Türkçedebirleşik fiiller konusuyla ilgili pek çok inceleme yapılmıştır. Bu incelemelere bakıldığında birleşik fiillerin adlandırılması hususunda bir bütünlük ve birlik olmadığı dikkat çekmektedir. Bu kavram, farklı araştırmacılar tarafından farklı şekillerde adlandırılarak değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışmamızda ise iki fiilin bir zarf-fiil eki yardımıyla bir araya gelmesi neticesinde teşekkül eden bu yapıların tasvirî fiil terimiyle karşılanması uygun görülmüştür. Tasvirî fiillerin Türkçede asıl fiil + zarf-fiil (-A, -I, [Y]-Ip) eki + yardımcı fiil yapısıyla karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Bu birleşik fiillerde ikinci fiil göreviyle kullanılan yardımcı fiil kendi anlamının dışına çıkarak başka anlamları ifade etmektedir. Çalışmada adı geçen fiillerin, Ali Şir Nev?y?'nin gençlik dönemi şiirlerini kapsayan Nev?dirü'ş-Şeb?b adlı divanının örneklem alınarak incelenmesi yoluna gidilmiştir. Çalışmanın temelini ise tasvirî fiillerin oluşumunun gramerleşme süreçleri göz önünde tutularak araştırılması oluşturmaktadır. Dilin canlı bir varlık olduğunu kanıtlayan 'gramerleşme' aynı zamanda doğal varoluş sürecinde dilin yapmakta olduğu bir tasarruf olarak da değerlendirilebilir. Bu terimi, büyük dilsel yapıların küçük dilsel yapılara dönüşümü şeklinde açıklamak mümkündür. Bu dilbilim olayı iki yönlü olarak düşünülebilmektedir. Çünkü bazen bağımsız sözlükbirimler fonetik özelliklerini kaybedip yapısal olarak değişirken; bazen de şekil özelliklerini koruyup anlamsal fonksiyonlarını yitirebilmektedir. Dilin var oluşundan günümüze kadar geçirdiği gelişim ve değişimin en önemli kanıtı olan bu olay çalışmamızda Ali Şir Nev?y?'nin Nev?dirü'ş-Şeb?b adlı eserindeki tasvirî fiillerin gramerleşme süreçleri ekseninde incelenmiştir. Böylelikle eserde geçen tasvirî fiillerin dilbilimsel bir değerlendirmesini ortaya koymak amaçlanmıştır


In Turkish compound verbs is one of the unresolved issues. This issue is evaluated under different titles in different ways by many authors. The descriptive verbs analyzed as the subtitle of the compound verbs are the main subjects of this study. The descriptive verbs are resulting from the merger of two verbs using a gerund suffix. Descriptive verbs in Turkish main verb + gerund (-A, -I, [Y]-Ip) can be used as additional + auxiliary verb. This auxiliary verb used with verbs in the second act represents another task goes beyond the sense of its meaning. The basis of the study, although if based on descriptive verb in the main examination is focused on their grammaticalisation process. Grammaticalisation based on the vocabulary of a language unknown to the past is extremely important in terms of showing the evolution. Descriptive verbs as well as the most striking examples in this regard we call grammaticalisation the concept emerges. Therefore, in the case of our study grammaticalisation manic descriptive verbs Ali Şir Nevāyį examining his book Nevādirü’ş-Şebāb has tried to be concretized. Grammaticalisation on proving that a living entity where the language is also the language of the natural existence is to make the process as an assessable savings. This term is of great linguistic structure explained as small linguistic structure transformation. This linguistic phenomenon can be considered in two ways. Because sometimes changing structurally independent lexemes are losing the morphological features; sometimes they lose their semantic function to preserve the shape properties. Development that had until today the existence of the language and case studies, the most important evidence that our exchange of descriptive verbs in his book Ali Şir Nevāyį’s Nevādirü’ş-Şebāb axis grammaticalisation processes were examined. Thus the work on the descriptive verbs are intended to reveal the linguistic assessment. Grammaticalisation stage of descriptive verbs in the present study were evaluated in Chagatai Turkish. Thus, an example is presented for historical course of descriptive verbs specified. The main method used in this study is based on name identification of the descriptive verbs in the works. Grammaticalisation stages of these acts have been revealed through the interpretation of the poem. This descriptive verbs are meticulously examined individually evaluated. The review has led us to the following conclusions: 1- al- and bol-/ol- are potential verbs in Nevādirü’ş-Şebāb. These verbs have gained an auxiliary verb function with desemanticaziton and decategorialization. In ad 2- kal-, çık-, çik-, kil-, tur- are durative verbs in Nevādirü’ş-Şebāb. tur- is separated from the others in terms of actual grammaticalisation. Because this verb with -p gerund refers to the situation came to a mode with the addition and became a different function. 3- bir- is both the auxiliary verb and the precipitate verb. That is layering stage of grammaticalisation. 4- ir- also appears to be a approximative verb and often seen in the work of actual samples with yaz- different approach to be made. It also acts on grammaticalisation desemanticazition, it shows the presence of decategorialization and stratification stage. 5- Grammaticalisation the most concrete evidence showing that a living being of language. Language century serves as a guide for researchers are shedding light on the history of the language with this event allows us to trace diachronic study of changes and developments witnessed that he had spent the years. In our study, we tried to explain Nevādirü’ş-Şebāb last grammaticalisation the advantage of descriptive verbs, language, under the rules of the use of their savings almost willed manner can also be expressed as a linguistic event. It is observed that the process of completing grammaticalisation work of descriptive verbs. They often meaningless on grammaticalisation, decategorialization, regeneration, draws attention to the layering stage in which they live. Besides, in the switch to a no-add process of descriptive verbs it has been identified but they are used as a dictionary unit depicting the semantic meaning of the gerund.
