Üniversiteler dünyaya düşünen, sorgulayan, keşfeden, geleceğe yön veren bireyler yetiştirmek için kurulan bilimsel kurumlardır. Diğer okul kademelerinde olduğu gibi üniversitelerde de başarının baş mimarı öğretim elemanlarıdır. Üniversite öğretim elemanının kendisi vizyon sahibi, ileriyi görebilen, çağdaş, sorgulayabilen, eleştirel ve yaratıcı düşünebilen gereksinimlerine cevap verebilecek bireyler yetiştirme konusunda etkili olabilir. Bu özelliklerinin yanı sıra öğretim elemanlarında her öğretmende bulunması gereken öğretmenlik alanının gerektiği bilgi ve deneyime sahip olması gerekir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Erciyes Üniversitesinin değişik fakülte ve yüksekokullarında görev yapan öğretim elemanlarının yeterliklerine ilişkin öğrenci görüşlerini ortaya koymaktır. Betimsel tarama modelinde yapılan bu çalışmanın örneklem grubunu üniversitenin değişik fakültelerinde öğrenim gören 1438 öğrenci oluşturmaktadır. Araştırma verileri araştırmacı tarafından değişik kaynaklardan yararlanılarak oluşturulan "Öğretim Elemanı Yeterlik Ölçeği" aracılığıyla toplanmıştır. Araştırmanın alt problemleri doğrultusunda öğretim elemanı yeterlik düzeylerini belirleme sürecinde frekans, yüzde ve ortalama tekniklerinden, bağımsız değişkenlere göre öğrenci görüşlerinin değişimini analiz etmek için t- testi, anova gibi testlerden ve gruplar arası farkın kaynağını bulmak için de post-hoc testinden yararlanılmıştır. Çalışmada öğretim elemanlarının öğretmen yeterliklerine ilişkin davranışları ne düzeyde gösterdikleri araştırmacı tarafından 20 yıl önce yapılan bir çalışmayla da kıyaslanmıştır. Araştırma sonunda öğretim elemanlarının öğretmenlik davranışlarını bazen gözledikleri ortaya çıkmıştır. Bulunan bu sonuç hem araştırmacının 1996'da yaptığı çalışmayla hem de alanda yapılan diğer çalışmalarla paralellik göstermektedir. Buna karşılık öğretim elemanlarının kendilerini etkili öğretmenlik davranışlarını göstermek konusunda oldukça yeterli gördükleri de alanda yapılan birçok çalışmanın bir sonucu olarak göze çarpmaktadır. Öğrencilerin cinsiyetleri, öğrenim gördükleri bölümler ve akademik başarı düzeylerine göre öğretim elemanlarının etkili öğretmenlik davranışlarını gösterme sıklıkları farklılık göstermiştir. Bu sonuçlara göre, etkili öğretmen nitelikleri bağlamında gereksinimlerine cevap verebilecek şekilde yeniden ele alınmasında ve daha nitelikli programların yapılmasına gerek vardır. öğretim üyesi yetiştirme programlarının çağın gereksinimlerine cevap verebilecek şekilde yeniden ele alınmasında ve daha nitelikli programların yapılmasına gerek vardır.


Universities are the institutions founded to raise new generations who think, question, explore and direct the future of the world. Just like in all other levels of schools, instructors are one of the main components of the success at universities. Therefore, all the instructors at universities are supposed to be vision holder, farsighted, modern, questioner and creative persons. Only by this way they will be able to raise generations who can cope with the necessities of the contemporary age. Along with these qualifications, all the instructors should bear basic teaching knowledge and experiences that any teacher should bear. The aim of this study is to reveal the opinions of students about competence of their instructors, working in different faculties and high schools in Erciyes University. The sample of this descriptive research consists of 1438 students studying at different faculties of Erciyes University. The data of the research was collected with the ‘Instructors’ Competence Scale’ which was designed by the researcher himself. According to the sub problems of the research, frequencies and percentages and mean values were used in order to identify instructor competences, T-test and ANOVA were used in order to analyze the differences of students’ opinions according to the independent variables and poc-host test was used in order to find the source of differences between groups. In this research the teaching competence of instructors was compared with another study carried out by the researcher 20 years ago. At the end of this study it is understood that instructors rarely showed effective teaching behaviors. This result shows parallelism with the result of the study carried out by the researcher in 1996 and the results of other researches on this field. However, it is clearly seen on many studies that the instructors believed that they were very competent teachers. Effective teaching behavior frequencies of instructors differ according to the gender of students, the department they study in and their academic success. Taking the results of this research into account we can say that it is necessary to rehandle instructor training programs and to design more competent programs within the concept of teaching competence. Universities are the most important element which affects development of a country. Science, technology, culture and so on which is produced by universities are the basic sources which trigger development of a country. During higher education, people who bring up science, culture, and art of person of tomorrow are lecturers. Lecturers primarily should be people who abreast of change and take it ahead, think critically, produce science and technology, and practice art. The aim of this study is to show the students’ opinion about efficiency of instructors working in different faculties and higher educations in Erciyes University. For this aim, the answers for the questions below are enquired. 1. What is the level of eficiency of the instructors related to dimensions of the curriculum? 2. What is the level of efficiency of the instructors related to their professional and individual features? 3. Does the opinion of the students about the instructors efficiency related to dimensions of curriculum show meaningful difference, according to their • Genders • Departments • Success situations? 4. Does the opinion of the students related to efficiency of the instructors about their professional and individual features show meaningful difference, according to their • Genders • Depertmants • Success situation? 5. What is the obseved level of negative behaviours of the instructors? CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK It is quite important to bring up people who will shape the community, who think, question, modernize, and always open to the development in order to make the community develop in every respect. In education system, the carrying out that depends on primarily to the teachers up to the higher education and it depends on the instructors during higher education. The quality, number, opportunities of the instructors are important means which supply them to bring up people whose features are mentioned above. However; primarily the instructors’ features should be suit to the features mentioned. “The philosophies adopted by the instructors may be interpretted as the product of their personal features, teacher experiences and the distinctive structure of their work field” (Şahan & Tarhan, 2016). In this context, the instructors have missions such as both following learning world and assimilating, both supplying the contrubituon and handing down it to the next generations (Güçlü & Özdemir, 2003). In the ministry of education’s project which is called as “to develop national education project” extension, there are some attempts to bring up instructors for the education faculties but it can’t be said that there are competent studies which related to evaluations of this implementions’ results and reflections. Whether the academic studies in universities are academic or not is discussed. On the other hand, in the programs of the college of educations, the information of teaching categories which are set up in inadequately balance (Gürkan, 1993) is another subject discussed in the field. Not to have the balance set up may be related to the inadequate label force in teaching profeciency information field in the college of education. The teachers’ problem of focusing on how to teach more than what to teach (Nas, 1992; Yılman, 1992; Enginer E., 1995a; enginer E., 1995b) is still problem which continues in the college of education. There aren’t many studies related to proficiencies of the istructors in literature. It is expected from the study to make conrtibution to the studies which will be made and to show the students’ expectations from the instructors about which behaviour in what level they expect. METHOD The study is descriptive study carried out with scanning method to determine the instructors’ proficiency according to the opinion of the students. In this study it is tried to describe the opinion of the students, findings obtained from a scale developed in accordance with expectations of the students by compairing with the findings in researcher’s master’s thesis 20 years ago. The universe of the study consists of Erciyes University’s students. In 2015-2016 education year, 65.754 students study in 18 faculties, 7 instutes, 3 higher schools, 10 vocational higher schools and 38 research centers of Erciyes University. With the purpose of determining the behaviours’ level they observe in the instructors and the expectations of the students from the instructors, the findings compared in the study consists of the findings which is obtained 96 instructors working in 1994- 1995 education year in 7 departments of faculty of arts and sciences with 224 students studying in the same department. In this study, instructor’s and the student’s opinion are also compared about the level of showing the instructors’ behaviour (Durmuşçelebi, 1996). It is tried to analyze the findings obtained from the study, in accordance with sub problem by seperating it to sub titles. In this stage, the researcher adopted multi dimensions analysis in order to evaluate the obtained findings from different aspects. The instructors’s behaviours primarily come up under the title of the dimensions of the curriculum and the behaviours related to professional and individual features. In order to compare the study with the instructors’ behaviours 20 years ago, the categorization used in the study by the researcher is taken into consideration. RESULTS AND SUGGESTIONS In the study, it appears that the students “sometimes” observe the instructors’ behaviours related to the curriculum components. In the study carried out 20 years ago, the students state that they observe the similar behaviors in the instructions. The same situation is also seen in the proficiencies related to the vocational and individual features. The students state that they “sometimes” observe the relevant behaviours. In the study carried out to determine in which level the instructors show effective teacher behaviours, it appears that “some of the instructors” show the relevant behaviors (Şen &Erişen, 2002). On the other hand, in a study which is tried to determine multi cultural awareness and ability level of the instructors, the instructors state that they find themselves very qualified (Başbay, Kağnıcı, & Sarsar, 2013). In other study carried out, the preservice teachers think that they are undecided about their instructors’ proficiencies but it appears that their instructors are more adequate than the instructors coming from different faculties (Enginer, Enginer, & Bedir, 2009). The studies carried out in this field shows parallelism to this study. The meaningful difference between observing the frequencies of the behaviors related to the curriculum’s components by the instructors and the genders of the students is found. By comparing with boy students, girl students say that they often observe the instructors showing behaviours related to the components of the curriculum. According to the fields that the students study, the instructors’ behaviours’frequencies related to the components of the curriculum change. Linguistic field students state that the instructors often shows the behaviours. According to the academic success level of the students, it appears that the instructors’ behaviour frequencies being shown change. In a study where the instructor’s proficiencies are tried to determine according to the teaching strategy, method, assessment and evaluation and different ability fields, education and arts and sciences faculty students think that the instructors are inadequate with regard to “using teaching strategies and methods”. In assessment and evaluation subject, a little more than the half of the students state that they find the instructors as adequate. In evaluation of the instructors’ subject, a meaningful difference according to the genders of the students appears (Aslantaş, 2011). A meaningful difference appear betweeen the frequencies of behaviours related to the instructors’ professional and individual features and the students’ genders, the fields they study and their acedemic success situations. According to the students’ opinion, the instructors sometimes show the behaviours in each three dimension. Compared to boys, girls; compared to numerical field students, linguistic students; compared to other students, the students having normal academic success level say that they often observe that the the insructors display behaviours related to professional and individual features. In a study the instructors’ teacher qualities tried to determine, the students find the intructors teaching professional teaching knowledge lectures more adequate than the instructors teaching field information and liberal education lectures but in three fields it appears that the instructors aren’t in the level expected (Saylan & Uyangör, 1998) In the study the researcher carried out in 1996, it is determined that more than one third of the instructors never show, one third of them sometimes how the behaviours related to teacher proficiencies. The fact that the instructors showing the behaviours also show the relavant behaviours are another result of the study. In the study, it is determined that most of the students state that the instructors don’t have behaviours adequately such as using teaching strategy and methods, using proper equipment, arranging proper learning experience. When the study carried out 20 years ago is compared with this study the researcher carried out, it isn’t seen any differences with regards to showing the instructors’ behaviours levels. The fact that the students see the same instructor character in front of them despite of passing twenty years, a lot of innovations, changing curriculums, neither in education sciences nor reading the world a lot of things change may mean there is no improvement in this field. The answers of the students to the data collection tool’s negative instructors’ behaviours also support that both technological developments and teaching strategies and methods aren’t used properly. According to the researcher’s observations, it becomes trend in all instructors to use presentation foundation lesson regardles of field and subject. However, as the presentation is carried out by reflecting the book to the board, the students feel discomfort. The other studies carried out in this field also show that the instructors’ qualified behaviours aren’t found in the expected level. Even though the instructors find themselves as “adequate”, either in process extent or in other extents the results of present studies shows that to bring up an instructor process should be revised. Regardless of the field it may be beneficial to carry out necessary arrangements in order to all instructors should pass teacher proficiencies related to education process. It may be counted as to be done in the soonest time that the individuals doing academic studies, in the framework of doctorate, should take the lessons consisting of curriculum’s dimensions.


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Turkish Studies (Elektronik)-Cover
  • ISSN: 1308-2140
  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 4 Sayı
  • Başlangıç: 2006
  • Yayıncı: Mehmet Dursun Erdem