Bu araştırmanın amacı 1950 ve 1960 yılları arasında süreli yayınlara yansıyan eğitim sorunlarını Eğitim Dergisi özelinde ele almak, günümüz eğitim anlayış ve uygulamalarına ışık tutmaktır. Bu amaç çerçevesinde dergide yer alan makale ve yazılar içerik analiziyle incelenmiştir. Betimsel olarak gerçekleştirilen araştırma sonunda dergide öğretmenlik mesleği, eğitimde program geliştirme, eğitimin psikolojik temelleri, eğitimin sosyal temelleri ve karşılaştırmalı eğitimle ilgili makale ve yazılara yer verildiği görülmüştür. Dergide öğretmenlik mesleği ile ilgili olarak yer verilen makalelerde genel olarak öğretmenlik mesleğinin önemi, toplum içindeki durumu, öğretmen ve öğrenci arasındaki ilişkiler ile bir meslek olarak öğretmenliğin özellikleri ele alınmıştır. Eğitimin sosyal temelleri ile ilgili makalelerde genel olarak; okul ve toplum ilişkisi, sokak çocukları, çocuk suçluluğu, karakter eğitimi, milli eğitim, değerler ve eğitim, nitelikli eğitim ve öğrenme ortamı, okulöncesi dönemde çocuk eğitimi, eğitimde değerlendirme ve geleceğin okulları gibi konular ele alınmıştır. Eğitimin psikolojik temelleri ile ilgili makalelerde genel olarak; eğitim psikolojisi, okulöncesi dönem eğitiminin yeri ve önemi, öğrenci başarısızlığının nedenleri, sınıfta istenmeyen öğrenci davranışlarının önlenmesi, çocukta aşağılık duygusu, disiplin, karakter gelişimi, çocukların manevi dünyaları ve çocuklarda ruh sağlığı gibi konular ele alınmıştır. Karşılaştırmalı eğitimle ilgili makalelerde dönemin genel eğilimi çerçevesinde Amerika eğitim sistemi ile ilgili makalelere yer verilirken, eğitimde program geliştirme ile ilgili makalelerde de; ders kitapları ve çocuk yayınları, ders dışı faaliyetler, sanat eğitimi programları, müfredat programlarında var olan sorunlar, programlarda çevre şartlarının dikkate alınması, ders saatleri, programlarda değişim ve yabancı dil eğitimi programları gibi konular ele alınmıştır


Each country is obliged to make use of the history of education while making improvements and reforms in their understanding and practice of education. In other words, the history of education as a science has a vital importance in analyzing educational problems and finding permanent solutions to these problems. For this reason, the history of education requires thorough and deep researches. Accordingly, most prominent purposes of Turkish Education History comprises of ascertaining Turkish nation’s reflections on education and training, its institutions and applications; discovering the relationship between education and nation’s happiness or unhappiness; and in this sense finding out whether there are lessons to be learnt from the past. The history of Turkish Education uses various methods and tools to achieve these goals. One of these is periodicals on education. The periodicals, having a special place in scientific communication performed in the scientific society, are among the most significant resources as they contain the most current information. Briefly, periodicals are important for having current information and sharing it with science environment. One of these periodicals is Education Journal. Education Journal is a periodical published by Turkish Education Association for about 7 years between 1951 and 1958. This journal has importance for not only giving information about educational developments of that era but also for giving suggestions to solve the problems encountered. Besides, that the journal's giving place to observation results and translated articles carried out abroad as well as national articles has had impact on transferring educational developments from foreign countries. In the journal, besides the writings of prominent scholars about education, different articles and studies are also included. Socio-cultural studies carried out at schools, activities and demands of school-parentteacher associations have taken part in the journal. The journal includes writings and articles on different fields of education. The articles on the place and importance of teaching profession, which is currently an issue of discussion, are especially remarkable. Besides that, textbooks on developing curriculum, extracurricular activities, art education, articles such as language teaching programmes, character education on the basis of the social foundations of education, articles on juvenile delinquency and national education, preschool education connected with the psychological foundations of education, student failure and its causes, children’s character development, articles on child's mental health are all significant for the problems of the period and also for their shedding light to these problems. And related with the topic of comparative education, articles on the American Education System in the journal are remarkable for their reflecting educational understanding and applications of that country. The journal was published between 1951 and 1958 as 8 volumes and 84 issues. In the journal issued for Ankara Collegians Association of Turkish Education Association, activities carried out in school-parentteacher associations have been included as well as writings and articles on various fields of education. .In this research, it was aimed to make a general analysis of the educational problems taken part in Education journal and to shed light to current educational understanding and applications. The articles and writings included in the journal have been put to content analysis, and categorized according to the subjects dealt with. According to this study, in the journal, some certain headlines have been defined about curriculum development, psychological foundations of education, social foundations of education and comparative education. In the research, content analysis has been used. The information gathered from the articles in the journal with this data collection method has been reviewed systematically in order to make it gain meaning. And of the content analysis techniques; categorical technique has been used in the research. Throughout the data collection process, the eighty four issues of the journal, which is the complete number of the issues, have been reviewed and the articles found to serve the objectives have been brought together under certain headlines according contents they had. These headlines are about the importance of teaching profession, social foundations of Education, psychological foundations of Education, developing curriculum and comparative education. Five articles on teaching profession have been included in the journal. In these articles, the importance of teaching profession, its position in the society, teacher-student relations and characteristics of teaching as a profession have been handled. In the journal fifteen articles on the social foundations of education have taken place. School-society relations, street children, juvenile delinquency, child education in preschool period, evaluation in education and future schools have been dealt with in general in these articles. The journal includes sixteen articles on psychological foundations of education. In these articles, issues such as education psychology, the place and importance of preschool education, causes of student failure, preventing undesirable student behaviours, child's inferiority complex, discipline, character development, children's inner world, and their mental health have been discussed. Four articles on comparative education have taken place in the journal. On this subject, it is seen that, according to general tendency of that period, articles on the American Education System have been given place. Nine articles related with curriculum development have been included in the journal. In these articles it is seen that issues such as textbooks and children’s books, extracurricular activities, art education programmes, problems in curriculums, paying regard to the environmental conditions, lesson hours, changes in curriculums and foreign language teaching programmes have been discussed in general.


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  • Arkan, M. (1953). İzcilik ve Karakter Terbiyesi, Eğitim Dergisi, S. 26, p. 10.
  • Arkan, M. (1954). Şahsiyetin Gelişmesinde Kamp Faaliyetinin Rolü, Eğitim Dergisi, S. 44, p. 11- 12.
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