrafî terimleri ve ülke adlarını Rusçadan geçmiş şekliyle değil, Türkiye Türkçesindeki şekliyle kullanmaya özen göstermiştir. Dolayısıyla Münevver Kâri, Rusça "Yevropa" yerine "Avrupa", "Şvetsiya" yerine "İsveç" ve "Bosniya" yerine "Bosna"... biçimlerini kullanmayı tercih etmiştir. Ayrıca Türkiye'deki yer adlarını eserinde sıkça zikretmek suretiyle Türkistanlılara Türkiye'nin coğrafî konumunu da tanıtmaya gayret etmiştir. Böylece Türk dünyasında bir birlik ve ortak bir iletişim dili yani ortak bir Türkçe meydana getirmek için çaba göstermiştir


In the period of Tsarism and later in the Soviet period, some technological and cultural novelties took place in Turkestan. As a result of these novelties, many Russian and foreign words entered to Uzbek Turkic. In this sense in the first years of Soviet imperialism Uzbek Turkic made acquainted with new words in different fields. For example there appeared words in technological field (fabrika, zavod, motor, traktor…), in political field (Sovet, respublika, partiya, sotsializm, kommunizm…), in military (armiya, batalyon, vzvod, tank, samolyot, vertolyot, polkovnik, soldat…), in social field (magazin, stolovoy, obed, umıval’nik, buhanka, kino…), in literary (dramaturgiya, lirika, avtor, obraz, poema, satira…), in geographical field (geografiya, materik, okean, antraktika, paralel, meridian…). However the words borrowed from foreign languages were first transcribed according to the norms of the Russian language and then inserted into Uzbek Turkic. Nationalist intellectuals, Jadids, opposed to this language policy which had been imposed by the Russians. For example, Münevver Kâri Abdureşidhân, one of the great leaders of the Jadids, also used geographical terms and country names in Turkish form rather than the Russian form of words in his works, especially in his book “Yer Yüzi”. Therefore Münevver Kâri preferred the word “Avrupa” instead of “Evropa”, “İsveç” instead of “Şvetsiya” and “Bosna” instead of “Bosniya” etc. Except that by mentioning Turkey’s place names, he tried to introduce Turkey’s geographical location to Turkestanies in his book. By doing so, he tried to build up a common communication language that is common in the Turkic world In the period of Tsarism and later in the Soviet period, some technological and cultural novelties took place in Turkestan. Russians, in order to exploit Turkestan’s material wealth thiriftily made some novelties in Turkestan. They built tractor factory, chemical factory and special industrial laboratories and plants which reprocess cotton and spin it. Soviet government announced to the world the idea that all these novelties had been done just for the “prosperity of underdeveloped Turkestani peoples”. As a result of these novelties, many Russian and foreign words entered to Uzbek Turkic. There are plenty of many foreign words appeared in Uzbek newspapers. Between the 1923-1940 years the 40% of Uzbek Turkic vocabulary consisted of foreign words. In this sense, in the first years of Soviet imperialism Uzbek Turkic acquainted with new words in different fields. For example, the many new words were adopted in technological field (fabrika, zavod, motor, traktor…), in political field (Sovet, respublika, partiya, sotsializm, kommunizm…), in military (armiya, batalyon, vzvod, tank, samolyot, vertolyot, polkovnik, soldat…), in social field (magazin, stolovoy, obed, umıval’nik, buhanka, kino…), in literary (dramaturgiya, lirika, avtor, obraz, poema, satira…), in geographical field (geografiya, materik, okean, antraktika, paralel, meridian…). However, the words borrowed from foreign languages were first transcribed according to the norms of the Russian language and then inserted into Uzbek Turkic. But nationalist intellectuals, Jadids, opposed all imposed Soviet politics which were against to the national interests, especially, to the language policy. Jadid poets, writers and intellectuals tried to unite Turkic world. They tried to provide this unity by printing newspapers and journals; by writing books; by establishing modern schools; by organizing theatrical troops and literary groups and finally with political struggling. The most distinct examples of these activities undoubtedly reflected in the books. For example, Münevver Kâri Abdureşidhân, one of the great leaders of the Jadids, also used geographical terms and country names in Turkish form rather than the Russian form of words in his works, especially in his book “Yer Yüzi”. Therefore, Münevver Kâri preferred the word “Avrupa” instead of “Evropa”, “İsveç” instead of “Şvetsiya” and “Bosna” instead of “Bosniya” etc. Except that, by mentioning Turkey’s geographical names, he tried to introduce them to Turkestanies in his book. By doing so, he tried to build up a common communication language in the Turkic world. Uzbeks as other Turkic peoples had used Arabic alphabet during the thousand years. This script firstly was changed forcible to Latin in 1929. And when the Republic of Turkey started to use Latin script this time Uzbek Latin script was changed to Cyrillic (1940) by Bolsheviks. The Soviets aimed to separate Turkic peoples by changing their dialects and scripts and in this way to originate Soviet type nation or Cengiz Aytmatov’s words to make people “Mankurt”. The changes in alphabets can be regarded as a means to facilitate the teaching of Russian notably to Uzbek Turks and to other Turkic peoples, as a way to introduce Russian terminology into Uzbek and in addition to these factors it was a policy to liquidate the influence of nationalist literature. In order to understand the subject fully it is useful to compare these geographical terms in English, in Russian, in Uzbek Turkic and Turkish variants. For example, English call “Ak Deniz” as “Mediterranean Sea”, Russians “Sredizemnoe more” and Uzbeks “O’rta yer dengizi”. The Uzbek variant of “Ak Deniz” is Turkish in words. But this noun is one-to-one translation of Russian noun “Sredizemnoe more”. In other words this noun stands in line as this: “sredi-mid, zemnoe-in place and more-sea”. So Münevver Kâri Abdureşidhân used Turkish “Ak Deniz” instead of Russian coherent noun “O’rta yer dengizi”. By doing so Münevver Kâri tried to construct a common communicative language between Turkic world which based on Turkey’s Turkish. For example, he directly used noun “ada” instead of “aral” (island) and “liman” instead of “bandargâh” (port). The words “ada and liman” are peculiar to Turkey’s Turkish. The words “aral and bandargâh” are peculiar to Uzbek Turkic. At the same time with the way of using words as “ada” and some other words there arise some mistakes. For example: Ada, Karadağ, Anadolu, İngiltere, Romanya and Mozambik. It is useful to campare these words between Uzbek Turkic, Turkish and Ottoman Turkish in order not make a mistake. Until 1929 year there used Arabic script in Turkestan. Because of that the word “ada” writes as “اطه “in Ottoman Turkish. But transcriber of this book to Cyrillic transcribed this word as “ata” which means “father” in Turkic dialects. However consonant “ط “reads in Ottoman Turkish as “d” too. The word “آناطولى “transcribed likewise as “Anatöli”. So it should be read as “Anadolu”. The word “قاراطاغ “should be read as “Karadağ” instead of “Karatağ”. The word “İngiltere-England” writes as “ اگلتره /انكلتره “in Ottoman Turkish. But the vowel “ا “transcribed as “a”. However vowel “ا “ reads also as “e,a,i/ı,u/ü” according to its vowel points. In Ottoman Turkish texts the word “Romanya” writes as “رومانيا “ and the word “Mozambik” writes as “موزامبك/موزامبيك .“But these words also transcribed incorrectly to Cyrillic. The letter “و “in Ottoman script reads both “u/ü” and “o/ö”. Therefore the correct form of transcription of these words are “Romanya” and “Mozambik”. On the basis of language properties between Turkic dialects which are mentioned above, it is very important to research works which belong to Jadid poets and writers. Therefore, it is important to learn both Ottoman Turkish and Turkey’s Turkish in order to understand Jadid intellectuals of Turkestan. In addition, every Turkic states should open their own archives for scientists. In that case it will be easy to form general common communicative language between Turkic peoples. As a conclusion Münevver Kâri Abdureşidhân had never obeyed to any kind of Russian politics especially to language politics. He always protected his language, faith, nation and homeland in spite of Russian tyranny. On the other hand, Münevver Kâri is a writer who used in his books especially in his book “Yer Yüzi” Turkish variants of names of countries and geographical terms in reaction to Russian pressure. Münevver Kâri’s precision is not only protection of his mother tongue from Russian, but also generate a common communicative language between Turkic world acting on behalf of İsmail Bey Gaspıralı’s slogan “Unity in Language, in Idea and in Action”.


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