Bakım ve eğitim veren erken çocukluk eğitim merkezlerinde çocukların gelişimini desteklemek için, onların barış dolu, sağlıklı ve başarılı bir yaşama sahip olması için gereken temelleri atar. Ancak, ülkemizde 0-36 ay bakım ve eğitim veren kurumlarının kaliteleri ve çalışan personelin niteliklerinin arttırılmasına yönelik çalışmaların sayısı da yok denecek kadar azdır. Bu araştırmanın amacı CHELLO (Child/Home Early Language&Literacy Observation) yani 'Kurum/Ev Erken Dil ve Okuryazarlık Gözlem Aracı'nı Türkçeye uyarlamaktır. Bu ölçek 0-36 ay eğitim ortamlarının okuma yazma ve dil boyutlarını incelemek üzere Neuman, Dwyer ve Koh tarafından geliştirilmiştir. Bu araştırmada, geçerlik-güvenirliğini ortaya koymak amacıyla betimsel tarama modeli kullanılmış ve 51 sınıf gözlemlenmiştir. Nitelikli yapılandırılmış, amaca uygun bir gözlem formu kullanılmış ve gözlem tekniğiyle veriler toplanmıştır. Kapsam geçerlik indeksi Okuryazarlık Çevre Kontrol alt faktörü için 0.88; kapsam geçerlik indeksi Grup/Aile alt faktörü için 0.75 olarak tespit edilmiştir. Cronbach Alfa güvenirlik değeri Grup/Aile alt faktörü için iç tutarlılığın .87; Okuryazarlık Çevre Kontrol alt faktörü içinse iç tutarlılığın .72 olduğu görülmüştür. Alt faktörler arasındaki ilişki Pearson momentler çarpım korelasyon katsayısı ile incelenmiş ve yüksek derecede pozitif yönde anlamlı bir ilişki olduğu görülmüştür (r =.76, p


The centers providing care and education together to enhance all development aspects of the child and to enable the child to have a peaceful, healthy, successful life; which are preschools, day care centers, nursery schools draw attention. There is almost no study which aims at increasing the qualities of the institutions providing care and education for the children at 0-36th months and of their personnel in Turkey. The aim of this study is to adapt CHELLO (Child/Home Early Language & Literacy Observation) Tool into Turkish. This tool is developed by Neuman, Dwyer and Koh and used to rate the language and literacy dimensions of learning environments. During the study which was carried out with the descriptive survey model, 51 classes were observed. A structured observation form fit for purpose was utilized and data were collected with the observation method. The content validity ratio was found to be 0.88 for the literacy environment control sub-factor; 0.75 for group/family sub-factor. Cronbach’s Alpha reliability value showed high internal consistency for the group/family sub-factor as .87; and .72 for the literacy environment control subfactor. The correlation between the sub-factors was studied with Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient and a high level positive significant correlation was found (r =.76, p < .05). Reliability coefficients according to the sub-factors, scoring reliability pertaining to each subdimensions were found to be .99 and 1. Results proved the tool could be used to rate language and literacy and yield valid reliable results The studies conducted on the children educated and cared at homes or institutions showed that when not given adequate attention and necessary stimulators, these children develop less and at a slower pace compared to other children. Language development, which reveals the individual differences among children clearly and is one of the most impressive developments during the babyhood, is found to start at the 3rd-6th months (Bayhan&Artan, 2007; Hadzigeorgiou, 2002; Ersoy, 2006). The centers providing care and education together to enhance all development aspects of the child and to enable the child to have a peaceful, healthy, successful life; which are preschools, day care centers, nursery schools draw attention. There is almost no study which aims at increasing the qualities of the institutions providing care and education for the children at 0-36th months and of their personnel in Turkey. In this respect, inadequate inspection of the quality of the preschools and day care centers is an important issue which draws attention. In this study, a related tool called CHELLO “Child/Home Early Language & Literacy Observation” was translated and adapted into Turkish and language and literacy dimension of the preschools and day care centers was studied. Study Group: 71% (36 classes) of 51 classes included in the study were preschool and day care centers licensed by Eskişehir Provincial Directorate of Child Services affiliated to Ministry of Family and Social Policies. 29% (15 classes) of the classes were the institutions licensed by Directorate General for Private Education Institutions affiliated to Ministry of National Education. Data Collection Tool: The original ‘Child/Home Early Language & Literacy Observation’(CHELLO) tool developed by Neuman, Dwyer and Koh (2007) was adapted into Turkish as ‘Kurum/Ev Erken Dil ve Okuryazarlık Gözlem Aracı’ to collect data. The internal consistency value of CHELLO is .824. Data Collection: The research was carried out with the written consent from Ministry of Family and Social Policies and Ministry of National Education and institutional consents from the institutions. Data collection took 64 working days. Approximate observation time per class was 2-2.5 hours. Data Analysis: In the first part, general information on the observation forms was stated as numbers. All demographical information of the classes was first analyzed with descriptive statistical methods. In the second part, each page was divided by the number of its own item and the result was determined as a value of sub-heading. The same consideration was applied to all items which were divided and the total value was divided by the number of all items. By this way, the scores of all divisions were retrieved. This scoring was applied to each division separately. And then data were entered on SPSS program and analyzed. Findings: Content validity; Literacy Environment Control List and Group/Family Observation Content Validity Index to expert opinions of Kurum/Ev Erken Dil ve Okuryazarlık Gözlem Aracı items was found to be 0.81. Items can be valid as the minimum value for their CVR is higher than 0.59 at the significance level of α =0,05. As for the result about structure validity; Kurum/Ev Erken Dil ve Okuryazarlık Gözlem Aracı group/family sub-factor’s internal consistency was found to be .87; for literacy environment control sub-factor as .72. These values show the observation results found with the tool are consistent, in other words valid. Conclusion: Child/Home Early Language and Literacy Observation Tool has been found to have high content validity and construct validity. In other words, items have been determined to be valid and observation results from the tool have been found consistent in other words valid. The relation between graduation status and the levels of total quality assessment of literacy environment; the relations between the graduation status of teachers and the levels of total quality assessment of Literacy Environment and Group/Family observation were analyzed with chi-square test. Chi-square test was preferred as the variants are categorical and have more than two sub-categories. Chisquare test was used to find out whether there was a significant relation between the type of graduation of teachers and the levels of total quality assessment of Literacy Environment. No significant relation between the type of graduation and the levels of total quality assessment of Literacy Environment could be found as a result of the analysis (χ2 = 2.047; p > .05). The relation between the Group/Family sub-factor and the Literacy Environment control sub-factor of the Child/Home Early Language and Literacy Observation Tool was analyzed with the Pearson product- moment correlation coefficient and a high level of positive significant relation between the two sub-factors has been found (r = .76, p < .05). This situation shows that as the Group/Family sub-factor scores increase Literacy Environment control scores increase as well. The relation between the types of graduation of teachers and the levels of total quality assessment of group family observation was tested with chi-square; however the value of 50% violates one of the assumptions of chi-square analysis, which is that the highest percentage of the number of the cells with an expected value under 5 is 20%, the levels of total quality assessment of family observation were unified. No significant relation between the type of graduation of the teachers and the levels of total quality assessment of family observation could be found as a result of the analysis (χ2 = .311; p > .05). The relation between the types of schools and the levels of total quality assessment of literacy environment was analyzed with chi-square test and no significant relation between the types of schools and the levels of total quality assessment of literacy environment could be found as a result (χ2 = 4.040; p > .05). The scale is valid and reliable by the results yielded from validity-reliability study which was conducted in 51 classes with 439 children at care and education institutions in Eskişehir sample with Child/Home Early Language and Literacy Observation Tool used in the study. Recommendations: A validity and reliability study of Child/Home Early Language and Literacy Observation Tool was conducted within Eskişehir sample. A norm study of the scale can be carried out in Turkey universe. As for the future studies, the internal consistency and validity of the scale can be tested on different study groups in a city other than Eskişehir. As this tool can be used to analyze also the home literacy environments during early childhood new studies can be conducted with such variables as socioeconomic status of the families, income levels. It can form a basis to develop new measuring tools which will analyze literacy skills during early childhood. The relation between the literacy environment of the children and their creativities, psychomotor, social and emotional developments can be analyzed. The Child/Home Early Language and Literacy Observation Tool can be used for new studies in the fields of tutoring, primary school, speech and language pathologies, medicine, guidance and counseling, education and health managements. This scale can be used as a guide for supporting such spontaneous literacy skills as book selecting, intraclass literacy skills, material use at care and education institutions and homes and for creating proper environments and for the trainings on creating more conscious environment


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Turkish Studies (Elektronik)-Cover
  • ISSN: 1308-2140
  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 4 Sayı
  • Başlangıç: 2006
  • Yayıncı: Mehmet Dursun Erdem