Eski Anadolu Türkçesi, Türk dili gramer çalışmalarında oldukça önemli bir yere sahiptir. Üzerinde en fazla çalışmanın yapıldığı bir dönemdir. Eski Anadolu Türkçesi dönemi içerisinde edebî eserlere göre üzerinde daha az çalışma yapılan tür tıp eserleridir. Tıp eserleri dahil bütün Eski Anadolu Türkçesi dönem eserleri üzerine yapılacak çalışmalar Türk dili gelişim tarihine önemli katkılar sağlayacaktır. XIII. yüzyılda ilk örneklerini tespit ettiğimiz Eski Anadolu Türkçesi dönemi XIV. yüzyılda yazı dili olarak kullanılmaya başlanmış birçok alanda Türkçe eserler yazılmıştır. Bu dönemde Anadolu'da yazılan edebî eserlerin yanında tarih, astronomi, tıp gibi eserler kaleme alınmıştır. Tıp metinleri dönemin diğer eserlerinin diline göre farklılık göstermektedir. Çünkü bu metinlerde edebî endişe yoktur. Sade, basit, açık, anlaşılır bir dil ile olanı olduğu gibi anlatma düşüncesi vardır. Dolayısıyla bu metinlerde dönemin söz varlığı ile alakalı özgün unsurlar tespit edilebilmektedir. Çalışmasını yaptığımız Cerrâh-nâme, Eski Anadolu Türkçesi dönem özelliklerini yansıtan ancak müellifini tespit edemediğimiz anonim bir metindir. Çalışmamızda Eski Anadolu Türkçesi dönemine ait Cerr?h-n?me adlı eserde tespit ettiğimiz bazı tıp terimleri üzerinde durulacaktır. Bunların kullanımı, kullanım özellikleri ortaya konulmaya çalışılacaktır.


Medicine studies are considered important in Turkey as in other countries and remarkable studies have been carried out. We can date back to old times the studies that Turks worked on. It is known that in Central Asia Turkish regions the illnesses were treated with different medicine combinations and separate tents marked with flag and spear were built to treat the ill people. Before the acceptance of Islam the Turks were interested in medicine. These data related with the period before the acceptance of Islam were gathered from Uyghur texts. Disease, medicine and plant names which were extant in 45 written texts in different lengths and a partly lost book are important both for language and medicine history studies. Cerrahname is a common name for the works that mentions about surgery. Making medicine and its application took more place than the surgical methods in the works. Our investigation text is a study which gives place to pharmacological features largely. Furthermore, some parts of the text mentions about the treatment of the disease by religious features. Cerrahname was copied in 1504 according to a script written in an unknown date in 910 under a folio numbered 155a. The work has an important place among the other medical works which were translated, semi translated or semi copyright in XIV in Anatolia. Cerrahname is a medicine book written in Turkish in the beginning of the 15th century. In the copy that we are studying on they explain the reason for the composing of the book as follow: I arranged this booklet as 134 chapters. I tried the collect the words of the wise people. I hope this booklet will be helpful and beneficial for people. According to the data above the book consist of 134 chapters. This book is like a handbook written with a simple language since the writer may think that people will use this book when they do not have a chance to contact a doctor. We think that the editor of the book had knowledge of the field since the names of the remarkable medicine scientist of the age were uttered by the editor and the suggestions of them were applied even by him. We will try to give some medicine terms we have located in our study in Cerrahname which is an Old Anatolian Turkish work. While defining the terms short explanations of the terms together with the language they belong to are shown as abbreviation. The abbreviations that took place after the explanation stand for the folio and line numbers. 44a/1 (44. Varak 1. Satır) 1. Medical instruments names 2. Doctor names uttered in the text 3. Disease names 4. Medical terms / drugs 5. Plant names 6. Drugs used in medicine production. Result Haza Kitabı Cerrahname, written in Turkish and edited by anonymous is an important work showing old Anatolian Turkish language characteristics together with being a medicine book and have recommendations for diagnosing and treating diseases It is quite important to investigate written works of different fields especially medicine texts to unearth the vocabulary of Turkish Language. There are 344 plant names in Hazā Kitāb-ı Cerrâh-nâme. 103 of them is in Turkish (%30), 100 is Arabic (%29), 118 of them is in Persian (%34), 20 of them is in Greek (%5.8) , 2 of the is in Bulgarian (%0.5) and 1 of them is in Armenian(%0.2). Persian, Arabic and Greek names took place greatly as it is seen. 42 of the plant names consist of two or more words. These compound words mostly seen in Turkish, Arabic and Persian words the use of compound words is less. The existence of Medical instruments names and detail knowledge about their using shows the importance of the text. The use of clear and understandable language in the text and definition of the roots, water and syrup in detail, make it clear that the text is important for folk medicine for modern day


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